Trying out the casino for the first time. Want to quickly gamble on an altcoin

Trying out the casino for the first time. Want to quickly gamble on an altcoin.
>Site only accepts BTC.
wtf? Ok, then. Put a limit order on Binance to buy some BTC. 20 min later it gets filled. Send it to Bitmex.
>30 min later still waiting for it to arrive. Now 50 min total wasted and still waiting.

Such experience, much crypto, the future, wow!

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Buttmex is a meme. It is a scam to redistribute wealth from stupid people ((you)) to people in Hong Kong and shithole Indian Ocean islands

Wanted to try out the meme. Would never put more than 5% of my stack on the site.

I was like you once.

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You got liq'd? How much % of your stack?

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It takes 5minutes tops from cryptopia

>Bitmex is a casino

Only like 3% but fuck man. It's worse than playing craps.

Pic forgot

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Cool now go compare that to the fees and time it takes to send money through the traditional banking system and report back to us, newfaggot

>Sends coin to a mexican cartel controlled by chinks
Please tell me you think it is also a good moment to buy and go long.

You should margin trade on liquid instead. The bookeeper isnt countertrading you

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Oh and did i mention zero fees?

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so they have no market maker and you don't get paid fees like bitmex?
sounds pretty shitty desu

>still buying bitcoin

Wow. Wow. Just wow.

You get interest for margin loans, but the exchange doesnt charge fees.
The market follows the big movers elsewhere, but no one is countertrading YOUR moves

Normal. It'll come.

>he thinks the exchange is just letting you use their shit for free out of the goodness of their heart and aren't trading against you or making it up somehow.
there's like 25k people and 2-6 billion in daily volume on mex, and you think their market maker gives a shit about a poorfag like you individually?

its aggregate you dumb fuck, relative to your position

Anyone losing money on bitmex is a shit trader, end of story.

>waah muh market makers trading against me!

Git gud scrubs.

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this and only this. i too was a brainlet once.

Got the deposit and made my gamble. The multitude of trading settings/options was a welcomed sight at least.

are you shorting?

Have you ever tried to deposit funds into a money-market account before? Dumb fucking zoomer, 50 minutes is an extremely short period of time. You need to understand that Bitcoin sacrifices speed for security/stability and that is why everybody with a net worth > 10000 wants to use it or accepts it over everything else.

Sry, I don't tell my trades to anyone, ever. Not even to anons. Just my thing.

what the fuck are you even talking about you massive faggot?

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it means even though you are a piece of shit small fry, the countertrading happens to the order book on aggregate, so you still get countertraded relative to your position no matter how small

you are liquidated based on coinbase bitstamp and kraken average price, not bitmex price, so how the FUCK does that matter if they trade against the book that everyone on earth can see?

Meanwhile I can sports bet and cash out/buy in instantly. At least sports betting has fair odds

>how does bitmex trade on its own exchange
hmmm i dunno how could that possibly happen?

i said why does it matter, not how do they do it you fucking retard.

you people are so fucking dumb. god biz is just hilarious you are all so fucking stupid my god it would actually be hilarious if it wasnt so annyoing knowing there are people as dumb as you existing.

Lately they threaten to close accounts and liquidate positions.
Are they serious?

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