4channel is no place for bigotry

4channel is no place for bigotry

Attached: Sjw+gets+mad+at+south+park_09e3a2_5775833.jpg (780x771, 96K)

and no place for faggotry, nigger

rude. reported. racism will not be tolerated on our new safe space

second this

Stfu, cuck.

Attached: aa.jpg (160x209, 3K)

You can neck yourself, this is a sundown board queer

reported also for inappropriate remarks and inconsiderate behaviour

holy fuck they loook the same

pic related is beautiful, as are all human beings

Attached: 482CF9A200000578-5273063-Former_indigenous_minister_Bess_Price_slammed_indigenous_symboli-a-64_15161 (634x475, 41K)

reported and downvoted