What did he know?
George Soros Sold Facebook, Netflix, and Goldman Stock Just Before They Tumbled
he is the final boss
the ultimate jew
everything, just like during ww2 when he sent his fellow jew rats to the ovens. he's always one claw ahead.
He's got a good eye for incoming collapses
His selling caused the tumble
He is the reason these companies tumbled. He sold, word got around, others sold, people saw that people are selling, more people sold...
o-oh my shock!
o no!
yeah probably because he helps start them
"Oh, theres a massive trade war with China"
"Oh, theres a whole bunch of bad news about the trade war"
"Maybe I should....sell?"
He is a master at trading during times of SHTF. I don't like the gut, but his skill at this strategy is unreal. He's made his entire fortune during SHTF moments in markets
he brought them down.
The same everybody else knows. That that shit is overvalued, overbought with all volume related indicators pointing to something gigantic. Also like anybody else the old yid is probably short on anything Euro and energy related. Everybody and his grandma knows that printing money doesn't solve productivity problems, and sure as hell no datamining tech companies
this, but unironically
>Facebook up 3% today
Tesla holding its high pretty well, considering the whole stock market. Tesla will rule the world in the future.
Netflix was an obvious bust, especially with the upcoming streaming providers like Disney etc.
>All three are essentially centralized wealth
>Decentralization is coming
this but hydroponically
>Tesla will rule the world
Unironically this.
Brainlets assuming that they're simply an auto-company have another thing coming. They need to think bigger.
He must have gotten involved with Cryptocurrency earlier this year because he meant to crash Bitcoin. He clearly isn't going to use Bitcoin to destabilize nations' governments.
Fuck, this guy is good.
How did Soros get so good?
Unfortunately, the ovens were a (((lie))).
They deserve a real holocaust though.
his following just does whatever he does like buffets following
the man is actually pretty smart. listen to the alchemy of finance on youtube if you get the opportunity.
that he was going to be selling
that information alone, which he created, is enough to impact prices
because asset managers are retards just like everyone else that just follows what they see the "smart money" doing
he's still buying BTC
honestly you'd have to be a brainlet to have not sold before this recent dip
S o r o S
they tumbled BCUZ he sold
Yes. The market is rigged. There's whales in real life with hundreds of millions of dollars and decades of time in the market.
He's the guy that starts collapses
He's the biggest fucking whale out there
>Soros is known as "The Man Who Broke the Bank of England" because of his short sale of US$10 billion worth of pounds sterling, which made him a profit of $1 billion during the 1992 Black Wednesday UK currency crisis.
He literally employs spies.
There was a leaked pdf that he sent to his whales that showed how much they knew about companies, including work relationships, stress, prospects, future projects etc.
He is technically insider trading despite not being legally part of it.
YFW, you realized he caused it to begin with.
Because facebook, twitter, etc needed to find a way that would prevent populist ideas from spreading... they decided to create a few fake scandals and that "fake news" narrative as an excuse to start censoring and demonetizing. Soros NGO's are also repressing the entire cryptosphere because they see it as something "alt-right".
I'm not joking.
this. He doesn't know shit. He is just so influential everyone gets scared.
He probably sold the stock told as many traders as he could so they all panick sold and soros probably opened short positions on them all.
that theyre overvalued shit?
what does that have to do with selling their stocks?
It was pretty easy to spot the stock market was peaking. Did you not see the repeated large dips, the failure to break support, the worsening qaurterly reports from big tech. Anyone who didn't take significant profit this fall or late summer is a moron. Sell high, you dense fucks.
Except it was another hedgefund that had a 3B position that ACTUALLY broke the Bank of England
That they were unsustainably high? I am surprised he held them for that long.
did he also sell BTC making it drop from 6.4k to 4.2k ?
I've always heard that Soros basically spooked all of the other traders by selling which is what caused the crash
Soros sold Facebook to get zuck in line on the deplatforming of Alex Jones. He swung his dick costing zuck billions and said I'll do it again and again until you submit and submit he did.
Why would Zuck care though?
Isn't he already a billionaire?
you can visit some death camps and see them yourself...
It had to be pretty obvious sentiment was/is going against the tech giants
Lmao the ovens were real. The question is, how do (((they))) still control everything despite the bullshit they've endured. Perhaps they're just smarter. The racial intelligence hierarchy must go
(((Ashkenazi))) > East Asians > Whites > Mixed > Arabs > Pajeets > Indochina > Niggers
>nearly 90
>still chasing money rather than enjoying life
Fucking over others is Soros' idea of enjoying life.
Some people enjoy chasing money.
Also, why do so many different nations at different points in history all unanimously decide they should kick (((them))) out? Must be because they're anti-semites, because Jews definitely do not cause economic problems at a National level.
Because the whites kept getting out played by (((them)))
He sold his soul to money long ago user. Hes the ultimate bearjew
Funny how Alex Jones and related people were all telling everyone the corporate technocracy would start outright censoring and banning people from the internet, and lo and behold thats exactly what happened and no one even batted an eye
Hi Raddit! :))))))
Do they also have the furnace coasters and masturbation machines on display? How about those skin lampshades they used at the Nuremberg trials?
soros shouldnt be trusted, he turned his fellow jews into the nazis
Why does Trump love them and make them fuck his offspring then?
