Why are millenials so bad with money?
Why are millenials so bad with money?
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>inb4 same thing
I'll give her $300 for an hour
lmao stupid commie deserves what she gets
She's probably fine. This is probably just some scam to get liberals with white guilt to send her money for being a Womyn of Colour
this person literally believes that ICE should be abolished and replaced with an agency that helps illegals resettle in America
how could anyone vote for this fucking retard. Even if you want more gibs, the illegals are just going to end up taking them from you
Over the past years I've come to accept that there is no rationality among humans.
The ones who voted for this retard were spics, Jews, and nigz who want to import more of their kind here and take from whitey.
> shame poor people for being poor so that the 300-year plutocracy can continue
Not that it has anything to do with actual policy.
>live in awful trumpfs america economy
>have zero money
seems about right
i have friends who have money problems because of the awful trumps inflation
Read Robert Greene's newest self-help; "The Laws of Human Nature". In the first chapter, he explains how all humans are irrational in nature and it is a skill to learn rationality. He goes into depth of how we act irrational and ways to counter etc.
Being bad with money is not the same as being poor.
please be ironic
>Her wages in 2017 came to about $26,600, according to the 2018 disclosure, and she's still paying off $15,000-$50,000 in student loan debt.
of course she has no savings, she got elected this year and wasn't working while trying to fund a campaign.
weak bait. 3/10
Fuck off racist. Just stop typing before you get banned. It's over for you. You are done.
Uh don’t congresspeople make $170,000 a year. Cry me a river
Because they're fucking socialists.
>i have more savings than a member of Congress
Am I doing something right after all?
I have no idea. I'm a sophomore Aerospace Engineer and I get net paid to go to college due to my numerous scholarships and my job. (My job pays in scholarship, so it's untaxed as well.)
I have no idea why people go into debt for a degree they probably won't use. She went into business/econ and became a bartender? What the fuck.
History reports say that the easier it is for illegals to come in and make money, the faster they leave to return to their hometown. Of course, this report came from the 60's I believe.
Top KEK! Literally CRINGING at this SJW Nigger Kike Spic Shill right now lads! Kek!!
Holy shit, I indeed got banned.
Posting this through a VPN.
>Uh don’t congresspeople make $170,000 a year.
They do. They also don't start making that money until they start working next year. Are you retarded or something?
>abolishing ICE is bad
heh heh
Those who can, do. Those who can’t do teach. Those who can’t even teach seek public office. It’s the order of things.
It's because boomers turned real estate into a ponzi scheme and we're the greater fools.
>yfw there's low IQ leftist defending a self procliaimed Barbie socialist on a hyper capitalist cigar enthusiast SharePoint
Yikes. I knew democrats were stupid, but shit.
Wew, I don't think you could throw in any more buzzwords if you tried
If they just made their money and left then why are spics becoming THE dominant demographic in america? Stupid.
>Am I doing something right after all?
No. The country is just going to absolute hell around you.
Any law enforcement we can get rid of is great, dont care why. Waste of fucking money.
why are Jow Forums trolls so bad at bait?
Fuck off, pol.
>disregards and mocks a best-selling, heavy anticipated book consisting of various valuable tactics to increase mechanisms for acting rational and having sound judgement, all because of it's genre
user, I......
>finally elect someone certifiably not under the thumb of the nose
>hur hurr she poor
lol go circle jerk on pol. this board is for serious discussion only
So many white people itt
user you don't get it. We gotta keep the poor down because when we inevitably become rich we can have absolute power too
>This is what some of my fellow burgers actually believe
No one with a net worth above like a million should be in Congress/Senate. Unlikely multimillionaire businessmen take that shit pay out of a “civic duty”
Serious discussion meaning ponzi coins, precious metal shaming, and blog posts?
How can I help her achieve financial independence from the white capitalist swine? Pateron perhaps?
Nothing. She will do speaking tours and books like every Congress critter does. She’ll be worth 100 million in 15 years
That's a stupid arbitrary number. What if the congress person saves the money?
7000 in savings is about 20k in the black compared to most people.
>Why are millenials so bad with money?
Because many of them are socialists. By default they can't comprehend economics.
Save a million and get back to me.
Plus the increase in gibs and "equality" she helps push.
Check your privilege.
Are people bad with money (personal responsibility) because they're socialists or are they socialists because they're bad with personal responsibility?
