Housing crash

When will the next housing crash be? will we see another 2008 crash? If so what are you plans for the housing market?

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they ain't making more land user, it's time to buy

>population increasing exponentially
>land is finite resource
it may "dip". but i highly doubt it will ever crash again. and even if it does it wont take more than a few years to recover

I am planning on buying 20 acres of land in the next 2 years and putting a prefab on it. I plan on keeping it below 100k and using a loan to buy a rental. I just want to know when interest rates will collapse the market due to buying not being able to afford a house with these prices. I am just curious when these home prices will flop (if they ever will)

thanks for the input. I want to buy land in Kentucky or Tennessee and build a small homestead. But my dream is to buy and rent property.

>said everybody in 2007

user due you think it is best to hold out until 2020? I keep seeing this pushed by articles as another possible crash, although it could be just fear mongering and trying to create a crash


buying and renting property is actually very easy in the right metro areas. There are established businesses that operate by buying distressed proeprties, fixing them up into rentable condition, selling them to investors and then acting as your property manager. I got into this earlier this year and now have 6 houses in Indianapolis and Memphis. Initial investment is 15-20k per house with closing costs if you do a 20% down mortgage

Monetary expansion has accelerated immensely since the late 1970s after the gold standard was abandoned with Bretton-Woods, and the Greenspan put of 1987 can be seen as one of the first QE measures that contributed to the Dot-Com-Bubble, Housing Bubble, and current Everything Bubble.

When housing crashes will greatly depend on whether the Fed and other central banks continue to pull back (possibly at the cost of a Greater Depression) or resume more aggressive QE programs and interest rates (possibly at the cost of a hyperinflation).

I think latter option would be more consistent with everything we've seen in the past decades. A third option may be more authoritarian/repressive measures such as expropriations, nationalizations, forced prices.

In 2007 we had anti-terrorism policies to block other nations from buying up our land. Then we got Obama. The entire world uses USA homes as investment vehicles now.

>he thinks the population will keep growing exponentially

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Yeah but they’re making more money to loan out to retards to buy the land with... until they’re not, and you run out of greater fools

When it doesn't, our governments import browns from the nations that do grow exponentially. We already stopped having kids to fix the problem and our own governments "fixed" our solution with an invasion we have to pay for.

There is already a housing crash going on in high tax liberal states because the GOP tax reform limited SALT deductions to $10,000. This means they can't deduct as much in their federal income tax returns, such as property taxes.

thanks user this is great advice! I was alway curios about the possibility of renting. It seems way better than flipping and selling. I want a steady stream of income to be able to add to my current paycheck

interesting input. I feel like the fed is going to increase interest rates and with millenials already being in debt I feel it will slow the housing market way down combined with boomers still holding out to make half a mil on small homes will collapse the market. You have way more of an understanding of all this, I will be honest I just got a basic grasp on what you said.

T. finance brainlet but good at saving

But these people tend not to buy houses they use government housing, bit to mention as interest rates rise then more people wont be able to afford the debt, so less people will buy. Not to mention companies will use some of they money they would on wages for employees to service debt they already have as well, making people unable to buy houses.

no, there are millions of chinks waiting to buy in the US, Canada and Australia

to add to this, I am a chink, and of my extended family, 4-5 want to buy a house in the 1-2 million range in the next 24 months. There are lots of people like me,

Obama isn't president anymore retard

I feel that super liberal cities will just become ghotto's in the near future, due to high taxes and large amounts of nigs/spics. It seems the trend is for whites to move to red states and take residents in cities in those states, then they turn it into the same thing and flee again (locusts)

interesting, but you represent a small portion of that population. If a majority of American's can't afford houses I feel that will drop the overall price even with people as yourself buying property. The demand will not meet the larger and larger supply dropping prices. unless its the Chinese government buying american real estate but even then I feel like it has to pop sometime.

You'd say the same thing about student loans. Obviously people would stop doing it if it was indebting everyone. Nope. Once the government is giving it to every idiot, it becomes the demanded norm and everyone will do it despite explosive prices.

>give niggers and spics free houses
>sell the loans to the stock market crowd
>do this for 8 years
>crash economy
>senate investigates, does absolutely nothing
>keep doing this for 10 years
yeah, it's gonna be a little worse than 2008

We didn't make any laws to unfuck what he did, and the new Congress won't pass any. All USA land is up for grabs to the entire world and will stay that way.

>If a majority of American's can't afford houses I feel that will drop the overall price even with people as yourself buying property.
There are more non-Americans than Americans. The will of Americans will not mean anything, the entirety of all foreign wealth will purchase American land. Prices will rise even if no single American buys in.

This is how I feel, It seems it keeps repeating and I am seeing idiots with no cash at all buying nice homes when they already have student loans. Which is beyond me in how anyone would want that much debt.

