Is "gentrification" just a lazy communist meme?

Why is it bad? My apartment goes up in value, less homeless people, less communists or "artists", better food options, nicer girls, safer area etc

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b-but the niggers had to leave their homeland

>white flight
>get back here and pay taxes to fund our schools!
>get these white/asian ppl outta here! they making the area too fancy!!

>My apartment goes up in value
Is this how you justify paying half your salary to Mr. Noseberg for no equity in return?

beat me to it, checked.

because it leads to overdevelopment and a loss of culture/history. property taxes get raised too. the people you get end up being the same "artists/communists" just with parents money. the people that move in are absolutely insufferable yuppie npcs that Jow Forums loves to shit on as "nu-males" and "basedboys"

then again Jow Forums just thinks in racial terms like a dumb sjw nigger on twitter. plenty of whites end up affected by gentrification in nyc. polish/eastern euro immigrant population in williamsburg/greenpoint come to mind.

Pointless arguing with anyone here but basically imagine if you were living in a nice area with a bunch of neighbors you know and like, then a bunch of rich Chinese or Arabs move in and suddenly everywhere is super shit nightclubs geared to them, all your friends and neighbors have to leave because all the new arrivals pay $10k a month of daddy's money and have no idea of the value of anything, and now what was a comfy and historic place to live is a carbon copy shithole of rich brats and any sense of community is gone.

Sounds like Canada.

>le taxation is theft
why don't you go live in a country that doesn't have taxes and see how much you enjoy it

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Damn carpetbagging yankee jews get the fuck out of my state reeeeee

Gentrification is great. The only people who complain about it poorfags who want to stay in a desirable location but can’t come up with the money to stay there.

it's how I protect my wealth from inflation

So niggers

It forces the poorer people out who could previously afford to live there but now can't because the cost of living skyrocketed and/or the community rapidly changed to become unfamiliar.

I'm talking about rent, dumbass.

You are literally throwing your money away.

People generally dislike change and want things to remain the same, except in a few areas where they themselves get to decide what the change is.

Therefore, when the area around them changes against their will, they tend to automatically dislike the change, no matter what it is.

yeah it's shitty

Many leftists have an intense identification with the problems of groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (American Indians), repellent (homosexuals) or otherwise inferior. The leftists themselves feel that these groups are inferior. They would never admit to themselves that they have such feelings, but it is precisely because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems.

Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.

Excellent summary

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It is only bad when you have the government involved (shitstains like Robert Moses), otherwise, it is a healthy and organic thing that happens literally everywhere.

Old fashioned or french cruller?
I'm somewhat of a cruller-head myself

Wow I learned so much about myself today. Turns out all my motives are retarded and I'm actually a strawman of myself. Phew, what a rush.
t. leftist

tell me again the problem for me

your the kind of fat fuck that leeches of the creativity of the artist, the layabout, the individual that says fuck your wage slavery, you owe all that is gentrification to the real people that actually made the suburb trendy in the first place because the rent was cheap. You are the yes man loser wagecuck that came after the hard work by the artist was done.

Id much rather be an individual, a hippie an artist a skater a layabout a stoner, than be a yes sir no sir fill my ass with your cock sir wagecuck like yourself...

read the whole thing you fuckin pleb

Your living costs artificially increase without any real value added, even if you own the building - your only way to profit from that is to find a greater sucker that will hold your bags.

yeah but now he lives in a better neighborhood that is desirable. if gentrification is occurring there must be amenities in the surrounding neighborhood that draw in a wealthy demographic. nice stuff costs money.

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I've skimmed it before. He veers in and out of making good sense. As with anything it's a lot easier to diagnose things that it is to solve them.

Are you one of my stuttering tenants? I'm on my way to collect the rent check, please make sure it doesn't have cheetos dust on it this time, punk.

Devils Food > Glazed Twist > Bear Claw > Cinnamon Twist > Chocolate Frosted Sugar > Maple Bar > Strawberry Frosted > Spudnut = Vanilla Frosted = Baked > Donut Holes > Apple Fritter > Croissant Donut > Ube = Jelly > Wonut >>> Crumb Cake = Coconut > Long John > Boston Cream > French Cruller > Blueberry Cake > Old Fashioned > Buttermilk > Maple Bacon Bar

Hopefully we're all in agreement here

im black, well off
gentrification is basically the de-niggerization of a neighbourhood.
my area is currently being gentrified, home values are up the nigs are leaving only thing such is the taxes go up. but its worth it

i live in an area that ten years ago used to be dominated by hippies and socialists and anarchists and homeless. they lost their fight to stop development and now crime is down, they are totally outnumbered and their “culture” almost completely destroyed. Feels good man.

It's a crime you have not experienced a true and perfect French Cruller. So simple, yet so exquisite.

I pity you.