Is truck driving unironically a based job/career for a young guy in this day in age?

Is truck driving unironically a based job/career for a young guy in this day in age?

>Above average income
>company trains you or school train you in a couple months
>Own place to sleep out of their parents house
>Travel the country
>Make guap when doing contract /owner operator work
>Women think your an alpha rebel

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It's a very boring job because every highway looks the same.

the Indian guy that lives next to me quit his job in a milk factory and now drives a truck. women definitely don't think he's an alpha, pretty sure he hires escorts

>going to be automated entirely in 10-15 years

Highly unlikely.

Nobody respects truck drivers like they should. The way they drive like morons around them proves it. I always hope that a truck demolishes someone every time some little cunt cuts in front of one.

>pretty sure he hires escorts
that's the definition of alpha

I've considered it. The guy that stops by my pizza place makes north of 80k a year after five years of trucking.

Odd hours and he's on the road five days a week, but without a diploma, that ain't bad and all expensives are covered by his company, so no out of pocket.

I imagine some trucking jobs are pretty sketchy, so depends on where you work.

To a certain extent it will inevitable.
I think they spent 85% of their road time on highways. They will be just steered automatically and the trucks will just drive in a caravan.

Once their are off the highways you will still a human tough.

You still need to pay someone to watch over the truck in emergency situations and do all the normal duties of inspections, fueling, paper work and undoing the trailers from the truck. Contract work is still going to be popular amongst companies to reduce expenses and liabilities.

If you deliver petrol, You'll be paid about $100 per station drop off, and you can make about 3-6 drops a night.

get paid 40-50k a year to destroy your mind and body... no thanks

Yeah, technology is always more gradual. Starts with tech lending a hand and slowly the balance of what the tech is trusted to do shifts over time. Right now I think tech controls the truck drivers breaks so they don't drive sleep deprived.

not even this. tech doesn't control anything at the moment the field is relatively unchanged the only standard is gps tracking

24 yo here trucked a bit and it was comfy but I'm operating some heavy equipment now for easier money

>Sits in an office and does the same thing

Really? Wasn't there a rally a few years ago with truckers protesting that little box that controlled the breaks? Or did the truckers manage to win?

>become fat fuck from sitting on arse all day and eating shitty unhealthy food at every stop

You forgot this part

It will be automated soon. Mining machines already in such a process.
Battery energy density increases, electricity prices decrease (automation + solar innovation)...

Finance on a self driving, electric truck will provide positive cashflow compared to typical truck + driver. Same way as financing solar panels in countries wih rebates is a guaranteed positive ROI.

Go look at what the big mining companies have done with their fleets. Soon they'll be electric. Most mining is fairly automated- No reason for the truck industry to stay unsafe, and uneconomical.

No it won't. Nobody wants automated death machines driving down the road.

OTR truck wouldn't be going electric for a very long time. The charge times would be unimaginable and the amount of power to charge such a batter in a short time would take a transmission line type of amp and voltage.

I know plenty of people who work in the mines. They've had to randomise & vary the truck movements because the tires created ruts in the exact locations.

Self driving is infinitely safer. You should lobotomise yourself.

Capacitors, graphene-lithium, solar canopy, grow a fucking brain spastic.

Work out and become fit as fuck instead.

I know fit truck drivers, you can’t scape the tucked up back tho

you're regurgitating reddit talking points from that one vid everyones seen on youtube. The industry is a long way out from autonomous self driving and even still the political hurtle of the government requiring a maned presence in the vehicle will have to be faught. Do you think the government is really going to allow the largest sec of the economy to just vanish? lol you don't think retarded union controlled dems aren't going to create legislation to protect those jobs like the taxi industry? get real. meme your reddit shit somewhere else cuck.

The fuck you dumb cunt? I havent used reddit in atleast four years.
And don't talk to me about economics, I'm sitting in my 3 million dollar house, going to go to my 1.5 million dollar unit later tonight, and then to my holiday house later this month. Dumb americunt.

