So who else browses here and crypto sub-reddits just to get a kick out of the delusional bagholders and hopium addicts that the crypto cult is littered with? It never ceases to bring a smile to my face seeing a plethora of false prophets harking an 'ordained' bull run or the 'inevitable' mass adoption that has survivorship bias rolling in it's grave. If you didn't buy in before crypto got such massive publicity and widespread attention by the mainstream media worldwide last year and this year, you've missed any hope at the insanity that was the bubble last year. There is hardly a person I speak to now, anecdotal but hey, that doesn't know of the existence of crypto and of that the majority have a highly negative opinion on it, the large crash being the first thing mentioned. You missed your chance, tough shit.
So who else browses here and crypto sub-reddits just to get a kick out of the delusional bagholders and hopium addicts...
Other urls found in this thread:
i don't hold any XRP and often visit the XRP forums, it's funny as fuck.
I originally came here to discuss real business and alternative careers.
Now I come here to laugh at the misery of deluded, desperate gambling addicts.
I hold some XRP and never visit the XRP forums, it's relaxing as fuck.
I suppose if you're looking for the business of selling snake oil you're in the right place. Unless you're looking for a career in mcdonalds here is definitely not the right place however.
I've not had much of a look at the ripple forums, is it considerably worse than bitcoin and general crypto ones? Also condolences for your bags sir.
There used to be actual discussion here. Granted, that was years ago, but it happened.
"There is hardly a person I speak to now, anecdotal but hey, that doesn't know of the existence of crypto and of that the majority have a highly negative opinion on it, the large crash being the first thing mentioned."
Could say the same thing about the stock market. There's a reason Eich, Burners Lee, Theil, and others are deep in this space. Sky computing will overthrow the cloud monopoly giants like google have. The blockchain is changing the architecture of the internet (bells law). As for actual currency it has banked the unbanked in many places. As it stands first worlders don't need a cryptocurrency for their main currency right now. I could go on and on about things like Greshams law or metcalfe's law. If crypto was a bubble or dead, it would have died a long time ago. Instead we have more innovation in this space then ever before in history. Your only argument seems to be price, you should zoom out and look on a macro scale to see bitcoin has been in a bull market for 10 years. You either aren't very intelligent, or are just a shitty troll.
If it weren't for Chainlink I'd be largely in agreement, but I know too much about Chainlink to think it's going to be anything less than revolutionary.
Hear, hear!
Jokes on you I have no hope
The argument that you should zoom out and it becomes a bull market is the most laughable thing I see parroted, yes unless it goes back to absolutely zero is it unarguably in a bull market since it has increased in price from it's conception to the current time. You can say this with effectively anything, and it means absolutely nothing. Before it the narrative was to 'zoom out a month' when crypto was crashing, then when it passed that it was 'zoom out a year' now that has passed it's 'zoom out two years'. Just keep moving the goal posts to fit your narrative, some evangelists will certainly buy into it.
Also you haven't actually given a reason that crypto as a currency will ever be and should ever see adoption. It is woefully inadequate compared to existing financial systems which is a large contribution to why it isn't seeing adoption outside of niche communities. The majority of people involved in crypto only care about about the price is why I mention it, crypto currently is little more than a risky speculative investment. If there wasn't the 'get rich' quick stories and FOMO that was surrounding it last year it would still be largely unheard of.
I also never said that crypto is dead, it was indeed a bubble I don't know how you could possibly argue otherwise given the hindsight we're all party to now and even before. I don't think crypto will die, I don't think it will ever see adoption but it will live on as a niche platform for the gambling addicts, hipsters, zealots and scammers of which the crypto space is plentiful in.
> the fact bitcoins been in a bull market for 10 years means fuck all"
You really are retarded. Nobody moved the goal posts, I've made one post brainlet. It is woefully inadequate to most current financial systems. Two things here. Number One: the way investing works is to get in on something before it reaches adoption. Number two: the countries that do need it are currently and have been using bitcoin as their main currency. I'm not into this space to get rich quick, I'm here to invest longterm in life changing tech that idiots like you spout as a bubble, or a niche platform. I've made plenty of money off the hyper-valuations given it's current state. There's plenty of economic schools of thought that support a free market of currency if you're so inclined to read about it. You're only argument is SOME of the current financial system is better than bitcoin, therefore it's worthless. If you did any research you would see the average lifespan of a fiat currency is less than a few decades. Lets just jeep recycling the same failed system over and over. What a fucking shortsighted boomer moron.
