Fomo3D -Round 9 will be huge

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Fomo3D will be the new bullrun
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>round 9 kek
No one even bothered shilling it after round 1 in which even the early players still lost money

this 1 will be bigger than all of em- supposedly- but its less than 10 eth in teh contract and 1 eth aint worth shit anymore so why not trust em and go for it
if this shit doesnt roi what you lose 100bucks lol BUT if they right and the market turns around this 100 bucks can make 1 a firtune especially getting in now when its less than 100 eth in this bitch

never have i ever seen a post this pajeet

pajeets will chinx nigger over these keys dood, watch
all i say is round9

Dude did you really put in your money right now...
The world is truly full of idiots who keep falling for the 9th fukken round of a literal Ponzi scam. Goes to show just how profitable these scams are

i went balls deep in this bitch prior 5 eth in the contract
people need a way to dump their eth bags and round 9 is there for that
whenever they said something will be big it happened so fuck it and throw some worthless eth in this contract who cares over 2 3 eth if you have a chance to 10x your money

>who cares about a couple of hundred $$$
are you autistic? How are you ever going to make money with this mindset?

If i buy only one key do i receive something when it ends?
Also why buy multiple keys? Have more reward?

the more keys you have the more percentage you et when someone else buys keys- the price per key also increases every time a key is bought so it pays off getting in early

Send eth, or you stay hate money, play am game good

Better off going into Fomofive

Ok nice
I may try to see how it goes.
I don't get how is it mirroring an exit scam tho.

oh yes I am send eth, how many eth to be fomo king? 5 ETH am lambo?

5 eth too low! Must send at least 7 eth to win pot for lambo gains, hurry am 30 wth in pot noaaw!!!

its like a parody to all this crap that is- was going on in crypto
thing is they cant exitscam so its like ironically meant

send eth now,faggz

We,moon am need 7 etc to play in pot lets goooooz

Send eth so we no shit street, am no pajeet

Fomo5 has about 1500 hrs left. How many ETH to snipe at the pot?

P3D is unironically the way to multiply your stack. Theyre working on a new website and new games which will pay dividends to P3D. We will see another huge increase to 100k+ ETH in contract with a new game announcement.