Sure buddy

I'll lobotomise your smart car you lazy piece of shit

You are being sarcastic, right? You sound like a clueless 60 yo boomer. Autonomous vehicles will be much safer than manual cars within 1-3 decades.

the cars get smarter and the drivers get dumber. It's called looking at a trend.

Self driving cars are totally anti-human, dystopian, and dare I say European. Besides that, how would a self driving car park at the county fair?

Man I programmed some lego robot car how to not bump into shit in year 10 high school almost 20 years ago. That's honestly probably the easiest thing for a self-driving car to do.

>mfw actually considering being a fucking truck driver
what the fuck happened to my life. i want to kill myself. how could this happen. all my life i wanted to make it. and now i'm here. wow time to literally go sit in the garage with the car on.

>Above average income

Not right off the bat. Like any industry, you're paying dues for a couple of years, minimum.

>company trains you or school train you in a couple months

Less and less outfits are training. Most likely, you'll fund your license and training yourself.

>Own place to sleep out of their parents house

Only if you can qualify for and get a loan for a long haul truck.

>Travel the country

You'll see mostly highway. I've driven across the country, after the first time, it all looks the same. What you'll see mostly is road, truck stops, and the backs of other trucks.

>Make guap when doing contract /owner operator work

When you can afford to buy, maintain and fund your own truck. It's a big nut. Big money is when the truck is paid off. Good news - a good used truck is almost as much as a small house!

>Women think your an alpha rebel

Yeah, no. Truckers are why lot lizards exist.

Not in your lifetime. The deaths from self-driving cars recently has stopped any real plans for anything even remotely being put in place any time soon. Trucking companies want nothing to do with it, insurance companies refuse to even discuss it. Why would they risk $250k a load for some shitty AI that doesn't work?

We have almost automated systems NOW, they're called trains, and that's why most freight is still hauled by them. You'll see 100% automated trains decades before you see self-driving trucks that are mixed in with regular driver traffic.

Also, systems for automated trucking all require pristine roadbeds and a massive infrastructure built to track and guide trucks, and nobody, and I mean nobody, is even hinting at getting started on that. States can barely afford to maintain the roads they have, and if it weren't for federal money for the highways, we'd see overpasses falling down and bridges collapsing.

Electric trucks? LOL. Not until there's some major level discoveries made in battery tech. Don't hold your breath. We're talking "invention of the transitor" level breakthroughs. Nobody will make money charging trucks every couple of hours, even if they have electric motors with enough torque to haul the same amount as a 18 wheeler.

Mining is a small, controlled loop where they can control variables on several orders of magnitude about a truck on an open road in the midwest. To compare the two just shows how ignorant and naive you are. One point for future thinking, but negative 100 points for having no fucking common sense.

Even more proof you don't have a fucking clue. Do you even know what a capacitor is, and how it's NOT A FUCKING BATTERY.

Graphene lithium is all conjecture right now, it's still being researched. There is no working example right now. Laughable is the only word that comes to mind over this.

Solar canopy? 100% proof you're an ignorant twat. Solar power is barely capable of heating water, you're gonna charge the battery load for a truck carrying 80,000 lbs of cargo? Get the fuck out of here you dumb spastic. You need the electrical grid to charge a fucking Prius, but you're gonna charge the capacity of batteries to carry 80,000 lbs off solar sheets?

Just get off the internet, you're too fucking stupid to be here. You make us all look bad.

Trucking was cool before companys started careing about dollas per hour, before it used to be you got your load and if you made it to destination at or before said time ur good.. Now its bullshit, if you fuck off too long dispatch calls you. If you go down the wrong road cops nail you with a 10,000$ fine for being offroute.
Trucking fucking blows now user-

It does have some upsides, i have a friend whos got all his Certs, he just swaps jobs every 90 days for the sign on bonuses, Rohl offered him 20,000$ he work for 90 days and went elsewhere..

