If Monero drops to 50$ a piece I will buy 100 and put them away until 2025. Roast me Jow Forums

If Monero drops to 50$ a piece I will buy 100 and put them away until 2025. Roast me Jow Forums

Attached: monero-1.jpg (600x597, 12K)

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nobody will even reply because this is a great idea, it wont go that low, that the only problem

Where do you buy?

how much will 1 Monero be worth in 2025? $1000? $10,000? $50,000?
Seems like a good idea, just put it in cold storage and hold.
kraken and bittrex are trustworthy american exchanges that have it

Dumb idea

on the dark web

thats the plan. by then it'll be $5k+ per coin. godspeed user

this is actually a good idea. In fact everyone should have a few XMR stored away just in case.

Hm, why? I want to do the same.

Unironically the only good advice on this board right now. I’m doing the same user - just waiting for a favorable breakdown in the XMR/BTC ratio.

Chainlink has created the next generation of number generation. Good luck with your shitcoin

How can I buy monero on the darkweb?

maybe maybe, historically in extreme fear people run to XMR for safety
so BTC maybe dumping but in satoshies XMR will be mooning

No need to, just use localmonero or buy btc then exchange

When BTC reaches low 4000s, XMR will certainly be in the 50s.

Do you have any experience buying on localmonero? Does it have multisig?

where the fuck doe sone store XMR? I have a trezor but it isn't supported and I'm too dumb for paper wallets.

I have monerujo on android.

>If Monero drops to 50$ a piece I will buy 100 and put them away until 2025. Roast me Jow Forums

Probably the smartest long term hold you can make in crypto. I know people always shill their pet coin but Monero is legitimately the only actualy crypto
to begin with, and beyond that has an actual non-meme use case.

I'm waiting until it drops to $5 a piece just sold my stack

At the current rate it will be there in a day or two
Monerujo supports ledger, I store mine there

Someone bought yours.

Delete this thread fag.

Attached: 10523593_307723726063107_1482060872_n.jpg (780x465, 48K)

>in cold storage
just directly buy it/cash it out from an exchange and don't be one of the tards that take a fucking picture of their passphrase with their phone

there's a disturbing lack of dereo pajeets in this thread, have they all frowned themselves in the Ganges?

Attached: 1533079604171.png (960x1280, 2.07M)

Think 40 is enough to make it?

go for 100. If they hit 10k someday you kind of made it.


good luck getting ur hands on 100.

are you really bothered about afew % if you're so confident in a 10x?

100 is just 6k lol
and that is if prices dont drop further and if you're starting on zero
nigger please

>investing in a shitcoin that its only use is criminal activity
you aint gonna make it pal

id buy 50 at $51 and 50 more in a year if its even lower... this bear market will drag out longer than you guys think.. but the overall idea is good user.

>only use is criminal activity
privacy is criminal now.

>privacy is the same thing as untraceability
you aint gonna make it

fbi pls go

Some old school analysts are predicting bitcoin to bottom out at 2.5k in 6-8 months times.

If this does happen, what price will XMR be?

notice how bitcoins impact on altcoins has lessened over the past few months. It is not the flippening everyone's been expecting, but rather we have slowly become less dependent on it

Based OP

I can only roast your for not waiting for $30 like me.

Livecoin: livecoin.net . Sometimes they take the Monero wallets offline, so be careful. You can generally exchange BTC for anything else here.

Install the Monero wallet on a computer that will never be connected to the internet ever again (unless you wipe the harddrive). Set up the wallet, write down the recovery seed words (write several copies) and copy the public address. Wipe the computer. Done.

Restoring: Follow the same steps as above, but when setting up the wallet, restore from the seed words. Then ... uhm... connect to the internet and spend the Monero. So it can't be the computer from Step 1. This is the catch where "they" can spend your Monero before you do. Make sure there's no malware before connecting to the internet to move the Monero in 2025.

how about a raspi?

It’s gonna drop down to 25-35$ just be patient

Even better, because you can't accidentally run Windows 10 on it and get keylogged by the friendly Microsoft telemetry.

I guess I spoke too soon.


You can only get command-line tools for ARM CPUs. Hope that works for you...

If i wish, then my own monero are traceable.


If any of you store your XMR on a 3’rd party site, enjoy losing everything.

back the truck up on monero
best Jow Forums thread of 2018

Crap, I've somehow posted the non-https version of the URL...


Someone tell the Monero folks this is a thing with their site...

way too much paranoia

lol at expecting normies to do all this

brainlet here: what about the regular monero forks. do I have to do something with the coins when there is a fork?


what's your projected XMR price by 2025? I'm thinking somewhere between 3-5k

3-5 million USD minimum

3-5k seems realistic

If / when you need to spend it, you'll have to download the latest wallet software from getmonero.org and restore the secret seed words on it. Make sure it's a clean computer with no malware (and no Windows OS).

why is Monero more stealable than other crypto?

