So far this year:

So far this year:
>Crypto down
>Stocks down
>Bonds down
>Precious metals down
Where am I supposed to be putting my money?

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well gee OP, when things are down sounds like a perfect chance to put your money in thosethings

This is very typical of the cabal before a crash, fyi

Up your anus

USD is up compared to everything, lmao, even to foreign currencies

>Where am I supposed to be putting my money?



Stocks and real estate

>fiat inflation

Kneepad stocks are unironically mooning

cash you dumb btich

You are suppose to buy when it’s down you moron

USD, Short term bonds, etc..

Jordan Peterson's patreon, it's the best investment for society, imagine if we're all strong individuals

unironically kys

stocks is not down you fucking libtard

Guns, canned food. WW3 starts when the economy finally killed itself.

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Bonds and stocks as a whole aren't down. Used bond market for A or BBB bonds is a steal if you find good deals.

Beanie babies

Savings account


No no no, you had to have already invested in JBP so that you have already reached a plane of self actualisation where you can enter the coming chaos, slay the dragon, rescue your father and return to you village with gold and a virgin wife.

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Zoom in

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Guy is a total faggot
Have you ever listened to him speak?

He doesnt own any gold or silver

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Goldbugs fuck off

underrated post, this is why the stock market is doing so poor

but now that oil crashed, the market is going to go with it

Yes, the guy is literally like Jesus of our times

Imagine if Jesus came down to Earth today, and decided to do as much good as possible, teach people how to live well etc., he can't just go "Hey, I'm the son of God, listen to what I say", cause nobody would buy that today. It wouldn't work this time. So obviously he'd be a scientist, cause everyone trusts science, but he'd put his own religious spin on it, so people would dare to see beyond mere science

the money was never there in the first place

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