We are a 14% pump away from securing the 31st position on coinmarketcap

We are a 14% pump away from securing the 31st position on coinmarketcap
What happens when we breach top 30? Will normies start noticing? Will we be able to hide this anymore?

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Chainlink shills need to start focusing on the benefits of chainlink vs more popular coins like xrp. XRP fans are starting to notice. For example, IOTA fans should be all over chainlink. Both sergeys worked at NXT and chainlink can already do what qubic promises. Step up the shill game especially on twitter.

Nah they won't give a fuck, they have stockholm syndrome with their -95% shitcoins and damage control mods

normies hardly notice the top 10 anymore. also who gives a fuck about normies anyway? this needs institutional adoption to take off, not normie money like all the other scamcoins

Yeah XRP fanboys are really noticing on Twitter.

I really don't care, they can fomo in once we get to the top 5 for all I care

WE need some infographics showing chainlink partnered with swift and xrp trying to be swift. Chainlink being 100x cheaper than xrp etc. Chainlink allows swift to beat xrp

Checked, and we all know Swift/Chainlink is a done deal. Matter of time not if.

chainlink is Swift, Microsoft, IBM, and Salesforce.
I don't know when it will be clear to everyone else but I'm just waiting, fapping, getting stronger

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There are some really dumb retards in this thread. If you think theres still a slew of normies for coins to pump you are so far behind. For example the coinbase listing do absolutely nothing, infact every coin that has been listed there recently has taken huge dumps and coinbase is as normie as it gets lmao fucking retards cant even aee whats happening infront of them. Also the shilling is completely pointless...
just in case you are a moron that doesn't know how Link works. The whole 1k EOY thing is because once mainnet is out, the network usage itself will drive the price up because Link is required to be purchased to use it. So Link can have it's mainnet launched, and go to 1k without anyone ever knowing about it or hyping it. No need to shill.
If you do shill, you are actually shooting yourself in the foot. Best thing to do is shut up and accumulate more. 1k is fucking guaranteed by mainnet usage alone, don't need anyone else to buy for it to go up. People trying to shill this are just showing they don't know how Link really works. The more you know about Link, the less you want to shill it. this is what these fucking faggots dont understand.

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Based but not Linkpilled. Usage on main net will be down to how many devs know about it and incorporate it into their projects. Shilling is not to get normie retail investors on board but to get the word out to devs. There are plenty of devs on reddit and twitter etc who don’t know how chainlink can help their projects yet. That’s why shilling is important. The devs need to find out so that’s who shills should target.

it could reach top 10 nobody would take real notice
not with this hard fork high school drama going on and tanking the whole market
you see, people laughed at larpers but the biggest larp on the street (I am satoshi xD) is actually a fucking nightmare putting water into everyone's beer

Speculation comes before usage.

The dynamics might be different here, link is radio silent

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Literally dumping right now. Target : 1000 sats

>getting stronger
Pick one user

This. Most of these retail faggots can't begin to understand why CL is important and take the existence of other projects as a threat to their own bags, That WILL NOT sell at a loss. I'm going to go with tried and true FUD that's easy to be debunked, but honestly after reading some places where CL is discuss the other communities will basically FUD it for you.

My patience is getting tired. The chainlink website literally says they are partnered with swift. Still 50c. All these speculated partnerships are just that. The partnerships that have been announced are either worthless or "so important and bigger then people think" but its still 50c. The team cant even tell us whats going on even in a low key way, i guess i do know they dont need to say anything to the average joe. I want to believe everything link has to offer but when the practical side of me comes up, its all too good to be true. Im all in and will hold til zero, it just really fucking blows that my life savings are in this (a whopping 4,000 dollars) and the notion that i dont have what it takes to even get a dishwasher job, my moral is the lowest its ever been in my life. Im not even asking for $1000 eoy, i just need maybe 5 dollars a link to just move out of my parents house ive been living in for 30 years of my life, i just want to feel whats its like to go to your own house and have my own room. Im so fucking tired of being a loser.

This guy gets it

Does this sound familiar?

"Most importantly, as the cost is paid as it is used, the system is not subject to volatility. Merchants would pay in their local currency and not care if the transaction was more or less expensive in Bitcoin to USD terms. The number of Bitcoin required will fluctuate, but the costs to the merchant would be able to be stable."

"We plan to open development of systems that will have billions of people using Bitcoin in the coming years without even knowing that they are using Bitcoin."

Sounds a lot like Link/Market-Protocol huh?
The "guaranteed making-it" portfolio is 50/50 BSV/LINK. They are both trying to onboard the global economy and kill shitcoins at the same time. One of the two WILL succeed.

Source: medium.com/@craig_10243/taking-care-of-business-63430b62be2f


nice pasta


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