Peace Time Nazi Germany Economy

Does anyone have any insight on the economic system of pre-war Nazi Germany? I've been trying to read up a bit on what is considered by some to be a very good system before war-time economy. I really don't see much use in the system, as I'm a fan of gold backed reserves, which Hitler was opposed to. Honestly, nearly everything Hitler believed about economics was coming from the ideology of not going by any philosophies used in the western world at the time. What he believed to be a "jewish" system. Yes, Germany prospered and it looked to be great. The Berlin Stock Exchange exploded with party connected companies. The fascist system was not a system of free trade, but that of a heavily regulated by the state system that started with the private sector. Rather than having a federal system that would attempt to keep the private sector in check, the state took control of the private sector and cut out the need for another state run entity to regulate the private sector. Anyway, is there any merit into their system? I'm really not well read on the subject and I find it interesting. I don't think it was going to work out. Seems that by going to a war-time economy, they were able to save a system that was doomed to fail and was only a band aid for their pre-Nazi party system. I do like Hitler's thought that modern banking and economics makes everything more complicated than needed.

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They kicked out Jewish bankers. Thats the most important part.

>The fascist system was not a system of free trade, but that of a heavily regulated by the state system that started with the private sector. Rather than having a federal system that would attempt to keep the private sector in check, the state took control of the private sector and cut out the need for another state run entity to regulate the private sector.

What I understood that if in Nazi Germany your private business became "too big" so to speak it was "nationalized"

It had little to none regulization to small business and it was as if capitalism as usual but let us say you become a big player in any industry you probably ended up swallowed up by the state.

there was a maximun wage of 25 francs, they get out of paying the wwi reparations and built autobans an 1 millions houses, so they bubbleled themselfs in a building sector economie.

They abolished the printing press of a privately owned central bank cartel. Literally kicked out the Jews who ran it prior. And gave the control of money to the state, a state that had the best intentions of its population as a goal.
The new economy was backed by the best concensus algorithm to date: Proof of work.
The mark was replaced by the Reichsmark, a currency backed by actual honest labour.
Time + effort + labour = money.

As a consequence the economy flourished, NSDAP created jobs en masse, literally 6 million jobs in a year absolutely demolishing the unemplyment problem left behind from the legacy of the weimar republic.
Inflation was kept in check, prices was low, standard of living FAR surpassing ANY other country on earth during peacetime.

But theres a catch. The Jews who today control the worlds finance didn't like Germany going rogue on them and developing a system in which they have no control. There is a reason the NSDAP had to be destroyed and its image forever tainted. Such a system can never again become a reality in this world unfortunately aslong as (((they))) are still in control.

Luckily today we have the internet and those that put the time and effort looking into the past will understand the lies you have been told time and time again.

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I have some of these coins. Give me a minute and ill dig them out

If Hitler wasn a Zionist puppet, what is this coin?

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>(((6million))) jobs

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lern deutsch und du wirst es verstehen kek

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Thats the coin given to people of Jewish ancestry who willingly and in collaboration with the German government left Germany to resettle in British owned Palestina from 1933-1939.
They would sell their assets in Germany and recieve manufactured goods produced in germany shipped over to Palestina along with coins to buy whatever they needed in Palestina.
Havaara Act.

>What I understood that if in Nazi Germany your private business became "too big" so to speak it was "nationalized"

not nationalized, no
instead, SS squads would show up at company headquarters and have a private chat with the CEO, informing him of what the state expected of the company

basically it was a policy of "you can have all the private property you want, but when the Führer tells you what to do, you do as he says, otherwise you end up in Auschwitz"

Understand what?

Hitler wanted the jews to go back to the middle east. That coin was a show of good will to them that he wanted to work with them.

How is a system that engulfs your business if it becomes "too big" good?

Also why does it feel that both nazifags and jewfags are parroting their propaganda? Why I should believe either side.

When asked for proof, they all give you a bunch of links with "proof", so what gives.

They dont engulf your business, they just dont let you jew the people.

How would I be "jewing the people" if people are willingly buying my products, or clicking on my ads from my huge site that hads millions of views, or whatever other ways in which one could bank in millions?

I know quite a bit about National Socialist economics, if you want a short summary the natsoc economic policy was mainly focused on avoiding extortionate reparation and loan payments which involved bypassing the international banking system when it comes to trade and the creation of money such as creating new notes for payment of public works which became a stealth defacto currency and also using resource barter with other countries to avoid the banks. The system itself isn't ideal and was designed as a reaction to the circumstances the Germans found themselves in but they managed to make it work. In more peaceful and less hostile circumstances Hitler would have allowed free trade.

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Name one company in national socialist Germany that was engulfed by the state because it became too big?

It was a system in which the state allowed (and supported) private property/private companies, but they had to abide to state law. They worked in tandom with each other. Both private sector and government.


THanks for thoughts anons, I'll respond more soon. On my way to thanksgiving meal.

>companies dont collude to keep prices up

Wages of Destruction by Adam Tooze is the definitive scholarly work on the topic.

Another cool note, when they decided to back their currency on labor instead of precious materials like gold, silver, lumber, etc. It allowed resource prices to plummit because they werent being speculated on anymore so they could actually afford to build things with raw materials without being price gouged.

What if I wanted to move somewhere else because I thought taxes there were shit and I don't want to "cooperate" (aka do as said or get oven'd)

Assuming that's true, how does a centralizing dictatorial state do any better

Also how isn't this legit:

>how does a centralizing dictatorial state do any better
By enforcing laws

Also, if the prices are too high, someone else will come up with cheaper prices and you'll lose market share. Pretty basic.

>enforce laws into plebs while the guys at the top of the state do whatever the fuck they want


Unless by that time you've made friends in the Nazi party and you can just ask for this new business owner to be sent to the shower house.

>WW1 just ended
>Germany is still trying to put itself back together after getting buttpummeled by the allies
>Get blamed
>'lol were going to need some money to rebuild the rest of Europe's
>"Shaiza, how much?"
>'all of it.'
>Trying to make payments and keep their economy afloat
>Not succeeding
>"Lol we can just print more money to make these payments"
>'excellent idea hans"'
>It was not an excellent idea
>Inflation kicks in
>Print more money
>Inflation starts going faster
>Print even more money
>Germany literally can't even hold all this inflation
>Quickly gets to the point where you would need a wheelbarrow full of money for a loaf of bread, people start counting money by weight because counting the bills was a waste of time
>Eventually a angry little man with a funny haircut comes along and suggest they just stop paying the rest of Europe for a war that happened almost 20 years ago

And the rest, as they say, is history

As a starting point, I recc Germa Bell article "Going against the mainstream" (or something like that). Also this video is long and boring but the info is good:

Everything you need to know about whether the German system was good or not can be summed up thus: “who won?”

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are you retarded?
you probably shouldn't argue economics (or if you do, at least be more humble) if you don't even know what a cartel is and how they work.