All those gaps on your resume means you will never get another good job again. Get fucked cryptofags

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inflation is getting absolutely fucking ridiculous, $700k yearly to work at a fucking data farm

That is insane. But why not make a startup somewhere else where 90k/year isnt poverty-tier? Literally anywhere else in the country you can live a very good life on 90k, but in Silicon Valley you're lucky to even find a 1 bedroom studio with that budget.

Yet every single "were the uber of sucking dicks" shitty startup wants to base themselves in the valley next to the largest most established companies in their field. It's moronic.

because the concentration of talent in the bay area is much higher than anywhere else.

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It isn't when you aren't willing to pay a competitive rate. The truly talented people aren't going to shitty startups, and you could find average people anywhere

If by tallent you mean homeless druggies and street shitters then you are right.

>but the free market is perfect!

not anymore, which I think this article is signaling

you need the silicon valley name to market your chinkscam to angel investors.

What's so bad about gaps? Are you just justifying being a never ending slave?

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Yes. This ride is stupid as fuck.

It’s pretty dumb how many of you are getting baited by this

Hiring manager here. We don't like wages thinking they can go off and do what they want whenever they want. We make sure to blacklist them from career positions and make sure they can only at mccuck jobs. They prefer people whose spirits are crushed so they don't quit.

Are software people rly making $750k

You can get programmers to do the same exact work with the same level of efficiency working from home though.

No, lol. That article simply isn't true. 250-500k, sure, but no higher. Hilariously enough places like Google are actually lowering their entry salaries over the years.

only the PhD meme AI researchers get paid that much. average codemonkey in SF makes 100k, half of that going to living expenses

In short: fake news

>software people
>some 150+ IQ genius who NSA, Google, Facebook and MIT fight over

no. in uk average salary is £30-40k for junior and £50-70k for senior (3 years exp.)

That be me

To hiring managers and general knowledgeable anons ITT, is there hope for me?

I basically made the equivalent of min wage working from the comfort of my own home on "internet marketing" (scams) and crypto (shitcoins), and I'm now 30 years old with $60k in the bank and one giant resume gap from Burger King at age 18 to today at age 30. I have a bunch of skills I've picked up as a result of my self employment, but I obviously have a shit resume. I'm a self-starter and I can learn fast and autistically binge for many hours, but that's it.

I know the zoomers and memers ITT will just give me the usual shit, doomed grandpa etc, but if any actual hiring managers or knowledgable people can chime in and give me the rundown, I'd appreciate it

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(if not a LARP)

I've heard all the usual shit before from 19-year-olds who think they're gonna be the next Zuckerjew at Jewgle so bystanders need not bother with the doomer stuff, I am just looking for productive advice (heh)

The article says 90-130k/yr while title says 700k. I have no clue what they are on about. Google starts people somewhere around 130k-170k TC

This is a startup. Long ago in corporateland, people used to take risks to seek self sovereignty.
Some of them remember. Have a portfolio ready.

>This is a startup. Long ago in corporateland, people used to take risks to seek self sovereignty.
>Some of them remember. Have a portfolio ready.
Are you suggesting that I claim I had my own company/startup, and that I demo my skills with a portfolio, or that I seek employment with startups? It seems like startups are the jobs that hire idiots like me, but I'm also too old for them to be interested

I basically had to take on the role of everything, so I know a moderate amount about a broad range of things, master of none at the moment, and really it's just random shit
>split tests, basic stats
>basic server administration, *nix
>basic coding, scripting
>writing, copywriting
>how to identify opportunities
>making deals
it's pretty pathetic in terms of what I see zoomers putting on their resume
>5 years experience in hard science a b and c, degree in field x, specific skills x y and z

>I basically had to take on the role of everything, so I know a moderate amount about a broad range of things, master of none at the moment, and really it's just random shit
These things are more than most people have, especially in startup environments. What's more, you know what's involved in _running_ a startup.
Talk with the owners, understand their concerns. Getting hired will naturally flow from there.

The original title is 350k salary, dipshit.

I hope they use the direct energy weapon on Silicon Valley but I know they won’t because that’s where the liberals and sjws are.