Do you think its better to buy land and build a home (this is for me and a homestead) or should I wait? my fear is FIAT finally popping and I want to be as secure as possible not a doomsday prepper but being able to produce my own food is something I feel is very important in life and brings security IMO.

hate this pepe

>When will the next housing crash be?
it has already started in Silicon Valley

interesting. So that is the cannery in the coalmine? I am waiting until the media panic button starts being pushed everywhere.

Well it’s fairly simple if you think about it

Millennials are the next generation buying houses. Millennials also have a cumulative debt total of over $1T. Yes, that’s one TRILLION US dollars. No generation before has ever entered adulthood with so much debt and already bleaker career outlooks compared to their parents before. You think millennials will even qualify for home loans? There’s no way this generation will be able to pay back all its debt. It is absolutely a ticking time bomb, and once the banks start loaning to these indebted slaves indiscriminately you’ll know we are close

Thanks for the laugh rajeet

The 2008 housing crash was 40 years in the making.

im calling 2030ish but it might be earlier, it will be the mother of all crashes
stocks, pensions, housing it'll all go pop
the boomers are approaching retirement ages
the weight of their personal and state pensions will crash it all, stocks will follow when they sell their amazon stocks, that will flow in housing when all try to sell off their 2nd/3rd/4th homes
enjoy, we're gonna get fucked

I think it's commonly accepted that the debt in the banking system, nation states and to a lesser degree other corporations and individuals pose a growing systemic risk.

If you study the Lehman crisis of 2008, that was when the problems came to the surface. But they were not solved but only deferred by pumping more money into the system with bailout packages, low interest rates, central banks buying up junk financial assets (e.g. ABS/MBS, bonds, etc.)

So the amount of debt grew and the fear is that interest rates that are increased significantly, and a lack of QE programs, bring back the Lehman crisis style debt problems that will result in defaults, drying liquidity, a deflationary spiral, recession and possibly depression. So they're probably not gonna let that happen since they didn't let it happen in 2008 when things weren't as bad as they are now. For example "zombie corporations" (google it) that would normally have defaulted but didn't due to low interest are estimated to be 10% of all corporations. Those would likely fall very soon.

Regarding the interpretation of why growing debt is a problem, a central issue is probably that interest rates require exponential growth of debt and thus money if no significant defaults are allowed to happen. But exponential economic growth likely isn't sustainable.

Real economy vs Virtual Economy (Debt-based ponzi scheme)


For decades before the 2000-2018 economic crisis, too many goyim in White countries were beset by hyperinflated cost of living, demographic replacement by millions of imported shitskins, surging White unemployment from offshoring, importing spics and h1bs, stagnation of real wages and incomes, diminished opportunity for Whites, and rising immobility. Globalists argued the causes were not race replacement and smuggling millions of shitskins, but “technological change and globalization,” meaningless abstractions to those millions of White homeless and suicided by chink opioids.

Then, when the crisis hit, those same globalists moved quickly and decisively to save their bankster buds and subsidize the banksters (Wall Street landlords, Chink/Spic/Poo money launderers, REITs, Hedge Funds, Private Equity firms) in stealing all the goyims' houses.

I've have seen a bunch of my age group getting married and I know they are in the whole with school debt, yet they all just post things like "new home owner" the house they bought is 250K... I just can't see this not imploding.

anytime my man but I am white with a crap edumacation. Glad you got a laugh from my terrible spelling, it is a slow Saturday night

this is exactly why I want a homestead in the country. I have saved up 50k working my balls off while at school full time and I am thinking buying land and a cheap prefab home will make it so I have no debt and can survive when the bread lines begin. something seems off in life and I feel this is the beginning of the most chaotic times in our recent history.

2019-2020 predictions:
>black friday shopping shows steep decline in retail, including online sales
>online and brick/morter retail stocks drop in Dec 2018
>Trump cancels H-1B via exec order
>pajeets and chinks deported
>Trump's new DOJ files anti-trust suit against sillycon valley faggot tech companies, including scamazon
>mass layoffs
>adblock continues to push ad revenue lower
>blockchain already in steep decline and will continue lower
>stock market is already red for 2018 and will decline more in 2019+
>boomers retiring will continue putting strain on 401k and other retirement/pension related assets
>tesla will file for BK reorg
>tariffs are blamed for China's stock market declines and overall economic contraction
>Fed continues raising rates
>trade is HALTED with mexico until the caravan situation can be contained
>Trump conveniently blamed for everything negative, because saying "orange man bad" is easier than trying to understand 24 years of economic fuckery under bclinton/gwbush/obama
>Trump imbeachment is pushed by House Dems right before 2020 election to spread fud

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comfy-tier countries that will survive economic downturn:
>switzerland (assuming they stop trying to save the EURO with CHF...i haven't checked if those are still pegged)
>vietnam/thailand (they're still considered poor developing econs even though many exports are made in vietnam and thailand gets $hekels from tourism)
>croatia (slight slow down in tourism)

This is so retarded holy fuck

user thank you for your input. It seems though that one day this is going to collapse. like I said before I feel having a small homestead is good, You sound extremely intelligent so I assume you will be comfy and actually making money. Thank you for your input and adding to the thread. It is deeply appreciated! That being said if it is going to be a 2008 X 2 it sounds like the time to be able to purchase property cheaply. I will check out and study the Lehman crisis.

