>tfw no jap x african waifu
Tfw no jap x african waifu
If she banged a white dude (which she definitely will) and had kids, would they be more hapa or negro?
Negro always. Black genes are forever.
If you mixed a cup of mud with a cup of water would you drink it?
Ehhh idk user. Pure black or pure Japanese is a lot better imo.
Fuck racemixing,period. Asian/African mixes are literally piss and shit.
I'm curious about what kind of person you are. Do you live in the south or some other rural area?
not user but I share the same sentiment and im half black also this thread is trash
Fuck you ain't nothin u piece of shit nigger lovin liberal. U think you represent equality and shit? I represent freedom and white supremacy George Washington style you little bitch.
>bringing nigger genes into my family
Not even once
FYI George Washington was a horrible military tactician and a serendipitous politician. I’m not sure he’s the guy you wanna associate with your “white supremacy”
Wasn’t Washington rumored to be gay. He’s my guy either way.
At least one of the founding fathers was a nigger lover and another a pedophile, it's just an American thing. US was founded because they were too fucking degenerate to be left in Europe so I'm not when surprised.
That feel when the woman in OP's pic is worth more than every user in this thread. Worthless neets, kek
Yeah im not dumb enough to tie 100k in capital in a depreciating asset. Good try though, spastic.
you don't have 100k in capital to tie to anything though
you need glasses, nigger
she cute
You do know she's rich right?
they would be Manbearpigs
Ah yes, the casual contempt for the proletariat by the bourgeoisie. The modern Left are wonderful.