Hello. I was directed to this forum by my son Kevin. Apparently he came here and was convinced to spend all the money he earned at his job (McDonalds) on some internet tokens. He was told the prices would definitely increase and he could later sell and make a profit. Well he's told me now that the tokens have crashed and he has lost $15k.
Promising guaranteed returns and not delivering is a felony and I WILL be suing unless I get the money back. I want to know who is responsible. Oh and by the way I will also be contacting Fox News to get them to expose your little scam operation.
>I want to know who is responsible. me you can sue my name is user ymus
Jaxon Murphy
i fucking wish i could save up 15K in crypto wage cukin' it at mcdonalds. do not worry sheryl, your son is good with money and he will make more money in the future. buy mobius, sir.
Ryan Smith
Kevin invested into a highly speculative asset class akin to gambling. He should of invested into xrp. Please tell Kevin that the internet should not be trusted and he is A naughty boy. *Not financial advise
Are you his dad? Do you know that he is a bear and day trader now? He is shorting coins.
Ryan Lopez
>Invest in crypto Market crashes >invest in stocks Market crashes >check 401k Lost all gains from start of year and almost in the red >open up fidelity go account 4 weeks ago Yep
I’ve lost 1/3 of my net worth sharing this year - $15k and I’m $80k in student loan debt
Can I give one of you the last of My money to come to my house and kill me? Please?
>$80k in dept >freshly out of college >401k something doesn't add up here.
William Butler
I should add I went all in on VUZI yesterday morning and it has since plunged 15%
Carson Morgan
no but i will teach you the way of the boomer to never lose gains again dont save dont invest dont care about the planet of future generations carpe diem bitch
Liam Ward
Who said I was fresh out of college?
only been working salaried for last 4 years
Brody Rogers
Some of you are alright - don’t go to the stock market tomorrow
Nicholas Richardson
You can sue us if you can find us.
We are Chan.
And there are 4 of us.
Jonathan Lee
REMEMBER, THE SCAM SITE IS 4CHANNEL.COM 4channel is a scammer website that has nothing to do with Jow Forums
Angel Reed
3. Lil' nigga killed himself in a lambo accident the other day
Brody Clark
Do it, OP. Do it today. No sense in going on for 60 more years. Just do it.
Dylan Perez
i'll come to your house and kill you for a third of that