Bush conspired with Greenspan to import millions of illegals and poos to prop up a housing bubble, after the collapse of Greenspan's tech ponzi bubble.

the Bush administration’s trafficked millions of Hispanics and told the goyim that beaners were “natural Republicans” and that the best way to get them into the fold was to give them a stake in the “ownership society” through various housing subsidies. Hispanics’ increasing numbers in the so-called “sand states” had a lot to do with the bubble’s disproportionate influence in those regions, and these subprime borrowers’ low levels of human capital and earnings eventually led to the music stopping as payments were unmade and new borrowers could not materialize to prop up the inflated housing prices. I mean, throughout the boom, no one said, “Does it make sense a sheetrocker from Chiapas making $11/hour can afford a $400K McMansion in Anaheim?”

This is what may be called an “overdetermined” event. In other words, without large levels of Hispanic immigration and Bush’s obsession with cultivating beaner political support, the bubble would not have happened.

The relationship of the demented immigration policy of the post-1986 amnesty years must not be allowed to disappear into the memory hole — as, of course, both parties would like it to. They will try to twirl the “bubble” into a case of bad economics, if not an act of God like an earthquake.

from January 2000 to July 2006, starting with Bush NWO leader's Housing Bubble, home prices surged 900%

Avg price of house around 1998 before globalisation and free-trade went full swing
>$180k in NYC (boros)
>$150k in Bay Area
>$150k in LA
>$120k in DC
>$140k in Sydney
>$120k in Melbourne
>$140k in Toronto
>$190k in Vancouver
>£70k in London

Avg price of house after 2004 massive free-trade/open-borders
>$800k in NYC (boros)
>$1m in Bay Area
>$600k in LA
>$500k in DC
>$900k in Sydney
>$700k in Melbourne
>$600k in Toronto
>$1m in Vancouver
>£400k in London
before free trade:
>domestic production of goods
>goods were affordable and of high quality
>lowest cost of living
>affordable housing (house costs only 2 times the annual salary)
>90% white

after free trade:
>homeless/opiod/suicide epidemic/white genocide
>highest cost of living
>unaffordable housing (10-20 times the annual salary)
>plummeting life expectance
>shit quality products that kill you
>millions of illegal shitskin locusts invading and killing whites

So they are going to crash this with no survivors? and short everything?

stay in chinkland you yellow scum dog-eater

Central banks have painted themselves into a corner by not allowing asset price corrections since 2000 and 2008.

They will not allow home prices to return to the historical mean (2X median income). In 2001, you could buy a house in LA for $150k. In 1985, a house in LA was $50k, those days will never come back.

Governments are deadset to never allow a correction. The government recently announced to increase the population to 50 million, by increasing immigration, in order to prop up the housing bubble

The Fed has two mandates: 1) monetize the government debt and 2) inflate asset prices (not allow corrections).

the Fed’s intervention has restored prices to mania levels.

the massive intervention in 2009, had largely stabilized housing by early 2010. Yes many were seriously underwater for years but the intervention made it work out for them. Now housing owners are sitting on record equity. Housing continues to be the way that the PTB get people to go massively in debt to fuel the World wide Keynesian economy. Ironically I think even Keynes would be appalled, such measures were to fight down turns not to create bubbles.

this is from 2008:

>Housing prices in the US must not be permitted to continue falling, says the chief investment officer, Bill Gross
The economy is financial asset-based, which is reliant on consumption-- not production-based

this finance asset-based economy is totally dependent on rising asset prices

the Federal Reserve through fiscal policy measures must halt the decline and put a floor under housing prices in order to stop the deterioration in this asset-based economy

This is something that truly cannot be permitted to continue

The Federal Reserve responded to the bubble collapse with unprecedented intervention to prop up housing values: the Fed dropped short-term interest rates to near-zero (i.e. ZIRP, zero-interest rate policy) and bought roughly $2 trillion of mortgage-backed securities in two waves. (That's about 20% of the entire U.S. mortgage market.)

the correction the fed is deadset to prevent: housing 2X median income which was throughout very city in the western hemosphere before 2001 china wto

before the shitskin invasion, ALL houses in US were pennies on the dollar.

in 1998, you could buy a home in San Fran, NYC, LA for $160k and in Boston for $100k.




