If you currently own stocks sell them

if you currently own stocks sell them

the market hasn't been in such bad shape since the 2008 crisis

if you own stocks over the next 3 months you have an ~95% chance you lose money

Attached: How+To+Sell+Your+Shares (1).jpg (1000x700, 159K)

fuck off chink

does the stock market currently look any healthy to you?

ok just sold 100k

>sell low

Its fixing itself out for the leap into a US super economy. You chinks want US stock to tank so you can buy everything for cheap.

i am german du hurensohn


>wait till its even lower

also this is high compared to what we see in future

>its fixing itself
how the fuck is this suppossed to happen after years of 0% interest? We do the same shit we did in 2008, some people don't even know what Lehman Brothers is anymore

only thing that can "fix" the market is what would be considered a crash which is really just a return to normal

the fed was raising rates too quickly and it spooked the market....everything is fine user. dow 100k, lets be real here

don't worry we just print more money

LOL. What a retarded Chicken Little you are.

Conditions are nothing like 2008. The fundamentals are significantly better than then.

But you keep thinking you have the pulse of the market, posting on a Patagonian anime picture posting site.

>years of 0% interest

Has nothing to do with the stock market

>We do the same shit we did in 2008

Nothing happening right now has any similarity to 2008, in any way.

>some people don't even know what Lehman Brothers is anymore

Do you? The conditions that led to the collapse of Lehman don't exist.

>a crash which is really just a return to normal

Okay, proof you're a fucking retard.

Kek. Monetary policy affects equity valuation for decades.

Keynesian stimulus + supply side laffer curve wealthy tax cuts + nearly negative real interest rates = early death.

It's that simple.


Making up shit doesn't make you right, neckbeard. Now go cry to mommy that someone online said you were wrong.

If fags just held their bags through 2008/2009 they'd have made out like bandits, especially if they kept putting spare money into buying that dip the whole while.
If it drops, no big deal in the long run, it will go back up
If it doesn't drop, you sold (likely at a loss) for nothing and missed gains
I don't see a problem.

I hope it happens soon.

Attached: crash.png (979x678, 91K)

nevermind me
just putting the elephant in the room

Attached: Screenshot_20181124_005609.png (1161x343, 45K)

>Has nothing to do with the stock market
what are buybacks

Most of my net worth was in VTI. I sold it all a couple months ago and put in in 2-year T note. Pretty comfy with this move.

sp500 $3000 eoy

Stocks always get shitty after Christmas, that is how the economy works when u suck the poor of their cash and give it to the rich

Q1 = depression
Q2 = depression
Q3 = gains
Q4 = euphoria