2018: $0.35 2019: $0.39 2020: $0.42

Prove me wrong

>Thanksgiving 2017: $0.17
>Thanksgiving 2018: $0.36

top kek you did a x2 in 1 whole year linkies, get fucked

Attached: payments-api-diagram.png (1596x974, 144K)

Good. Now lets see how your shitcoin performed in that same stretch

Don’t tell me you actually bought

By your logic in 2033 each link will be worth 14k.

1k by EO next decade confirmed

One of the best performing coins in this bear market.
What's your point?

Dubs confirm OP REKT

That is better than any boomer stock.

So you're going to be a boomer yourself by the time you can enjoy any of that money? And good luck getting past $1

I didn't

>Thanksgiving 2017: $195
>Thanksgiving 2018: $263


Not very good in math are you :D

do you fucking think it wont go to 5-10 bucks soon? prepare to get justed beyond ur wildest dreams

Chekt n rekt

Well I'll help you Billy-Bob jr.

Buy LINK with 1000$ in Thanksgiving 2017, get 5882 stinky linkies.

Sell 5882 stinky linkies in 2018 Thanksgiving, get 2117,50$.

Make 1117,50$ profit.


Buy NFLX with 1000$ in Thanksgiving 2017, get 5,128 boomer stocks.

Sell 5,128 boomer stocks in 2018 Thanksgiving, get 1348,66$

Make 348,66$ profit.

See Einstein?

Please be bait

Yep, +1, back to discord for high fives. Send a few of the others here too for some more zero effort shit like this, it really livens the board up.

Jow Forums - Business & Finance

Fuck sergey. Fuck steve. Fuck thomas. Fuck ari juels. Fuck linkpool Fuck openlaw. Fuck aaron wright. Fuck wanchain. Fuck swift. Fuck gartner. Fuck IC3. Fuck town crier. Fuck World economic forum. Fuck zeppelin_os. Fuck accord project. Fuck market protocol. Fuck factom. Fuck Clintex. Fuck bravenewcoin. Fuck morpheus network. Fuck Fuck kaleido. Fuck hydrogen. Fuck kaiko. Fuck bZx. Fuck gamedex. Fuck Fuck web3. Fuck gavin wood. Fuck anyone who shilled chainlink. It's over.

14K EOY 2033

>falling for the pants meme

Attached: 1542858084505.png (750x1189, 142K)

So in 2030 it’ll be $1,474.56 let’s fucking go

Attached: 5DDCBBF9-7D35-4863-B06A-9BCFD0A496D3.png (657x527, 44K)

I decline to educate on the grounds that OP is a retard.