Student loan debt in USA is in the trillions. 69% of Americans have less than $1000 to their name. It's not just a millennial problem.
I'm a communist and I feel that I personally am pretty good with money, I've come from nothing to become somewhat wealthy. I'd give it all up in a heartbeat to have full communism though.
She does give off an impression of an impulsive person preferring virtue signaling over actually doing things. What can go wrong with this kind of personality governing the country.
If you’re born in one of the richest cities in the world you’re privileged as fuck regardless of race. Even if you’re a bum there’s more shit to scam than if you’re a bum in some brokeass village.
This thread proves that r*ddit infested this shithole
This, but with all communists against a wall and a rail-mounted minigun.
What is the thought process to lead to this?
I'm not even going to shit-sling. I'm genuinely curious.
How did you pull yourself up only to decide the right thing to do is to give up everything you accomplished to fund undesirables and people who don't care about anything nor do anything and will squander nearly everything you've worked for and gave them?
>If you’re born in one of the richest cities in the world you’re privileged as fuck regardless of race.
Cool. I guess we can drop all the diversity spots and feminists complaining about privilege then they themselves are so privileged then.
reddit actually has content
>bartender now has say in a congressional district's finances.
>has poor finances
yeah that will work out well.
You're on Jow Forums for fuck's sake newfag, if you don't know how to make money, leave and go join your commie representative.
How do you explain this homeless guy in San Francisco?
circlejerking doesn't count as content
>if you don't know how to make money
Isn't that a prerequisite for posting on Jow Forums?
That plus millions in corporate bribes, which is probably already starting to trickle in for her.
It's ICE's fault that they got ahead of Trump and started doing all sorts of shady shit to anyone brown enough
You know claiming asylum is legal in the US right? It's not "criminal" to cross the border to claim asylum. The US absolutely reserves the right to deny asylum 100%, but fucks sake you drumpfers literally think claiming asylum should be a capital offense
Because all the people I know in the poor area that I'm from (Appalachia) are still poor and I'm one of the few people who made it out. I mean I got kicked out of my house when I was a teenager and was homeless for a while and I just know how hard it is. So I think the working class deserves a better life than this. I got lucky.
>which is probably already starting to trickle in for her.
Gimmie a source senpai
Shit. I wish, you know I wish I could just reach out to her, just touch base and say:
>I have more money than a bartender that lives in NYC
Congrats user
>that much student debt
>aspired to be a bartender
>28 years old
A non-braindead would have much more in savings after going to college and being that age.
There should be anti-nepotism laws for publicly traded companies. Government does something similar.
There should be economic background as a factor if there’s any kind of “affirmative action”. Basing it on race is... dumb. The problem most people have is they don’t have access to money or jobs or skills to get money. Also their homelife/neighborhood isn’t conducive to it.
Kanye’s kids will probably score higher than some kid in Appalachia. But they’re loaded anyway so education doesnt matter as far as being a quality of life/health factor.
Harvard will say “If your family makes less than 50k you have free tuition.” They know the stats kids families in that situation will be unlikely to qualify anyway. This cynical shit is everywhere in society. Game is rigged.
He went there to be a bum, not Methville, Illinois.
Your personal story doesn't matter because you will be lynched/imprisoned anyway after a communist revolution because you're considered part of the bourgeoisie. You might have met a lot of honest, hardworking poor people, but those people won't be running the new communist government. By and large the people who would run things after a revolution would be merciless and inscrupulous thugs who would kill anyone in heart beat. It would naive to think communist revolutions would happen differently that how they had occurred in the 20th century.
what a killer
>Implying she owns those clothes and they weren't given to her specifically for the photoshoot
Don't act purposefully retarded user
You can rent suits for photo shoots. But if her pay is going to be 150k+ it doesn’t matter.
Also... people spend more on their wardrobe in cities. Because they’re not paying for their plumbing breaking for the third time this year or paying to maintain a piece of shit car.
You have money now so what's stopping you from helping people now? You have the ability to but you decide not to and instead come to the conclusion we need retarded/blind bureaucrats to determine everything?
even if they did leave, it would just mean they're siphoning off the money that would normally go back into our economy (while taking full advantage of our social programs nonetheless) and leaving when they've had their fill. kinda like parasites.
I pay 26% of my income in taxes. I’m pretty sure that helps someone now. But the only way to help them long term is to overthrow capitalism. Workers will determine everything
I pay 75% of my income to the land lord.
