> unlisted coin that will pump like crazy when it gets out > backed by Sequoia, FBG capital, NGC, GBIC, Arrington etc etc > HEAVILY hyped in Korea, touted as the ICON killer > strategic partnership with blocko who's been in the blockchain space 2014 > brb, the paying clients for BLOCKCHAIN systems include samsung, hyundai, Kia motors, Cisco, Korean government agencies, major Korean banks, Korean telecoms and more wtf? > Did I mention that its heavily hyped in Korea > gnna get on korean exchanges ofc, and most likely big chinese ones too > enterprise adoption is already here with these guys, we just need to open our gook eyes
^ some larping user posted the above about this aergo project in another thread.
does anyone know more about this project, or is this user just larping?
sequioa is a serious ventrure capital fund, early investors in google, apple, oracle, whatsapp, instagram, youtube and a whole lot of other major players of the internet space
I have heard a lot about AERGO and FANTOM especially out of korea, both are definitely things to take a look @, partnerships for fantom are out of the roof and institutional ownership in it is ripe. As for AERGO I've heard a lot about it as well, looking at it right now it had 30m funding goal and 30% available for sale so it's around a 10m cap coin right now and smart money looks like it's in.
yeah i spoke with some korean friends who are in crypto just before and they said aergo seems to be getting talked alot about on korean kakao groups and naver (their social media)
going to look more into it, any idea when its coming out?
Ayden Cruz
> ICON killer KEK. That gook scam coin is already dead; no competition from other projects required.
Looking forward to a new wave of GOOKED threads after bizfags get rekt by aergo.
Kevin Wright
> HEAVILY hyped in Korea, touted as the ICON killer
these guys have been around for ages. seems like ICON just had baseless claims and partnerships that wont amount to anything
these gooks look like they have working blockchain tech and clients (not just empty handshake partnerships)
gotta do more digging
Wyatt Reed
BIG WORDS, small think
Brandon Sanders
"small think" what's this? does Jow Forums engrish
this was the post user posted in btw, few more links in der
Michael Harris
this is MASSIVE, Bank of Korea is the CENTRAL BANK for korea, they issue the SOuth Korean Won, its like doing blocckhain for US federal reserve, how is this shit not well known?
Why bother? Look at the markets, we're not buying your shitcoin, especially under these conditions. Go tell your employer or whoever offered the bounty that you posted it, collect your payment and go home.
Christopher Cook
And you replied to yourself without swapping IDs, well done.
Josiah Turner
this is a GOOKED in the making
Ryan Baker
yes i replied to myself to share the link on purpose, i didnt even know you can swap IDs mate
the best time to be buying is when the markets are down, especially cos most projects are going to be going at discounts. not everyones gonna have free $ lying around but ive been waiting for the crash so locked and loaded n ready to go.
still researching, not sure if i will pick this up but def goign to keep an eye out for it
Oliver Jackson
Well I'd rather buy this shit than icon
Aaron Thompson
if under "icon killer" it means we are going to crash further then i'm in
Landon Green
One thing crypto thought me is that bog private funded projects can dump into oblivion. Nobody know what is the actual price of the token and mere mortals get rekt in the end.
Lincoln Evans
Nolan Martinez
FANTOM, you mean the company that hires people to FUD other projects like Bezant, uses Oracle tech then listed them as an "Enterprise ally" and will be dumping 3 BILLION fucking tokens in the coming months? Good luck if you're holding this gook scam token
Matthew Fisher
true, they can also pump to the moon though. quarkchain, iotex, mainframe, ontology etc
you gotta know what the funds invested in them are like, if they are known for market makgin... then you're in good stead
Isaac Bennett
dont do it to urself anons
Eli Cox
When exchange listing? What was ICO price?
Cameron Fisher
not sure on exchange listing, CEO recently had AMA and said wil lbe soon.. but in crypto soon can mean tomorrow or a year form now lmao