Thanks for the optimism. Can you give me advice on selling myself to these guys, though? The problem is that my skills amount to basically just getting the job done with elbow grease and duct tape, and I've done a lot of squeezing water from stones, so to speak, in an effort to not only make it but also simply to be on my own and not dealing with the typical grind (not that there's anything wrong with that)

How do I tell some 27-year-old hiring manager that I, some guy with a giant resume gap, is worth hiring? I can't even really go on at length about my projects because most of them amounted to getting paid to shill porn sites or pumping and dumping small cap cryptos with the use of bots.

Example: combined social media bot to shill cryptopia coins in conjunction with a coordinated discord, minor youtubers, would make a few hundred in a day just day trading and shilling, of course this involved writing bots in python and administering servers and a few other relatively technical things but the bottom line is that the "result" is shit and not resume-friendly. Imagine doing that for years on end, or things similar to that...

"I took advantage of a popular crypto ponzi scheme by figuring out the maximal ROI and writing a script to call smart contract functions according to the correct triggers"--how do I make that sound good? In reality the actual code is extremely simplistic, the complicated part was just learning the background info on short notice and being able to quickly deploy it. Imagine all you have to show for yourself is basically a hacky python script that pumps and dumps cryptokitties (for a very respectable salary, mind you, but still)

I've also worked mostly pseudonymously so I just have no real connections or references, it just seems so fucked.

But if there's hope for me then that's good, I won't give up at least, :^)

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Because VCs and real estate investors are the same people and are running a social experiment on how to suck people dry, which then they intend to export it to the rest of the world.
Prepare your buttholes.

Jesus dude stop disparaging your work. You were able to understand and exploit a smart contact. Spin that as smart contract security testing.
You were able to market make with crypto bots. Think any startup would be interested in market making for their utility tokens?
Stop talking down your experience. It's unique, talk it up and be excited about applying it.
Also, bill high (at least $100/hr). Your experience is unique and your bill rate should reflect that.

Imagine doing crypto and having multiple ventures at the same time. Get rekt pajeet

i dont want to go back, i rather kms

>All those gaps on your resume means you will never get another job again.
good, I want to stay NEET.

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>Jesus dude stop disparaging your work. You were able to understand and exploit a smart contact. Spin that as smart contract security testing.
>You were able to market make with crypto bots. Think any startup would be interested in market making for their utility tokens?
>Stop talking down your experience. It's unique, talk it up and be excited about applying it.
>Also, bill high (at least $100/hr). Your experience is unique and your bill rate should reflect that.
I'm a pretty jaded and isolated person at this point, with crypto drying up I'm back to looking at prep for a "real job" and it's quite gloomy, I appreciate what you're saying I just don't know about the actual logistics (so to speak) of spinning my absolutely silly experiences into something that some guy actually wants to pay me to do.

I think I could go get a job as a software dev but I've got no concept of how to sell myself to a hiring manager lol

>so then I spent 120 hours one week reading about ethereum and taking a crash course in python and I learned how to exploit a popular smart contract and made $10k

Do I just take the shotgun blast approach and play everything up to the best of my ability?
>experience with php, sql, apache, python 3, solidity, linux server administration, automation
Don't hiring managers see right through that shit?

I had a 3 year work gap after getting run over my a drunk driver and I got a career job and a side job after going hard at it for about 2 months. Your fine just be aggressive

I wonder if I can just simply straight up lie about my gap

oh and it's now illegal to write code for smart contracts that will result in illegal operation, in other words you can't write an online gambling smart contract, even if you don't operate the smart contract yourself, so in some cases I'm outright legally prohibited from even telling people that I developed some of what I did

You are second guessing yourself for no reason. Go to meetups, talk to developers and business owners. They can even be crypto meetups.
Everyone has taken a beating. They will understand and you have value.
Programming is an intelligence test, most of all. Many of the people I graduated with in computer science could not program, because they failed the intelligence test. You didn't. Be proud and ready. This is not the last battle crypto will have us fight.

>job market

>You are second guessing yourself for no reason
I'm second guessing myself because I know the truth. I can put up an ok facade, but what I've done amounts to being a lazy NEET who intermittently works hard from the comfort of his own home on weird niche projects, making money from 100 different things, none of which produce something I can point to and say, "I made this". They're things that anyone could do with even moderate work ethic and an average IQ. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just a bit depressed and concerned for my future as a basically an "old man" (relatively speaking) who needs to break into a young field

It's mostly bullshit that manifests from their lack of experience, youthful optimism, and need for validation, but if I ask the younger guys over on Jow Forumscscareerquestions about my situation, I guarantee you that those late-teen, early-20's cunts will repeat the same old spiel about how it's hopeless at this point and how I should consider getting into a trade like electrical or HVAC, etc.

