Name this formation

name this formation

Attached: Untitled.png (687x413, 37K)

It's not finished yet but to me that is a massive inverse headnshoulders pattern. 50k eoy.

descending triangle
we are going to 3k

>pɐɟ pɐɥɔ ǝ˥

le bart

Attached: j.png (1121x628, 629K)

The Norwegian Ski Jump

big dog dump

Bubble deflation

the bogged

dip the ultimate

Attached: 1541639173207.jpg (5000x5000, 1.21M)

is that suppose to faze me? punk. also it don't even match pajeet, normies are gone, and the whales are accumulating.

Attached: 1543016167585.jpg (480x360, 27K)

>whales are accumulating

Attached: 1517948048568.png (789x608, 1.01M)

The rekktening

Attached: 1542924855405.png (657x527, 19K)

inverse chad fad

assisted suicide formation?

a ladder

its the dip its the dip its the dip its the dip buy the dip or u r stupid haha buy the dip or u r stupid haha buy the dip or u r stupid haha buy the dip or u r stupid haha

Attached: 1542319297565.png (434x415, 302K)

Norwegians are accumulating. Everyone chill!

bear flag

the virgin bubble burst

the reversed chad fad

The kys jump