You foooooooooools!

You foooooooooools!

How the fuck did we let the same people that fucked us take over crypto. We need to burn it all down and start again.

theter castle finnaly falling?

Oh my god. Now they’re coming after everyone who made gains. You’re going to jail, rich fags

Because of normies. As long as normies represent the majority of society, nothing will change. They are too easy to manipulate.

So many software engineers were able to go do their own work instead of be slaves. This is not good for them. They don't know how to use computers, they have been only thieving this entire time.

I'll believe it when I see these scammers locked up

Attached: Substratum-CNN-Documentary-CoinCalendar.jpg (1068x567, 72K)

check the catalogue you kike faggot

because crypto was only about one thing: some nerds wanting to be rich so they built a whole market favoring the already rich. "Crypto for the people" was a big fat stinky lie.

In the end a handful of nerds got to drive lambos and a bunch of rich got richer.

Go suck a cock, gambler, you never bought anything with crypto, you are also part of the cancer.

Jesus every single fucking board. When did the entire Jow Forums turn into a white demoralization site?!

When you slighted KARA BOGA!

don't be a faggot

24.5 billion in volume according to CMC. This is what it looks like when whales pop.
You are too busy being self assured to take advantage of it.
Don't buy bitcoin and buy promising low cap alts. Next cycle you will be a whale.
Or just complain.

well the tech behind crypto is never going away we just have to find something else to invest in

Is this the same CNBC that has 95% accuracy rating of making calls that do the exact opposite thing in relation to bitcoin?
So bitfinex is innocent

I am just asking it was never like this.

Nigger I was buying trips on Expedia with bitcoin when you were still curry.

wait, are they really blaming traders instead of bitfinex?

100% wrong.

well Im not selling, Im just sayin I cant believe I fucking believed the hype. This shit is only about greed.
Im gonna build my portfolio the next year, dropping a hundred or two every paycheck, this time I will be prepared for the bullrun, if it never happens, well, I lost a couple thousands, if it does, 200k is all I need for my next plan, aka putting down the payment for a big ass house, getting a big ass loan and rent that shit out for that sweet passive income.

I almost started btc mining in 2012 but I didnt risked my money, payed my rent, my school like a good goy. Im still salty about this. Jumped on board in jan and Im not selling.

Im happy for every poor neet who made a fortune and thier suffering is finally over. I hope it will happen to me too, sooner or later. Or not, idgf I will hodl.

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