EOS BPs considering doubling inflation because they apparently can't afford running at current rewards

EOS BPs considering doubling inflation because they apparently can't afford running at current rewards...
Can EOS be more pathetic?

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That shit shouldn't even be in the top 50

They make 1% distributed among main BPs and back-ups.

That is less inflation then BTC and ETH.

Fascinating - existing BPs are launching additional BPs to get more funds, in result reducing the actual number of separate BPs.
this is true, but given that everything is ultimately set by BPs they are going to increase it indefinitely.

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Yeah but they aren't mining, they literally just have to run a node that confirms blocks. You can get a server that will do that for $50/month from AWS

>either option is better than a failing network
apparently it's serious lol

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>thing about exchanges. they run shit completely
>retail voting doesn't matter
>we must offer them earth and water, and then beg for mercy
damn heavy truth bombs, I think they forgot their chat is public

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What an embarassment. Do they not understand that there isn't enough liquidity to effectively 'double their pay?'


The average sunk cost for the BPs hardware is 80k and the average staff is 5 members.

You fucks are all retarded. That's why I know there is still room for EOS to grow.

This is an amazing level of cope. Please elaborate on this - I want to see how severe your case of brain damage is.

Why do uou need 5 staff members to run a node? What are their duties?

Not really, honestly if the BPs cant remain solvent then they need to run out of money and fucking die. You need to be smart enough to run a business if you intend to be a BP.

Next mother fuckers. Also one dollar EOS isn't out of the question in the current falling market. I hope this cleanses those fucking morons who cant make a dapp that is profitable. I hope this causes major problems for worthless fucks and whales.

ETH is fucked too! ETH is going sub 10-50 bucks if EOS goes sub one dollar. And I'm fucking glad. EAT SHIT AND FUCKING DIE. I am sick and fucking tired of all of this bullshit. I want to see people from as far back as the 2014 to get in the red.

Rot in bullshit hell all of you!! HAHAHAHA

But seriously though, anyone who isn't a brainlet knows this town needs an enema.


afraid, len?

I'm profiting off capitulation atm. Not a bear either. I am also really fucking tired of the scum in crypto. I have no tolerance anymore for bullshit.

The more you people lose the more I make.

And for the record EOS has some bullshit BPs that need to be cleansed too. ETH and EOS are both cluttered with garbage humans who are looking for a free ride. Its undeniable. If being a top 21 BP isn't enough for you to stay solvent then you are on the chopping block. You never researched how to make a dapp that makes money and hoped being a BP was a free ride.

Bye Felicia.

Omg what a fucking joke tempted to sell my eos and just go all in SV fuck all these commies that want gibs I’m starting to think Craig is right

>sell my eos
>just go all in SV
the absolute state of eos holders

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