what are the odds we never see another ATH?
What are the odds we never see another ATH?
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10/10 its over, crypto is going negative. You will litteraly owe us money if u stay in any longer
This IS the new ATH. lmao
It's called ATH because nothing ever tops it. It wouldn't be ATH otherwise.
about 10% by 2020
Dont worry boomers are going to buy these ETFS for Bitcoin that has crashed 80% this year.... Lol were so fucked.
its over
insiders got their info to sell
exit all crypto unless you want to hold useless bags
Strong support at $800
I want to hold useless bags
Maybe in 10 years bitcoin will be 8k usd again, when the minimum wage is 100 usd or so after the economy has been bailed out again by the fed. Btc 20k in 2035
unironically 0. The same chance as the greed in humans will vanish simultaniously
This is going to sound funny in one year
on a serious note, given the amount of interest there's around the crypto space, it's impossible to die... tulips are just flowers, blockchain is actually useful. it'll come around eventually
people know there's an eventual golden bull in the collective imagination on the horizon somewhere in the next years, so they'll wait for shit to cool down and they'll start buying.
ultimately we'll see another exponential growth but it's hard to say when
the current level will be 2019's ATH
Do u even no wat ATH means ffren
yes. 4275 will be the highest BTC will be in 2019 :)
We will see
one in a trillion
100%.... in 11 years.
no-one knows, but as long as there's a 10% chance of another ATH eth is worth it.
think 10% chance is veryyyyyy pessimitic, dont let the Jow Forums nocoin bears get you down. it's happened in 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2018.
will it happen again, maybe not... but at 10/1 odds? i'd definitely take it.
and thats why i have eth
100% or more
100% sure we will never make a new ATH.
Think about it, people were paying $20,000 for a literal 1 in a screen, an intangible, useless, unbacked and slow asset worth literally 0.
this logic is so fucking retarded it makes me want to buy BTC right now
you do realize you don't have to buy a whole bitcoin right you fucking idiot?
fuck you, i made more money than you the last bull run and even i knew its the dumbest ponzi ever, well 2nd only to the tulips.
Tulips never happend, moron.
the point is that was the value of a full coin you fucking moron. so as long as people were buying any amount at that price, the collective values of their parts where $20k when summed up to a whole
kys you fucking nigger faggot
the value of a full coin is irrelevant you absolute shit sucking retard, it was overvalued but not because the price of a "single coin" was high. There were people that spent millions of dollars for a single number in the decentralized spreadsheet in 2014 and they made fucking bank on retards like you
>the value of a full coin is irrelevant
these are the type of """people""" that post on Jow Forums
the absolute STATE of this board
the value of a full coin IS irrelevant you fucking idiot, I thought you retards that were buying "cheap alts" for "only a few cents each!!!" would've fucking killed yourself by now but I guess you're still alive in kicking
pls kill yourself
>"the value of a full coin IS irrelevant"
>implying i bought alts
>getting this mad
no more (You)s, fag lmao keep seething
Better than average.
keep buying coins cheap like TRON man! they are so cheap! Its less than 1 cent!!!! you should buy a million of them man its so cheap!
>oh no I don't understand what market cap is
>time to play damage control
>"y..you're s-s-seething"
imagine being this guy
I imagined it and it felt pretty good
>hahaha tulips
>woman detected
Tits or GTFO, cunt.