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How do I increase diversity in my company with out hiring niggers?
Josiah Morgan
Angel Lopez
Hire asian men. White men and asian men are the only people worth hiring
Adrian Allen
this, meaby asian female to some low key task.
Mason Rivera
Hire a lesbian, she will come in handy if you have a co-ed softball or golf tourney.
Juan Roberts
either this, or just don’t increase it?
Nolan Price
Nathaniel Richardson
hire darkies to do the shit jobs like call center or janitorial work
if you aren't big enough to hire those roles, you shouldn't care about diversity
Cameron Ross
Hire trannies to fill the woman quota but you still get male intellect.
Matthew Jackson
Are you required to increase diversity and are you the owner or an employee?
Justin Gutierrez
Elijah Fisher
Asians including middle easterns
These will help while you search for just 1 (one) of the whitest acting black dudes you can find
Then youre good forever
Jayden Mitchell
indians tend to cheat or be lazy, chinks tend to sabotage so nobody else can temper/fix their work. gooks are decent but harder to come by depending on where you live, and alot dont really socialize in general which can be plus or minus. whites if you can, is actully the best/worst possible candidates. whites are kinda all over the place, could know dick all and fly under the radar, or be the reason why your company still exists today. other races are at least more predictable imo. if its up to me, i'd do something like 70% white & rest reeses pieces. fairly conservative me thinks
Tyler Young
Top kek
Andrew Murphy
Just make them do IQ test, if someone says shit about your employes and why theyre not a bunch of niggers, you show them your science based hiring method.
Aiden Sullivan
Henry Diaz
This. All else being equal, asian and white employees >>>> everything else.
Jonathan Mitchell
The solution, as these pics illustrate: Hire only White people. White = Native European
William Green
I think the threshold is 50 employees until federal regulations apply. If you have to expand beyond 50 employees, bust it up into two companies owned by the same parent company.
Jayden Gutierrez
I think that's how companies used to hire, which is why your grandparents were able to get good jobs without having to go to college.
At some point, a federal discrimination lawsuit was filed, and aptitude testing was determined to be racist, (because how else do you explain the differences in results?),j so companies swapped to hiring college graduates and looking at GPAs instead.
Robert Rogers
Hire based Asians
Preferably girls, if you're not a faggot.
Justin Jenkins
Are there Latinos where you are? They count as diverse.
William Diaz
>Based Asians
what did Kek meant by this
>Preferably girls
>if you are not a faggot
How does this relate to the question if traps are gay or not.
Oliver Martinez
Diversity should come naturally if you don't do preferential treatment like lowering fucking standards and hiring because you want a token nigger just to look like you give a shit about diversity.
Let people's own achievements and merit speak for themselves.
Luis Jones
>in my company
Nice larp faggot.
Nicholas White
>implying transexuals have any intellectual value
Luis Collins
the land of fredom.
Ryan Williams
South Africans
Jayden Sanders
Lmao, didnt work for chainlink
William Wright
This guy fucks
Ayden Miller
Just white men. Asians are frauds.
Cooper Perry
Wow, asian women may be top dog but I'll be damned if white women ain't at least the heir to the throne.
Jace Russell
out of curiousity, if I as a white man started listing myself as black on my applications could I get in trouble? How are they going to know that I'm lying? I could just have black ancestory they don't know, are they going to genetic test me? This way I could qualify for the diveristy hires.
Brayden Cook
Blake Rivera
Hire competent people and give up on this diversity.
Luke Gomez
Were not niggers so it doesn't really count as diversity.