while you were losing money on Pajeet ponzis, Tyrone was fucking your crush
While you were losing money on Pajeet ponzis, Tyrone was fucking your crush
Thats part of the fun. If you dont like it, stiff.
if she uses her privilege to abuse minorities sexually, then she is no longer my crush
Why would the girl have blonde hair? Racemixed children don't have blonde hair, clearly the girl's parents wouldn't both be white.
White boys are pathetic, their women know
>white women
literally who cares
great post
everyone needs to just mix and make a super race
This is going in my dbz folder
nice non-lewd site gookmoot
Can you blame them though? They have to spam another race because Turks are so ugly.
Trips don’t lie
also fuck you
Imagine spending your life making retarded memes like this
>some white guy was so triggered by blackedposting the made this infograph
Should nuke the fuck out of Africa
>be 25 kv
>have crush at college
>she's so autistic and quiet she obviously has no bf and no experience
>later that year find out she's been taking any guy who smiles at her to her place and literally fucked over 100 guys
>hate girls more and more
That's why I'm dating a pajeet (shes from Bangladesh which is basically just poorer India). Looks like a persian princess (her dad is part Iranian it some shit), faithful as fuck, and her parents hate me for being white so I don't have to visit them ever. White women are trash in comparison to girls from the 3rd world