ausfag here.
I work a shitty job in retail and have $70k saved up.
What should I be aiming to do with this money or where should I start looking at to try and turn this to more munny
ausfag here.
I work a shitty job in retail and have $70k saved up.
What should I be aiming to do with this money or where should I start looking at to try and turn this to more munny
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Ausfag here
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90% of this board has lost money in the past year and are shitfaced Indians trying to scam you
All in LINK
We clearly aren't taxing you enough, there are honest somalian immigrants who need that money
I would put $500 of that into StrayaCoin coin. Here’s some info
Stay the fuck away from Strayacoin and Auscoin, they are blatant scams designed to suck you out of your money
Pay off all debts. If you want low risk, put it all into an index fund ETF (like Vanguard) and forget about it. If you want high risk/high reward, put it into crypto. 25% each into BTC, ETH, XMR, LINK. If you want medium risk, just do a mix of low and high.
If you had more money I'd say to wait and snap up some cheap properties when our property bubble bursting bottoms out
Dont buy link bro its shit
Well done on the savings.
Keep being disciplined with savings. Forever. What to do to make it grow? Generally the higher the return potential the higher the risk. Meaning you can lose big to win big, or lose small to win small.
Govt bonds are a sure thing.
Savings accounts are a sure thing.
Term deposits are a sure thing.
Share markets riskier but more chance for growth. Etf shares are nicer because they diversify you but they're still going to react downwards when the whole market goes down.
Crypto is a meme it's no more than gambling if you feel like putting money in crypto be willing to accept a 100% loss. That doesn't mean it cant be profitable, it just means the swings are larger.
You could get a mortgage and buy a property and rent it out, it'll take years to see a profit on that through rent yield, that's a long term play, but if the land appreciates you'll have a shorter route to profit, but you need to consider cgt and lawyers and strata and insurance and property management fees etc etc.
I suggest making a spreadsheet of your options and doing a matrix of them to see what your least worst decision is
StrayaCoin has absolutely nothing to do with auscoin. Go fuck yourself faggot. You have absolutely no idea about what StrayaCoin is. How about doing some research fuckin bitch
Aus fag here working on client site, avoid any houses/apartments you will lose in the long run.
Also anyone know how to deal with sexual comments in the workplace. Some guy in the office thinks I'm gay and constantly makes such comments to me and has invade my physical space? Any advice fellas cause I'm ready to split his head.
You sound like a huge pajeet
Ausfag here, 370k saved atm. wat do?
Depending where you put it you're practically guaranteed 5% return in Australia withstanding capital gain/loss.
Simple. Contact HR, bring it up with your manager or take it up with the Australian Human Rights Commission if you've got the balls and want a six figure payout - and don't ask an anonymous image board for advice.
Do you own the property you live in?
You should put most of that into a vanguard fund, I recommend US stocks over Aus.
'depending where you put it'
Well duh. But that's the whole game. Syd and melb are fucked. Brisbane will follow. Hobarts overheated. Adelaide doesn't have wage growth but theirs capacity to borrow higher so I'd probably look there.
I'm sitting around for a few years to buy a ppor in Sydney and an ip in adelaide most probably
dont buy any link, strayacoin or auscoin, they're all trash.
Put half ur money in btc and half in some decent alts, dca over the next year or so
I don't own any property, not looking to buy atm. I currently have 10k in VDHG
Well buy more. You're literally burning money by keeping it in 3% term deposits when you should be getting 6-10% from index funds. I suppose we're in a period of great uncertainty now though, but I would still invest the bulk of it
this and based
Truely based, I've talked with my lawyer friend he said at best I can get a stop bullying act against the dude if after an informal warning he countiunes as I'm onsite. I've kept a log of all the incidents so far.
Telling my manager that the client is acting in such a way will probably result in me being moved off site. I've been disgusted as of last week that I didn't realise what was happening. I'll create a thread in a couple of weeks regarding my results.
Screen cap for future reference.
I just want to do my work and build a decent resume. Why do fucks exist like this?