Kek OP got rekt in his own thread.
Bitconnect is still worth more than it was when it was originally created, bitconnect still in bull run confirmed. PRL still is worth more than when it was initially created, bull run is still ongoing. See, your idea that bitcoin has been in a bull market for 10 years is true in the way that these scam coins are also in bull markets because they're still worth more than when they were initially created, but good luck convincing anyone that now is the time to invest in either of these because 'bull run look at X years ago'.
Again I don't see how you can try and argue that it wasn't a bubble, this isn't exactly something that is up for debate it fits the definition to a tee, it isn't something that you can argue. Also I'm not the one trying to sell a product here, you've still not actually given any reason for crypto to ever see adoption, you just keep insinuating that it will.
'No really guys adoption is coming, it's impossible that it will ever not get adopted really (except in the case that it doesn't because nobody cares).'
Also I think you'll find that crypto fits the definition of niche pretty well considering the actual usage of crypto for it's intended purpose. Furthermore for crypto to be used at a currency it doesn't need to worth ludicrous amounts so your notion of investing in it as a currency doesn't make any sense from a functional standpoint.
Light up lambos
Do you know what a market cycle is? Bitcoin has been through many market cycles and is trending nicely on the macro. Bitconnect and PRL have been through one market cycle and died. It's painfully obvious you are completely out of your element here.
Exhibit A:
> Furthermore for crypto to be used at a currency it doesn't need to worth ludicrous amounts so your notion of investing in it as a currency doesn't make any sense from a functional standpoint.
Number One: There's an entire market for currency investing/trading called FOREX.
Number Two: Gold the best currency used for centuries that sir Isaac Newton himself implemented as a standard as his time as the master of the Royal Mint has increased greatly in value.
Again you don't understand that bitcoin is many things. Being it's a network it follows Metcalfe's law. The more people that use it the more valuable it becomes.
What exactly is your argument that adoption isn't increasing? There's in increase in everything from wallets to nodes to transactions on the bitcoin network over the last decade. Again your price argument doesn't work here either.
I have given reasons for crypto to see adoption.
- A vast network of machines combining their CPU cycles to render more computing power then even the biggest cloud computing facility
- The exact same thing but for GPUs to render virtual reality environments in real time
- An open source, trustless, borderless system of money that is ultimately a measuring stick instead of a magic wand.
- A new secure datastructure of which the average user can securely transact over multiple protocols and not worry about their data being stolen.
The internet was considered niche by brainlets like yourself at one point.
I browse Jow Forums for this very reason
Especially seeing deluded Linkies fail will be delicious
>because it happened in the past it's certain to happen again
You do realize that this is a fallacy right? You're speculating that because the market had a ludicrous bull run last year that it will do so again without considering the widespread publicity and awareness that crypto has now got. Barely anybody knew about crypto before last year and now near everyone knows with it being on the news multiple times, celebrities creating ICO's and tweeting about it and so on.
I reiterate, just because the market has done something previously does not mean that it will do it again.
Comparing crypto to the internet is absolutely ridiculous too, this is an awful analogy and one that gets parroted by zealots like yourself.
Why is it that you cultists can never fathom the concept that crypto could ever fail to get adopted, it as if the very idea of it is alien to you. Then again I expect nothing less of fanatics such as yourself, even if crypto ever comes crashing down to the point of absolute desolation people like you would still be harking the downfall of banks and the current financial system. We'll see who's right in time to come, I reaped a profit from crypto while the opportunity was rife and realized my gains and now stand to lose nothing regarding how crypto unfolds. In the meantime I can continue to get kick out of people just like yourself which I spoke of in the initial post, the hopium addicts that expect the stars to align for them.
>Comparing crypto to the internet is absolutely ridiculous too, this is an awful analogy and one that gets parroted by zealots like yourself.
What is Bell's law for $500 Alex. Amazing how right on time a completely new data structure rears it's head at precisely the right time.