I'm just having a hard time seeing that objective truth between the two ends of the spectrum if you get my drift

I guess the answer lies, as always, in all of the old cliches; 50% of the battle is showing up, fake it 'til you make it, etc. etc...

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>ask the younger guys over on Jow Forumscscareerquestions
Don't talk to them. CS guys famously do not understand anything business related.
I'm older than you and still in the field. Go talk to business owners & devs. Treat it like dating and just keep playing the numbers game.

90-130k is jewgle
700k in a startup so they can use you to boast about Google partnership kek

>Don't talk to them. CS guys famously do not understand anything business related.
Alright, so I'm kind of like the inverse. I have some Internet- and software-equivalent "street smarts" which I mostly learned under my own power while actually grinding away with skin in the game, so I have some business acumen and experience, but unlike the CS guys, I don't have a strong technical background. My code is mediocre and mostly just enough to work without major bugs, but on the back end it's ugly, and my process is sloppy. Example: I do a lot of debugging with print statements and breakpoints and just slowly brute force my way into a functional, mostly bug-free program. I don't even use git properly because I haven't had time to learn it in a manner of speaking, because I've been busy doing actual work, even though I know I need to learn it if I want any chance at a real job.

What I'm suggesting is that my skills mostly amount to or can be summarized by my ability to get a job done, and to sort of autistically grind my way to success, but I honestly have no portfolio and no idea how to build one.

I guess it's as you say and it'll just be a numbers game, which is fine by me, I'm just trying to get a bead on what my realistic chances are. I know I'm not old but I definitely have this impression that I'm screwed or that I should have simply taken a more "traditional" approach and gotten a degree and gone to work in an office somewhere, saving $5-10k a year like everyone else.


Not because of gaps in your resume

Not because there are people working at Google

It all has to do with the cost of living

I spoke with a recruiter for a company hiring in Santa Barbara, she said they are having trouble finding people out there because no one wants to live in fucking Commiefornia, thats why.

$90k is near poverty tier for Cali. It's that fucking simple. silicon valley has Software engineers making $150k LIVING IN RV'S for god fucking sake.

I remember some kid fresh out of engineer school on here bragging how hes making $120k, I ask where, he says SF bay. I laugh. He's living in an RV, confirmed. That's no way to live.

It's the same thing for people out here in the Northeast, the cost of living is comparable. I won't get a job out here unless the pay is ~$140k minimum.

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So why did OP take the article and double the price in the title?

Just get a shitty job that nobody wants to do then in 6 months apply for a better job. It's really not that hard. You may be even able to get a decent job without doing that if you have great interview skills and fudge your background details a bit. Hell, you could probably just tell the interviewer exactly what you've been doing all this time and that you need a different more stable line of work now and that would be fine. It's just a game of numbers where personality is everything that you have to play and not ever give up until you succeed.
The issue is that you're a socially stunted autist that cannot handle a little failure and adversity and not so much that your resume isn't all that great. All those years spent as a shut-in will hamstring you the moment you walk into the interview and open your mouth and you're going to feel extremely discouraged and give up after your first failure.

>The issue is that you're a socially stunted autist that cannot handle a little failure and adversity and not so much that your resume isn't all that great. All those years spent as a shut-in will hamstring you the moment you walk into the interview and open your mouth and you're going to feel extremely discouraged and give up after your first failure.
You're 100% right, although I won't give up after my first failure. Can you give me some productive advice on this instead of just tearing me down? I'd appreciate it, fellow Jow Forums user :^)

I actually do need advice on that

Hilarious how I make 140k and an basically balling out of control with a 4 bedroom house, three Mercedes, and tons of land to shoot my many guns on. All debt free. But muh flyover HIV is all I hear from homeless commies making the same.

also thanks for the reality check, this is the kind of thing they won't say over at r*ddit but which I know to be true just from your short post

>Hilarious how I make 140k and an basically balling out of control with a 4 bedroom house, three Mercedes, and tons of land to shoot my many guns on. All debt free. But muh flyover HIV is all I hear from homeless commies making the same.
kek, midwest?

It's a meme at this point to add $900k on that title.

>he doesn't make $1 million a year as a code artisan

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