>only way to help them long term is to overthrow capitalism. Workers will determine everything
You realize that most workers want to kill commies like you right? You're not fighting for them, because given the choice they'd end your life. You're fighting to make them bend the knee.
who said she owns it? If she got it for free it implies she gets gibs. If she rented it shows she lives a lifestyle she cant support.
She was a bartender. She was probably pocketing lots of money and not declaring it on her taxes. That salary that keeps being quoted is bullshit.
So what's stopping you from giving more money to people around you right now rather than letting some crooked government take your money instead and waste the bulk of it?
Typically leftist retard. If you have money you NOW have the power to help people NOW but you still just think we should have communism because, again, you types lack ability in the personal responsibility department and think somebody else is going to solve your problems for you.
>With two thirds of everyone's personal income taxes wasted or not collected, 100 percent of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the federal debt and by federal government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services [that] taxpayers expect from their government.
You don't think the bureaucracy absorbs much money with their worthless jobs and paper-pushing bullshit work? Sit around watching porn or whatever they're doing in congress complaining about the patriarchy and white supremacy or some stupid shit. Everything is always the fault of someone else and only daddy gubmint with its retarded workers can save us. You dumb fucking moron. You're a dumb fucking moron of course you're going to identify as a communist. Standard procedure.
Yeah I'm slinging shit now because you're a fucking moron. Yes I mad.
They already are a bunch of destitute wage slaves bending the knee to the ruling class for their entire lives. I can't help it if many have been brainwashed by the bourgeoise to be class traitors
You don't know what I do with my money now but the fact is that I could give away every cent tonight and it wouldn't make anything any better for anybody because capitalism would still exist. What could actually help is becoming as rich as possible and then funding direct action against capitalism, in hopes it helps to overthrow it
>class traitor
Attributing morality to a person's income/wealth while at the same time excluding yourself as a special case. Accusing individuals who don't rally for communism of being "brainwashed". Classic. You're one huge asshole.
you know she is going to be worth more than all of you in a couple years right. Look at commie sanders dude has 2 to 3 homes and a million dollar networth.
Once commies get a taste of sweet sweet money all their ideals go out the window(thankfully)
Their ideals don't exactly go out the window. They become just hypocrites messiah complex. Once they've secured their own future, they don't give a fuck about fucking up everything for everyone else.
I'm not a business owner or landlord so I don't have to exclude myself, I haven't exploited anybody. Just worked hard and been frugal and smart with savings.
>he thinks capitalism is bad
found the teenager
Doesn't make a difference at all to a communist. You think the revolutionary mob and the commissars would care about your explanation and how you view yourself?
imagine being white and unironically having nigger rhetoric
probably holds his nose at rednecks, too
Well I'm active in communist organizations, I will let my actions speak for me and whatever happens will happen. If there's a revolutionary mob I hope I'm in the middle of it.
>I could give away every cent tonight and it wouldn't make anything any better for anybody because capitalism would still exist
Could you elaborate what you mean by this? It's just empty words without specific meaning. What is capitalism and what would be better by making it go away?
>What could actually help is becoming as rich as possible
With communism? How are you going to manage to get rich with communism if you're too stupid to be one of the high-ranking party members?
>and then funding direct action against capitalism, in hopes it helps to overthrow it
So giving your money as you see fit to something you want funded is good, but you say capitalism is bad? People should have more taken from them by force by faceless bureaucrats and put into to god knows what against their will?
>having money is good
>but capitalism is bad
>good things happen if I can fund what I want with my money
>but being able to fund what I want is bad and needs to be destroyed
You're all over the place. How old are you, kiddo?
I'm seriously considering just moving to some shithole in south america and living like a goddamned king at this point. I got lucky with a few investments, ended up with 320k, and have a job with an international corporation.
I could get them to transfer me to literally anywhere where I'm not in the fucking 28% tax bracket (+sales+ss/fica/whatever+property taxes of over 10k/year+everything else) and the cost of living is
Expect all of your comrades to have Death-SmartContracts implemented on them,and genetic lineage to be culled from the earth , That will be different, please go ahead and try
>smart with savings
Bourgeois scum.
Good, then you would be an easy target. I hope every single of you one you communists all get gunned down without any mercy before you could start serious shit. All your actions would accomplish is only bringing forth misery and slavery.