Am I fucking retarded for dropping out of uni? I'm 24 and would graduate with BS in CS at 25. All I wanna do is work as a welder and put everything in link until the singularity. If I don't make it it's whatever. I have no fucking interest in being a 9-5 codemonkey anyway.
Dropping the fuck out
>I have no fucking interest in being a 9-5 codemonkey
>doing computer science
what made you change your mind?
You'll regret it, not because muh degree but because you are so close. Trust me, I made the wrong choice
yes you're fucking retarded if you drop out this late
Im too dropping out of computer science, last year
how about being a freelance code monkey scraping by on gigs?
No fucking idea. I saw such a bright future when I started. 4+ gpa and all. then just completely did a 180 and don't ever want to code again in my life. My mom is gonna cry for months
I know I am
finish the fucking degree. Make your family proud. You're a short-sighted pussy if all you think a CS degree can do is let you be a codemonkey. Don't be this retarded, even for Jow Forums. Go do welding but fucking CS degree is a good cushion when you need to come back
already did this last year. corporate america churning out little drone workers in search of profit margins. we live in a sick world where progress is measured in profit instead of advancements made to human capabilities.
Welding is a meme dude. Unless you have a contract with Lockheed, Boeing, UTX, etc... youll never make billions. They wont even consider you an engineer without a BS.
DO NOT DROP OUT. Finish. You can get seriously fucked up welding or doing physical labor. Most people who do that stuff for a living after 20-30 years don’t wish it on their kids. There’s a reason.
Because any indian on fiverr can do my job better than me.
yea CS is an easier fallback with a degree. doing boring shit like making SQL scripts or whatever.
i did forklift driving for a while but fell back into my technical writing job. who's to say you won't get bored welding?
basically it's nice to have options in life.
seeing that it's a career advice thread.. Am planning on self teaching CS while studying a math degree fulltime. Will this be worth it or should I just get a CS degree?
Fuck degrees, if you cant make a brand out of yourself youre fucked anyways
The move you made was irrational and you will deal with the consequences sooner than later than life. To answer your initial question; yes, you are retarded for dropping out in your junior year. Also, for not finding any internships for this year, you missed out on great opportunity.
Why would you wait until your 3rd year to drop out? Why do you make uncalculated decisions? Why do you not care about a promising future?
Given that you're a link investor, I can assume that you are very naive and most likely you will live a life of disappointment and follow a path of passive aggressive motivated failure.
> "I don't want to be a 9-5 code monkey"
> "But I do want to be a 6am-10pm welder that has a fraction of the pay/opportunity/prestige"
Makes sense to me. My brother felt similarly about office jobs, got an Environmental Science degree because he wanted to "work outside". He currently works in a warehouse making $18/hour and effectively no benefits.
why did you waste time going to uni and not be a welder then?
Dude, you should check if you can get an Associates at least, you might have finished enough classes to get one before you quit. There's a lot of IT jobs other than programming that you could get into with an Associates degree.
Yeah, your kinda too close to quit not. if it was first or maybe second year then yeah go for it. You're better off just finishing then doing your welding. The degree can be something to fall back on.
Math majors are worthless unless you go for a PhD and can work for some government lab or university.
Do CS major and math minor or co-major if math is your passion.
An engineer. Met many math majors who at 3rd year switched to engineer, no jobs and don’t want to be in school for 10 years.
Train as a welder after your degree. If you've already fucked up this year by missing classes/exams....go to a doctor and get whatever note the college need some time off because you have depression, are transitioning, whatever.
If you're genuinely checked out, then take a year out, but finish the degree.
>tfw in my 4/6 year of mech engineering and now im suddently getting bad grades at everything and possibly failing
>tfw aced all my first 3 years of uni without problems
anyone with this feel? why im suddently a full fledged retard brainlet ? i fucked pass all calculus without issues and now in materials and hyper-structures im failing hard and i just can't change it
Are you me? I dropped out to just go to trade school and weld. I blacksmith and woodwork on the side. Doing fine, much better than most of the people I was at school with since I have way more spending power in my prime and a business from a craft I enjoy.
Biggest mistake ever. I just had all these delusions about how coding was this cool ass job where you could work your own hours and get paid like a rockstar. Then I took the redpill
I already checked out for 2 years. There is just this mental block that happens when I try to study. It's like I don't want to get the degree or something. It doesn't make any sense to me.
I'll look into that. Thx
I'd choose 9-5 codemonkey over 9-5 welder anyday lol. Problem is employers usually laugh at 9-5 coders, they'd rather hire someone who codes all day as in 12+ hours.
fuck this, I also quit coding and studying beucase the business atmosphere fucking sucks, I'd rather be a poor wagecuck while I find something I truly enjoy
Exactly man. I went from 4+ gpa to 0 in one cemester. Dno what happened. Maybe I hit my head or something. The amount of willpower I have to burn just to read 10 pages is insane.
Same thing happened to me with my masters. You may feel relieved if you quit, but you'll always kick yourself for failing to finish something you know you could have finished.
If you have a mental block then go to a psych, get ADHD meds, take a year off officially, whatever you need to do to say "at least I tried every option". Don't just sit on your ass and let the uni/your finances make the decisions for you.
I am in similar position OP. Last semester in CS college but no motivation to finish it. I work in the field that I am studying so by already having the job it gives me some confidence at least. Degrees are helpful but experience is where it is at, so starting out is the hardest.
I don't think a single person who criticized me for dropping out of uni has even come close to making as much money as I've made in crypto.
OP you really need someone to smack you around. You sound like a retarded lazy motherfucker
Quit. Life is a series of random events anyway. You will get where you want eventually in someway.
If i didnt drop out 3months before my bachelor was complete i wouldnt be carrying these heavy ass Link bags today.
Fren, paper says you are retarded.
I think you may have amxiety/depression/adhd. Same thing hapopened with me. You cant cincentrate due to anxiety.
I was on Lexapro and Xanax with occasional modafin and managed to finish uni.
If you want to try to get your shit together without meds first I would recommend doing shrooms once in nature, then CBD oil, 5htp and L-Tirozine. These will make you work again.
I wouldnt stop in the last year, go to a counselling, get chexkes by a psychiatrist/psychologist, I too did it and got some extra time for exams/essays and shit. Mitigating circumstances
Phoneposting, but you can see the main points despite shit grammar
do you guys still code? sure being a codemonkey is ass, but making your own projects its 10x better
You are so dumb, that close to grad you should’ve kept up with it. Even if you hate the work it opens doors either way, you just closed all those doors
Did the same thing as you OP. Just work and make as much money as you can to invest. This is your time to make it. Even if you finish your school you will be greeted by a 40 hour work week and won't make the big bucks after a couple of years.
I’m the opposite, my transcript is terrible, and I mean terrible, F’s and drop outs all over it but I’m getting good grades now and graduate in June. I hope employers will ignore the first half of my stranscript. I’ll be avoiding sending it in the first place.
Yup, I have all of those and anxiety is a big factor for sure. I can't really do shrooms again since I went overboard with it like 3 years ago but I'll look into the other shit. Thx