There is a chance that OTR, like thru nebrasaka will eventually
be automated - The truck will dock near a town and a driver will take it to the final destination, but we are WAY off.. Plus, You would not believe how many motherfuckers would wait on the side of a highway to down a AI driven truck and steal fucking everything. This is a HUGE issue considering a entire truck could be carrying plasma TV's with a load worth upwards 200,000$+

My dispatcher said and i quote " If your gonna hit a motherfucker, make it count, we have cameras and good lawyers- Plus you get like 5 accidents before we boot you"

You pay whores to go away, not hang around after your done with them.

Try 120,000+ for hazmat

depends on the company

Know this tho, Truckers are HUGE on crypto, Huge.. Like i saw a fucking dude who quite literally had is trailer painted as DASH coin advertisement. It is NOT ucommon to find a trucker who has 6 figures in bitcoines (Proved he has 7+ years experience )and altcoins because all we fucking do is drive on the road and trade- You guys wouldnt know shit about it, but go get a CB radio and hangout by the highway. You will legitimately hear Jow Forums level conversations.

its great for cereal killers

Are you fucking serious? Of course Amazon and Walmart are looking deeply into unmanned trucking. It's literally the next major technological achievement that will come to fruition.

Anyway, more serious answer:

Trucking is not for everyone. It's a very lonely, boring job. If you just drive the truck. It's dependable work, if you don't get too many tickets, and stay put of trouble, and try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Plus, your community is basically rednecks. It's not a bad job, but you can do better, unless the lifestyle really appeals to you - and that's as an indie owner/operator, but unless you have a couple hundred grand to sink into it, you're gonna drive someone else's truck for at least a few years.

A better job is going to school for diesel mechanic. Job security, and you're not on the road 5 days a week - and it pays well.

I've run into truckers over the years, and for the most part, the guys who own their trucks seem to like it, and the ones who drive for someone else, hate it. Is this something you really want to sink a decade into, to start seeing money from it?

If you want a job to attract women, go become a firefighter, or a cop.

It’s hard work, scary, lonely. But once you get the hang of it... worth it.

Yeah, Amazon looked into it, and realized it's decades away, on any level. That's why they came up with their new delivery operation, with owner-operated small cargo vans.

I'm not even getting into the idea of DOT approving self driving trucks. The Fed is in no rush to even start talking about the idea.

It's boring as fuck, has an alarmingly high death rate due to crashes from fatigue, most truck drivers end up taking amphetamines to stay awake and everyone in that job field will be replaced by self-driving trucks in less than 10 years.

So no, even ignoring the fact that the job literally won't even exist 10 years from now it pays as high as it does for a reason, it's a mind numbing, soul crushing, potentially fatal job.

Same as people waiting on the side of the road to rekt the truck driver.
Just put a machine gun on the top of the truck co trolled by the AI.
Samsung already has automated machine guns that are more accurate than humans and can adquiere targets 10 times faster than humans.

Regardless, it will begin happening in the next 10 years. Cap this.

>decades away
You're a fool.

my homebase is Jow Forums, im just gonna tell you right now- No- In fucklandworld sure great idea and add in a GTAM for airassults in the bed and you golden, but in reality; No. That shits not going to happen. Also, No. Not im a million fucking years..

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Lol 23 year old Jow Forums fag here
i just signed up for trucking school with a major company
Plan on working and investing that money.
Only pajeets think they can get rich without hard work.

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No, it won't. You won't even get exploratory hearings by Congress to change the laws to allow it, in a decade.

You don't get the hurdles in place to reach this goal, at the Federal level. A decade? You're just ignorant. The Fed doesn't move that fast, and they're more apt to listen to the trucking unions and companies that need real trucks, and states that can't afford the infrastructure required - and that's IF the technology is good enough to do it, and right now, it's in infancy stage, especially the AI part, which is mostly smoke and mirrors. Anyone who's tried it on real roads in real traffic have gotten people killed.

Not in your lifetime. Bank on that. With x100 leverage.

Great rebuttal. Now try facts. I know, it's a stretch, but it should be amusing.

You mean the same way that taxi services all across the world didn't get a rude awakening in the previous 10 years? Suck a dick, trucker.

That's a meme user.

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Enjoy no job after self-driving becomes a reality in 2 years

Like what?