Who here sold?

Who here sold?

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Anyone who didn’t sell by the time it was clinging to 37 cents is the spawn of two brainlets. I can’t imagine how retarded you’d have to be not to have sold at that point

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Not me, but my bags are feeling kinda heavy

>t.22k linkies

I haven't sold.

Please hold all the way to 7 cents

I bought more. Can't wait to get 1000+ linkies for only $200 again

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Buying more in December xd

No, and I'm still up, suck my dick.

This. I bought 5k more and it is definitely, really, DEFINITELY the right time to buy my bags

Still holding 200k. Don't want to pay capital gains taxes.

The only reason I’m holding.

i can't believe it's not butter!

yep sold a few days ago. Not touching this shit until there is a sign of trend reversal. If you still haven't learned that hodling is a meme in a bear market, then you have either invested only insignificant amounts, or are a fucking moron who doesn't care about money and believes in fairy tales ... muh 1000 Zimbabwean dollars eoy .

Well satan here in the biz we call that a sunk cost

bite the bullet and pay uncle sam or there's a pretty good chance your investment will lose more than what you'd pay

Nothing could make me sell. You fuckers have no idea how deep I’m in. Sergey could walk on stage and take a shit and I still wouldn’t.


I sold at the top, and then bought back in a day ago about doubling my stack, wished I held out a bit longer.

Increasing my bags as much as possible right now. I remember when it was almost at 10k sats a few weeks ago, thinking, god what I wouldn’t give for another chance to accumulate.

I'm 24k linkies and i didn't feel that was heavy. do we have heavy bags? are we gonna make it fren plz reponde

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Well done

>thinking, god what I wouldn’t give for another chance to accumulate.
I'm a linklet and this might finally be the opportunity for me to reach 10k linkies



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>playing iwth your future of a millionaire

lol wut senpai?

Nein. I understand that it would have been better to have traded out closer to the top etc. But, I don't have the outlook for that. My average buy would be close to where we are now. And my last purchase was at 18c. When it gets there again. I'll buy some more

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I have to admit... it's starting to seem unlikely that we will see $1000 by EOY.

I'm sorry my faith is wavering frens. Please forgive.

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I sold at a loss. I hate Jow Forums but I'm cursed here.

Thanks Fren! I chuckled. I'm just gonna toss in a few hundered a week of wagecuck shekels and buy more. It is only interesting if betting more than one can afford to lose!
Not with digits you're not! Swing trade that bitch right back in when we drop a few more cents

ID backwards is ETF
Pretty sure that means ETF approved - noCoiners BTFO! Link $1000EOY!

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What kind of idiot would sell LINK? Don't you know you're holding future gold?

something looks familiar here

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>he has no foresight, fixates on short term, mid term, and price movements before *full fledged* mainnet (in 2020)
>he thinks he is a genius, calls other people brainlets
>is a retard

Going to zero or making it, but I believe in the project.