It's already adopted and it's usage only increases over time. You're argument has devolved into pure speculation itself, just like the "hopium addicts" you claim to waste your time on browising multiple boards to laugh at. Quite the fallacy wouldn't you say?
Quite interesting how everytime bitcoin gets more mainstream the new market cycle leads to a new ATH. Would love to see your evidence based on the last decade of bitcoin that shows othewise.
Really? Crypto is already adopted? Well I better head down to the shops and buy my goods in bitcoin then, oh, wait a second. I went down to the shops and not one shop down town accepts bitcoin, nor does the next town over, or the city nearby. It's so adopted that you would struggle to find anywhere that accepts it in anywhere that isn't a destitute hellhole of a country.
Also again, bitcoin never before had the widespread awareness and publicity that it had these last two years. Before then it was widely unknown but now everyone and their grandma knows about crypto. Did you miss this whole period?
Again you talk about speculation but you saying that it will reach another ATH is exactly that. Baseless speculation. I reiterate once again, because you really seem to struggle to comprehend this concept, just because it a market done something before, does not mean it will do it again. This is not a hard concept to wrap your head around and the fact that you are oblivious to it is why you are a zealous fanatic. It's exactly like trying to argue with actual religious zealots that their God might not exist.
Lmao everything went right over your head. Of course bitcoin has had the widespread adoption it's had the last few years. It's been all over the news since it's inception. It's furthering the adoption which is shown in clear evidence of the increase in transactions and wallets.
Anyone can accept bitcoin with a qr code. Hell overstock accepts bitcoin and I had to tick a box to accept it on one of my shopify stores.
Again you're argument is that it won't reach a new ATH because a lot more people know about it now. Would love to see any evidence that supports your argument.
The fact that you're not being intentionally ironic by saying that crypto is widely adopted is priceless. I really don't know what to say to this except that it simply isn't, I haven't seen a single store in my county that accepts crypto of any kind, probably because nobody actually wants to buy anything with crypto.
My argument is that it is unlikely to reach those levels again because the general public want nothing to do with crypto after seeing the shitshow that crypto entails. Maybe it will and maybe I'm wrong, again doesn't really matter to me if I am since I'm not going to lose anything by being wrong. My point is that you people, you people are opposed to the notion that you could ever be wrong, you are so certain that crypto will recover from this crash and reach a new ATH and blahblahblah muh market cycle fallacy past is not indicative of the future and we've already covered this. That is why I find your type so funny. That is why I call it hopium. You sound like a shady salesman at best trying to convince people to invest in something and receive loads of easy money with no risk at all because there's no chance that things could ever not work out.
You people shout down anyone who is even neutral on crypto because they don't fit your idealized narrative. You have no evidence that bitcoin will ever reach another ATH, it's entirely impossible for you to have any unless you have a crystal ball or time machine that you are privy to. You ask for evidence that crypto will never reach an ATH? There is no definitive evidence that it won't. Just as there is no definitive evidence that it will. The issue is you people act like there is and are incapable of entertaining that you could be wrong.
And what if you're wrong you will miss once in a lifetime opportunities 4x now.
Frankly, I hope you never make it. If you don't have at least a solid crypto stack by now you're a fucking retard.
Really if you think about it faggots like you are just as bad as 100% crypto shills. As you mentioned you can't prove it won't reach the ATH and they can't prove it will, so really your just the same faggot on the opposite side of the coin.
Congrats on this, seriously. Way to waste your time postulating this thread.
If I'm wrong so what? I'm not going to lose anything, I've already made tens of thousands out of crypto while the gold rush lasted.
Also, 'Frankly, I hope you never make it. If you don't have at least a solid crypto stack by now you're a fucking retard.' quality advice by A. Nobody in the leading field of Fuck All. I'm surprised more people don't jump at the financial advice from experts such at yourself and throw their life savings at a get rich quick scheme. Everyone is obviously going to get rich when the prophetical bullrun approaches as dictated by he who wills it (except for all the people that lose money in order for others to gain it ofcourse assuming it ever happens).
Dude honestly you're seething with self hatred and very loathing.
I made millions from crypto, tens of thousands is jack shit and thats my point. You're not in this to make tens of thousands.