Not sure if it's possible to do something like what Electrum does for BTC - have an offline machine which is only used for signing transactions. Maybe it's possible with the command-line tools... It's worth investigating.

But with switching from RingCT to Bulletproofs, I'm not sure that the older wallet on the offline PC will handle the new transaction formats, hence what I suggested above.

Isn't it the same with any crypto? That said, with Monero you can't find which address stole your coins.

Correct, I can get super-paranoid at times. I don't even practice all that I preach.

For normies, something like the Cobo Vault would be awesome, if it worked -- the reviews on youtube show that scanning QR codes from the device seems broken at this point.

Yes I have experience. Make sure you buy from someone with high reputation. Be very careful, don't go for the cheapest deal, go for the one with the most reputation and you should be good. Meeting someone in person is the best, if you've bought drugs before its similar.

I believe everyone should have at least 10.

nah man, come up with your own random private key on paper, then use pen and pencil math to convert that to a public address, then send Monero to that address without ever even installing a wallet or connecting that address to the internet

at 50$ I will follow you by buying 200 of them

everyone who didnt even have 1:1,000,000 of the total monero supply shouldnt be in crypto after all.

the biggest usecas for crypto still is the black market, XMR is everything you need.

dont be that dumb.

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But I thought the best of the easy ways to get a random seed is on a Linux machine running haveged.

Maybe with a dice? It would only take a few years to do the elliptic curve math by hand.

Don't get pajeet'd
There are no regular monero forks

>total monero supply
there is not such thing, from 2022 on 0.3 new xmr per minute get minted.

too inflationary, not a great cold for hodling, doesnt work as a store of value

>There are no regular monero forks
are you literally retarded? it hard forks every 6 months to change algo. fucks sakes...

I think so right? I mean estimating by 2025 there will be around 18-20M in circulation that's 70-100Bn Mcap - basically where BTC is now. I think it's realistic because fungibility will always have value.

G-guys.... The asians know something.

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Where’d you get that graph?


nice web ty



>Thinking deflationary assets are a good thing
Found the guy who doesn't understand economics

Would this be a good time to convert eth to xmr for long term holding?

It's always a good time, but I'd hold in something stable until it dumps further (it will)

Theres a coldstorage key generator on mymonero, i stored it for a year and restored it....it's legit

Why monero and not zcash?

Privacy by default
Zcash devs are willing to sell you out if they deem it fit
Proven track record instead of unaudited, theoretical technology that may or may not be implemented properly.

>less dependent
>btc crashed -80% and dragged alts to crash -97%
kys brainlet


>obligatory 10% dev fee
>optional privacy
>possible backdoors
>smaller community

Why zcash and not ZEN?

> ZCash has massive inflation. 16 Million coins still to be minted. Monero has 1.5 Million to mint then tail emission

> Only coin in the top 200 that is down from its value in 2016. Down a lot at this point from 2016 levels

> Worth $350 a year ago.

> Despite the fact that it's on Gemini, has a Zcash Investment Trust you can buy, it still continues to lose value.

> Centralized Trust Privacy

> Thus, not used in any DarkNetMarkets

Attached: Inflation.jpg (1200x600, 64K)

Any of you following Grin (mimblewimble)?

What is Monero's strategy to deal with pic related?

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its deflationary long term, as a constant rate of money supply creation invariably leads to a percent decrease of money creation over time.

Fucking wish I could do it.

>too inflationary, not a great cold for hodling, doesnt work as a store of value
~1% (and decreasing) inflation is not really a big deal at all once tail emission hits. Keeps miners mining without worrying about bitcoin's future "fee market" that has to somehow organically develop. To say that it doesn't work as a store of value because it isn't deflationary is retarded when you have to account for the number of Monero that will be lost accidentally or otherwise.
>it hard forks every 6 months to change algo
That's obviously not what he was trying to point out to the newfag that asked.

so was btc
also the last time btc had any real use

How did Swiss bank accounts deal with the association of money laundering, drug dealing, nazis, crimnals, dictators, etc?

That image actually helped them because people knew their money was safe if fucking criminals, nazis and dictators found safe havens in these banks.

Attached: monero.jpg (560x577, 136K)

The strategy is to not cave to the ridiculous idea that valuing your privacy automatically associates you with lowlife criminals. So far they've done a pretty good job of that. Also, as long as it remains trivial for anyone with enough time and resources to see exactly how much Bitcoin any one wallet contains then Monero will find supporters.

this. anyone who has real money did something fucked up, shady, immoral, or out right illegal to get it. welcome to game npc's

see pinkdate as an example of the future

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I use BTC to feed my face pizza and buy Jordans bruhh.


Problem is storing it.

What inflation faggot? It has a limited supply, same as Bitcoin.

This stupid FUD on Zcash really makes you think...