I think he just gets off to ruining things for other people, the money is just the tool needed to do so. Soros is the guy who would start a war and watch in glee as thousands of goyim are slaughtered in the chaos while he sits in the shadows rubbing his hands (or cock) with them all completely obvious to that the fact he is the reason they are killing each other.
Why do people consider East Asians more intelligent than whites.
They've barely invented anything and the only Asian countries with a good standard of living were either 1) founded by the British (Hong Kong and Singapore) or 2) Subsidised by America after WW2 (Japan and South Korea)
And Japan's military was completely based off of European military and most of their ships were build in Britain
See the recent facebook fud by mainstream media. Its because they know "alt-right" new can spread on it. He knew fake fud about facebook was coming down so he sold off his stuff. Same for other companies. He knows what the journalists will all publish soon.
Is there even that much "alt right" stuff on Facebook?
I would've thought that it was more on Jow Forums , 8 chan, voat or gab, those kinds of sites ,not normiebook
Who would have thought that selling hundres of millions in stocks could effect the price of stocks.
*mind blown*
The only "gas chamber" you can visit at Auschwitz was constructed by the Soviet communists in 1948, three years after the war ended.
In fact every single camp which has not been reclassified from a "death camp" to a "work camp" was liberated by the Soviets. Not the West. All the Western liberated camps turned out, in spite of (((media))) atrocity propaganda claiming otherwise, to be merely "work camps". Pure coincidence, I'm sure.
>Implying Trump isn't either being played by, or he is part of (((Them)))
They didn't really buy tho. Bullshit news headline to fool people. It creates liquidity for them to get out.
>he is the final boss
he doesn't even own 25% of his own company, you want his home number? he won't talk to you, his attorneys will call you
>Isn't he already a billionaire?
no he's a front man
I'd like to say it is because of IQ but it would seem that China made sure to only include IQ tests passed by the wealthy and educated.
the question is, why are Jow Forums autists still nuthugging trump
more than you, ahmed
This, white went full nigger on jews because they couldn't handle it differently
>there are legitimate low IQ leftist in this thread
Yep the Communist Party of China inflate their statistics by conveniently ignoring the hundreds of millions of pisspoor peasant drones
yes, the piles of cadavers the allies found in the camps they liberated were not people killed in gas chambers, just people prisoners who recently died of typhus because americans bombed all the nazi infrastuctures and prevented the camps from being maintained
When you have Soros amounts of wealth you can steer the price of stocks quite easily. He probably initiated the crash by pulling the floor out.
That's piss easy when you are the one holding that bag of turds and the one that decides when to start throwing the turds on the fan
Stop talking about the fucking Holocaust.
Everywhere I go, everything I do and jews constantly need to remind of the fact that 6 gazillions of the god's chosen people died in the Holocaust.
Shut the fuck up, I'm not even German
>The obvious
they were in poland to keep them out of the eyes of the german public.
same as everyhwere desu. which country does IQ test their entire population? none.
I'll just leave this here.
MVP now delivered with excellent token model, white label blockchain document transaction system.
>jews get kicked out of guatemalans jungle by fucking tribes
>the jews just outplayed those tribesman and the tribesman were salty mUaaah :^)
Definitely not inside information
this but sardonically
Billionaire from owning his stocks. If his stocks went to zero, he would be broke. All of this is an illusion.
kek yeah, lets go see the buildings the soviets built after the war too. The fact is the holohoax is fake news.
I doubt he would be broke though.
I'm sure he holds assets other than just his facebook stocks.
Maybe he wouldn't be a billionaire if his stocks went to zero but he would at least be a comfy millionaire.
He sold them, if he knew shit he could have made unlimited money, fake and gay.
this old bitch is the devil
Cope, wanna know how many countries were subsidized by America? Its over china will eventually overtake America likely in the next few decades
WTF how can he have the monopoly over social media and not be a billionaire?
You think (((they))) will let Musk succeed now? Lal
You can't JEW the JEW
checked satan digits
You can *see* the moon landing as well. Doesn't mean shit nigger.
east asians have better work ethics, which translates to more study time and bigger attention span, which is good for these tests.
maybe white people still have a better "spark" though which is paramount for inventing new shit
massive stormcope. The amount of navel gazing I see from alt-right types like yourself is amazing. Whites are amazing and accomplish a lot, but alt-right types seem to have problems giving anyone else any credit as well. Anyways to answer your question, whites created modernity and have been nurturing it for some two to three centuries now? East asia on the other hand has only been working within the constructs of the modern age for less than a century (with the exception of japan counting from the meiji restoration), and you're really going to unironically say:
"hurrr durrr why havent asians accomplished anything yet???"
yeah...it could be because civilizationally speaking east is like two centuries behind the west. Its not rocket science dude. Truthfully nobody knows the future, but I do think the progress of east asian countries in the technological age within such a short amount of time (relative to the west) is very impressive indeed