Its life changing money. Yes if you're wrong you wont lose anything, but a lot of people stand to make life changing money. So you come on here to make a thread on why its all bullshit and try to rub in peoples faces during the height of the bear market? Truly despicable behavior even for this anonymous Vietnamese basket weaving forum.
I think you're confusing the opposite side with the middle, quite frankly as unlikely as it is I'd love for the market to repeat what it did last year because that means I have an opportunity to make a lot more.
That's the mistake that people like you make in assuming that anyone who doesn't adhere to the moonlambo consensus is obviously entirely against it. It's almost as if there are people in the world that would like if something were to occur, yet at the same time remain realistic about the chances of it actually happening and don't let themselves get sucked into the circlejerk.
It doesn't even matter. You are insufferable.
>Rub it in peoples faces
I didn't realize pointing out that maybe you shouldn't be throwing all your money at something that zealots are claiming is a surefire way to make money (while they're doing this purely because they make money off others buying in after them, MLM much?) is despicable. Quite frankly the despicable ones are the salesmen trying to get others to line their pockets. I think you have your morals back to front. If a lot of people stand to POSSIBLY make a lot of money, considerably more people stand to lose more money.
Light up lambo
And you're a snake oil salesman telling themselves that the people lining your pockets are getting a good deal out of it to ease any semblance of guilt or illness of character. You could at the least be honest about what you are, but then again that wouldn't look good when trying to sell your product to the next lot of gullible fools.
Tldr cope of fagot who sold low.
Gj op stay poor
Tldr low price mans everything is shit and usless hurrr durrrrrr
I take it you're incapable of reading, I'm sorry for your lack of comprehension.
Hey there Mister Npc just dropping by to let you know that just because you know how to formulate some decent english sentences, you are still a dumbass brainlet with very low IQ and vision.
Yes, in developed countries like US, EU West, Canada and maybe even China, we will probably never see real crypto adoption because their fiat is relatively stable, there is simply no need and they are happy with their current paycheck to paycheck living method.
I am sure the citizens of countries like Greece, India, Argentinia , Mexico and most recently Turkey thought the same way as you did as well, 5 years ago, ah what’s wrong with saving my money in my national currency.
Well, the thing is, most developed and developing countries are in a lot of debt, and if you are very very deep in debt, you end up like the above countries.
Damn those people sure wish they had kept their savings in btc, gold or usd now that their currency is worth shit and inflating everyday.
Bitcoin/cryptocurrency is simply seen as an insurance/hedge to protect your capital and net worth from becoming worthless if shit hits the fan.
People lose money on insurance as well every single year, but does that mean it’s a bad choice?
Bitcoin is insurance for your capital and networth, and you can’t buy that from a store, brainlet.
>OP laughs at deluded bull fags
>when he himself is a deluded bear fag
>some user explains him that, while we really are at some falling/bear scenario, BTC as an ecosystem and economic asset isn't really dying, but spreading both is awareness and usagge.
>OP sucks a big fat dick, as usual, and swears that a fucking ~8 years old technology is gonna suddenly die to never be heard of AGAIN EVER NEVER.
My god, OP. Not even Gepetto was this much of a fag.
I agree completely with you, it's hilarious looking at some threads where anons are deciphering graphs and try to beat the market by saying that their favorite coin "is the future"
Face it, retards: It's gambling
Why would you ever use bitcoin to hedge fiat over gold or other precious metals though. Because the 'store of value' concept that was driven for bitcoin is paltry at best.
Also insurance is not something you can compare crypto to that doesn't make much sense. You pay for insurance for the safety that if you happen to lose something it can be reimbursed or consolation for damage/injury/death etc. You pay a fixed sum and you know how much you are paying for it and you know when it gets paid. Bitcoin as insurance of the fiat system collapsing would be pretty poor insurance considering you have to put your savings into the apparent 'insurance' and if that insurance takes a nosedive, and with crypto volatility and unpredictability are all but a given, you have nothing to show for it, you can't be reimbursed for that. Now say you paid a company an arbitrary sum that if your crypto holdings took a dive they would bail you out, that would be worthwhile insurance. So yes I you can loosely call it insurance, it's a terrible one, but if the 'ideal' scenario plays out.
