We're we going

8ch? 4chanreddit? Millchan?

Don't leave me behind friend.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nowhere. It's over. It's OVER.

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this board was dead anyways

8 Jow Forums is dog shit. you cant talk about crypto there


Jow Forums.org/biz/ will just redirect to 4channel.org/biz/ so gookmoot can pull an advertisement scheme. The board isn't going anywhere

Will 4chanel require registration ?

See you in hell..kys in the most painless way...will see ya the other side of pain user

will mimi reader still work on our phones?

>we're we going
seriously user

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Tough ride, without this internet has no beacon nor guidance. Pls don't be over.

infinity chan is a communist honeypot

Sorry but not sorry. Bigger things to be worried about.

I’m going to 4ChanCashPV - it’s Pepe’s original vision

you will all go to 4channel and you will watch the advertisements and you will take it up the ass and like it

Skywire faggot

Now this is comedy...well done user

The one thing this site has going for it is no registration. Nobody would post if they did. So yeah, they'll probably implement it. Then close it down when the ad revenue drops to zero the next day.

there are a couple other chans (not cripple chan) we could migrate to
desu if it comes to that I say we create an onion chan so reddit and twitter faggots can't visit

No one uses 8 biz. It’s a dead board. We can colonise it. Same way pol did with 8 pol when moot started messing with them back in 2015.

>he doesnt get it
you will soon enough

Cripplechan is garbage, don't bother with that place

It would only be right for the successor of this place to run on ethereum with an api accessible to chainlink so we can place bets

99chan has always been the best option.

onion chan is a thing.

OR we could go to crystal.cafe
girls only chan
we could all pretend to be girls

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I hope it has registration and some type of voting system. Good content could get voted up while shit content gets voted down.

We could just make our own board.

So what's the alternative?

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what about lainchan or arisuchan?

obligatory bait

8ch sounds good

hopefully one that still allows jb

I think its time for decentralized board. Built with something like holochain or iota's qubic so users host the site too

Shhh, don't tell them about lainchan

based and redpilled
and actually right


New pepe channel = npc

This. I don't think we will need to move but you can make crypto threads here boards.420chan.org/tech/

unironically Mcdonalds until BTC halving , gonna buy btc every month with my paycheck,see u in 2020 guys and remember to sell during the next bubble I think holochain could take ETH place during the next hype bullrun

the solution is unironically running a decentralized Jow Forums (biz with only link threads allowed) on the chainlink network

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I was travelling this week, what happened?


what happened to seven chan

create a new board on 8ch where link is permabanned

Don't go there. That place is legitimately terrible

I'm abandoning it all. Reddit is trash. Only good for trolling idiots, but it's too easy and gets old fast. 8ch is too full of schizophrenics and delusional NEETs. I don't even want to know what millchan. I'm just going to go on with my life, finally free of the absolute hell this website has put me through for the last 13 years.

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how will i visit from my phone

the really autistic ones that refuse to save a new url to their favorites will stay. but another alternative will pop up if channel is as shit as it seems it will be.

What’s wrong with it exactly? It’s literally identical in format to Jow Forums but with infinite boards...

>I'm just going to go on with my life, finally free of the absolute hell this website has put me through for the last 13 years.
makes me think i should do the same

We can go to KC Jow Forums. Krautchan died a death bur Kohlchan revived basically the whole community. There is already A LOT of overlap with Jow Forumsnessmen and Bernds.


I mean we are biz after all, wouldn't it make sense to adopt some sort of crypto/decentralized alternative from here? It can't be too difficult to access because the constant transience of different posters is one of our strengths. Using an onion chan would greatly diminish the variance of posters.

Imagine Jow Forums, now imagine Jow Forums where 80% of its users are schizos

We need a crypto based platform.

no KYC, user support. zero moderation... Also in a bad need of testing to see if its really censorship resistant.

probably ate chan. the biz board there isn’t crypto friendly though so someone either starts their own board or claim the abandoned /crypto board

Every board is like a combination of the worst posts from Jow Forums and Jow Forums. wizchan is less pathetic.

It's amazing how they somehow have a worse /v/ than here. I don't know how you do that

there isn't even a catalog, gtfo

Colonize 2ch

The most ideal example of a decentralized Jow Forums would be a single dapp that supports as many different cryptos at the same time as possible.

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I know this is bait, but you're still a cunt.

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