Study marx

>study marx
>become libertarian free market fundamentalist

Materialism = economic incentives
Economic incentives = free market

How can communists get it so wrong?

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>Free market
>your to poor to participate

You're never poor if you have valuable skills

Marx was actually libertarian

Missed the point desu.
For real, Marx was wrong about industrialization taking the weight of labor off people, it's going to be AI. Everybody better have a robot butler within three decades or else I'm gonna end it

>Materialism = economic incentives
I'm afraid to tell you this but... That does not follow, sir

how much does your degree cost

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>having a robot butler
Why would the robot builders give you one? It's easier to kill you off in a world war.

>have valuable skills
Capitalism takes care of everyone with valuable skills. The problem is many people are useless. Billions.

I'm not asking for it, just hoping they'll become cheap and good enough. Like someone in the 40s saying everybody better have a TV set in three decades

You have an economic incentive to produce food, else you starve to death, economic structures start from that material condition.

Fair enough. Those robots will replace the jobs of half the buyers though. They're going to have to cull the herd or they'll have to give welfare to the herd. One of these means less need in the future and one means more need in the future. They'll pick the one with less need.

It was ultimately a philosophical experiment to inform a materialist's economic framework with hegelian idealism. It was never meant to be implemented upon so many people over such a short period of time. It was meant to be a stepping stone upon which the human consciousness could climb in order to develop itself.

Marx's ideas have been overtaken by welfare demands. Communism/Socialism is no longer allowed to let anyone starve until the inevitable point where everyone starves, this happens every single time with no exception.

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Whether you believe the material condition to be the only state or not does not mean you dont have to produce food. Religious people also produce food, no?

>The problem is many people are useless. Billions.
they are very useful consumers

Not when they have no money because no industry needs them. We have triple the population of 1950. We will triple again in 60 more years and we won't even need the 7 billion we have now.

>How can communists get it so wrong?

communism was created when people were much less free than we are now. with all the civil rigths we ahve now, its outdated however and minarchism/liberterianism is the solution to crony capitalist problems-

They're materially conditioned to produce food and not rocks, this is an economic incentive, in what system do economic incentives prevail over everything else?

Everyone has a material condition to ACQUIRE food, almost no one produces it in any system but feudalism. They do other shit for currency to acquire it.

what you fail to realise is this guy wasn't 100% honest / believed in his own theories. He was a jew with a wealthy background, connections with people in high places and an agenda (given by them), period

Yeah Jews hate capitalism

They're materially conditioned to produce food and not rocks, this is an economic incentive, in what system do economic incentives prevail over everything else?

Again see . They do not have a material condition to produce food. They have a material condition to acquire food. Producing other things allows them to acquire food and it's often easier than producing food (more protection from elements, less chance of failure). The economic incentive for the masses is to not produce food, in any system that allows them to avoid it.

>doing and publishing an analysis of a socio-economic framework means you agree or even support it

Everyone has a material condition to acquire food, you produce something else to exchange for food, the conditioning is the same

i dunno about free, but they were definitely poorer than now

no they dont, but they cant be extremely authoritarian and murderous with it so they prefer communism

Yes and I'm saying they will produce rocks over food as long as they think the system provides enough food and it's easier to produce rocks. You have to incentive the things you need.

In a future where 90% of human jobs can be replaced by AI, what are we gonna do? I think Marx will become more relevant than ever in such a world

Degrees don't give skills

im not an economist but that whole capitalism vs. communism debate seems to me like a scam to trick people out of their rights and property.

whenever people have to pay taxes they cry robbery and muh communism, but they have zero qualm using public property or public services when it befits them.

its sometimes also hard to tell public and private apart when "capitalists" can buy politicians and turn the state into their puppet. or when the state goes putin on capitalists and forces them to do stuff in return.

They have zero qualms because people are practical about these things. They were already fleeced of their money. Might as well use the shit that's already paid for.

>hegelian idealism
Bitch have you even read a word of Marx's The German Ideology?

>im not an economist but that whole capitalism vs. communism debate seems to me like a scam to trick people out of their rights and property.

At the end of the day, it doesn't really make that much of a difference. As society advance and grows, the government will assume more control of people's lives. It just happens faster under communism than in capitalism. Every complex society in the past ended up treating their citizens like cattle. The Babylonians, the Romans, the Mayans, etc.


Are you disagreeing with the idea that Marx's economic and political idea was informed by hegel's conception of the development of human consciousness in history? Marx's idea was materialist but informed and influenced by Hegel.

Sell the useless people to the useful people. In some way that isn't slavery directly. Something that they will actually choose for themselves of their own free will.

Holy fuck, a person that legitimately knows Marx on biz.
wtf is happening.

>philosophical experiment

It wasn't just some thought experiment. Marx gave an exact recipe on what do to. He laid it all out. He had intended to see communism happen within his lifetime.

>1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
>2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
>3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
>4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
>5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
>6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
>7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
>8. Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
>9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
>10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, &c, &c.

Communism is simply stirring up ressentment against the ruling class for a power grab by another would be ruling class. It's tenets are so deluded and forced that, when succesful, the countries self destruct within decades.

>study econ
>become a neoliberal globalist

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Intentions are one of those things which are easy to intuit but rather difficult to really know. Did Marx truly wish to see his every word taken as gospel truth or was Marx intending to install the framework by which the slaves might struggle against the masters, and perhaps even become the masters themselves. The human story is a story of conflicts and in the coming age as Marx saw it, the slaves were to need a little more gunpowder in order to have any hope whatsoever to compete with the masters.

How it turned out in Russia was rather unfortunate simply due to the fact that the masters of Russia were weak and pathetic compared with the enormous throngs of slaves they ruled.

>Intentions are one of those things which are easy to intuit but rather difficult to really know.

Well, the list of actions to be taken were pretty explicit. If it was intended to be vague, Marx would've kept it vague. He probably didn't intend for mass murders and famines to happen, I'll give him that.

>How it turned out in Russia was rather unfortunate simply due to the fact that the masters of Russia were weak and pathetic compared with the enormous throngs of slaves they ruled.

The slaves were simply trading one master for another master. Unfortunately, the new master was a lot worst than his predecessor in terms of cruelty. Psychopaths always win in the end. Irony is that it's good people that let bad people come into power, then the good people all get slaughtered.

tfw you win the cold war only to breathe new life into socialism because you believed your own propaganda

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everone will eventualy be "useless" as automation does every job imaginable within 1000 years

He didn't believe in government as an end goal of communism. He also didn't believe in money either. With that said, he was a retarded utopian and the way he wanted to achieve that is by killing all of the so called "bourgeoisie" in a series of revolutions all over the world and establishing communism in every nation. Not to mention, value isn't fully determined by labor. Labor may make up a part of it but supply and demand are important factors as well.

Underrated post. Degrees can give skills but not always... in fact probably not most of the time.