Also have you ever heard of gold? Or precious metals? You can buy those and it oddly enough acts as a hedge against fiat and an 'insurance for your capital and networth'. In fact there is a number of asset classes you can invest in that are considerably less volatile than crypto is, if you're looking for a way to maintain your financial standing crypto is one of the worst ways you could possibly go about doing it. You don't invest in a highly speculative asset class as an insurance policy, the notion is ludicrous.
I'm glad you agree that crypto will most likely never have a place in the first world countries, shows that you aren't entirely naive at least. Perhaps you're right regarding adoption in countries that are already in a complete state of decay but I don't and never do intend on living in any of those countries.
Crypto is the future of finances in every respect. OP is a prime example of a perma-loser.
>Not being able to read
Your picture also doesn't show the multitude of technologies that failed to ever see adoption. I suppose adding all of those wouldn't fit the narrative though.
Again I suggest you read up on survivorship bias before you post such a picture in a genuine state of belief again. Also I didn't say that it was going to die and never ever be heard of again, just shows that you are incapable of reading.
The epitome of the crypto cultist, remarkable.
'Crypto is the future of finances in every respect.' - Anonymous., 2018., Expert in nothing and authority of nobody. [online] [Accessed 18 November 2018].
Saving this one for the history books to come.
Jesus Christ, man. If this is bait you have accomplished your purpose.
Are you going to address the multitude of missing failed innovations and technologies from your chart or would you rather just resort to a retort that is utterly devoid of value.
One bar of gold will always be one bar of gold.
One bitcoin will always be one bitcoin.
Bitcoin is a better gold in a sense , so if someone wants an insurance on their net worth, they are better off buying both. All other instruments given value through the notion of usd are dismissable, especially real estate.
No you do not need to put everything in it, but any rationale human being should at least allocate 20% of their net worth into such an insurance/hedge and this school of thought is also one of the reasons why bitcoin will appreciate in value no matter what.
You may not realise it because you happen to have grown up in one of the best countries , but the trillions of dollars of market value worth money circulating supply in these shithole developed countries are huge and can pump bitcoin to levels never seen before if steady adoption keeps on growing there like it is growing these past years and becomes a standard.
Also just for your info, in the past 6 months , bitcoin has been the most stable asset class, even more stable than USD, Stocks and Oil.
But I am sure you have your own opinion, there are always two sides of every coin but to completely dismiss either one of it is ignorant at best.
Yes, it is still speculative at this stage as to what will happen in the near future, but the odds are pretty good.
'this school of thought is also one of the reasons why bitcoin will appreciate in value no matter what.' - Unless it doesn't
'One bitcoin will always be one bitcoin.' - One stone will always be worth one stone, one toenail clipping will always be worth one toenail clipping, one turd will always be worth one turd.
'Also just for your info, in the past 6 months , bitcoin has been the most stable asset class, even more stable than USD, Stocks and Oil.' - To quote prominent crypto zealots, 'zoom out'.
'but the trillions of dollars of market value worth money circulating supply in these shithole developed countries are huge and can pump bitcoin to levels never seen before' - You hope.
'Yes, it is still speculative at this stage' - Correct.
'but the odds are pretty good.' - You speculate.
Stay poor you fucking boomer fag as we create our meme economy with our magical internet money LULULUL
Unironically kill yourself risk averse pitiful nocoiner because you will always remain a loser that will eternally miss out on moons
Comedy gold.
>this salty boomer
>cites the involvement of people who won the meme lottery as supporters
>implies that this guarantees some sort of long term value in the meme money space
Oh sweetie
Haha, you are incel coiny “i’m a entrepreneur cuz i buyed a risk” The Guy. Holy Christ i might have to print this thread out and put it in a scrapbook next to
>OP here: "Dear diary today I finally did it. Today I finally came out to the internet as a raging cock sucking, ass gaping homosexual, and it was a good thing."
Did I hurt your feelings? It's alright, it'll all be fine, I'm sure you'll reach your moonlambo one day, boy. Don't let the mean grown ups tell you otherwise.
>this piece of worthless shit "thinks" there will be something superior to crypto, the technology which will improve many things and advance technology until there is maybe something even more superior at some time in the future
>this piece of shit "thinks" crypto is useless worthless technology and will be obsolete soon (blockchain yes crypto no - fuck off)
>this piece of shit compares crypto to obsolete technology like for example VHS that got replaced by something because there was room for superior technology relatively soon
>this piece of shit supposedly knows something superior to crypto in the near to medium future?
tell us what's superior if crypto aka accounting 3.0 aka much more secure tech ain't it, wise guy
>this piece of worthless shit 'thinks' there won't be something superior to crypto, a technology which will improve many things and advance technology until there is something even more superior at some time in the future
>this piece of shit 'thinks' crypto is useful worthwhile technology and will become relevant soon (blockchain yes crypo no - fuck off)
>this piece of shit compares crypto to obsolete technology like for example zunes, google glass, flooz, beenz or the majority of ventures.
>this piece of shit supposedly says there isn't something superior to crypto in the near to medium future? (aside from already existing financial systems that is)
Also to answer your question, current financial systems. There's a reason crypto isn't adopted rapidly en masse and isn't because it's the next coming of Jesus Christ for the world finance.
>Useful to the banksters
And I see you still like sucking that cock OP
Do you own a house? If so how did you pay for it? Where do you keep all your money? If someone clears out your account will you be covered by some entity that can reinstate your balances? If you do not receive goods that you paid for or fall foul of a scam can you chargeback?
But no, the big bad banks are useless, they don't provide any benefits or utility, they don't provide security and allow people to purchase property and goods and pay back over an extended time period that they would otherwise have to wait homeless for decades to save for.
Banks are necessary and the will not be going anywhere anytime soon regardless of whether or not you like it. Even if crypto were ever to get adopted do you honestly believe these monoliths of the financial industry are going to simply sit by and allow crypto to subvert their existence and ruin them. That's how these institutions got to where they are today, by sitting by being idle and not taking control of anything that can be used to further their influence.
You're a deluded nobody, if the moment ever comes that crypto looks to be the prospect of future currency the current heads of sheds will implement it and continue to control it. They're not going to lose their trillion dollar empires regardless of how seething your resentment for them is.
Imagine the level of cuckoldry needed to defending big banking and usury, it's like damn.
Until you can create an institution that rivals the necessity that they bring the economy and society, you should probably be grateful that they exist and allow you to live a relatively easy and carefree life.
Also it's a common trend that all you shills say absolutely nothing of substance and just resort to personal attacks and nothing more. Golden.
Light up lambos
I'm not delusional because my company has a working product and deals with a multi billion dollar corp(s)
>but I know too much about Chainlink to think it's going to be anything less than revolutionary.
you're goddamn right
You do realize people have been spouting the "Bitcoin bullrun is over, the money has been made and nothing more to come" sense bitcoin reached $1?
pic is literally you. Check date.
Well the bull run is over, for the last year it's been in a severe bear market. This isn't subjective. Again comparing crypto at this point in time to crypto in 2014 is apples and spacelambos. You do realize that public awareness and exposure has not remained a constant from that point in time, if you walked down a high street in 2014 and asked someone what bitcoin was chances are you were going to get a lot of clueless expressions and shrugs. Try doing the same thing now and see how many people are aware of bitcoin and what they know of it. In order for a bull run to occur you need fools to buy firstly and as it stands the people that were fooled at the beginning of this year have been very vocal of the damage it caused them and the mainstream media has not been coy of showing it either.
Maybe there will be another bull run, but that's purely speculative and the whole original point was that I get a rise out of the desperate creatures that act like it's a certainty not a possibility.
>projection, assumption, not an argument
Speaking from expirience you absolute retard? Plus, what does having or not having sex have to do with the topic at hand?
Some people are simply more intelligent than you and have more foresight.
Nocoiners seem to be by far the dumbest species there is on Jow Forums. Brainlet-tier logic.
Have a (You) brainlet.
>So who else browses here and crypto sub-reddits just to get a kick out of the delusional bagholders and hopium addicts that the crypto cult is littered with?
actually yes, I am. Ever since the apple cult started fading somewhere around 2013/14, cryptotards are the most entertaining shit out there. keep going guys!
Hahaha it’s like you read about insults ina book. Good lord i’m starting to feel sad for you. Jerk, you made me feel bad about how unhappy you are and how alone you’ll be until you die, aww. Poor incel.