According to Fannie Mae’s report, as baby boomers exit their owner-occupied homes there could be a glut of new homes and steep decline in price-- returning to historic, pre-globalization levels.

Government Solutions to prevent a return to home affordability includes Mass Immigration, which spurred the dramatic price surge in housing booms 1 and 2.

Adjust immigration policy to create more potential homeowners, to keep hyperinflated prices afloat.
Advocates for this tactic suggest that creating more legal households would increase the number of potential owner-occupants in the market.


It’s over

(((Greenspan))) and (((Bernanke))) started the neofeudal era. now serfs are living under wall street bankster mega-landlords-- the ones who started the ponzi scheme and then came in to steal the assets from the goyim.

Ever since 2011, banksters, thru their private-equity hedge fund firms, are buying up all houses and monopolizing the housing resources.

This big business of buying massive numbers of single-family homes and financializing dwellings got started in late 2011, initiated and supported by the Federal Reserve as part of its efforts to monopolize the housing market. Bernanke pitched this scheme inorder to monopolize housing resources.

The Federal Reserve directed private equity firms (controlled by banksters) to steal millions of homes for cents on the dollar.

tl;dr (((they))) created a collapse to enslave goyim and usher in feudalism ruled by the Master Yid

the West is transitioning towards a globalized housing system, to reach the state of housing in BRICS (Brazil, India, and China). This is the basis of creating and keeping housing bubbles.

Contrary to what us naive folks might assume, the really stupendous profits aren't made in luxury buildings--they're generated by tightly packed slums. Here's how it works. Let's say a middle-class flat of 600 square feet (7.5 square meters) goes for $1 per square foot. The slum's equivalent 600 sq. ft. has been cut up into numerous cubbyhole rooms, each housing many people who each pay a relatively high fee for the miserable lodging. The rent per square foot in the slum is thus $5/sq. ft.

According to Davis (and this book is heavily, even obsessively footnoted/sourced), densities in Third World slums are astronomical--18,000 residents per acre is not uncommon. That's four modest-sized 10,000 sq. ft. residential lots in the U.S. suburbs--4 houses that might house 8 people, total, not 18,000.

So slums are immensely profitable--much more profitable than permanent "middle-class" housing. And will you be surprised to learn that most of the property in these mega-city slums is concentrated in a few hands?

The net result of this great urban overcrowding/high-rents/profitability is indeed pernicious.

The Western housing market is in the process of slumification.

Not really. (You) on the other hand.

very interesting. Thank you for the financial red pills on a totally new (((subject)))

So essentially Jews are becoming monolithic slum lords? user, I pray for another Hitler by the day and each day it surprises me how much more I learn about these people, and how much more I hate them to new and never thought of levels. If you have more please keep going I can't contribute too much due to my lack of knowledge on the subject but I am finding it fascinating.

case in point:

before Yids opened borders to locusts of the 3rd world, US companies could open offices in other cities and allow their employees to purchase affordable properties close to work at 2X median income

thanks to globalism, chinks stampede towards any opportunity to exploit and extract the wealth of Whites

>After news of the Amazon move made its way through WeChat, a chat platform popular among Chinese speakers, several hundred vans of Chinese speaking buyers were purchasing the entire neighborhood to rent back Amazon workers at $10k/month as the chinks did in the Bay Area


Pay close attention. The article states that Americans are leaving Silicon Valley. It's because the Chinese are going in. They're buying up land all over the area and just sitting on it, driving up prices all across the board. This is actually supposed to be illegal according to California's own laws, but it's California so everything is incomprehensibly corrupt.

tl;dr: Chinese Revenge

I'm the rare and endangered white male software engineer in the bay area making 150K+ per year and I can not afford a house here. Down payment for a 600 sqft shack here is 200K+, and you compete against Chinese all cash buyers. I rent a house in the wealth part of the city with a bunch of roommates. Its owned by a wealthy Taiwanese man who lives out of country. Most of the houses on my street are owned by asians who live out of country.

Foreign investment is also prevalent here. A lot of people were angry about "muh tech gentrification" a couple years back but then people realized it wasn't techies inflating the home prices, it was foreign, all-cash buyers.

The USA is being sold to foreign interests right under our feet, then we rent US land from them at marked up prices. Jesus fucking christ, if the past generations could see the conditions of the US today, they would commit mass suicide from pure grief. The complacent goyim and 3rd world shithole dwellers will never rise up or question the usurpation of our country. The goyim of all colors are kept stupid and docile with (((schools, news, movies, videogames, drugs, university, the rat race, consuming))). What the fuck has this world come to anons, it's just too fucking depressing.

i rent a house in San Francisco. It is owned by a Chink mafiafag who moved back to the hive. The rent of $50k/year

just personally, I have friends who bought homes in the S.F. Bay Area in 1996-97 for $145,000 to $165,000--perhaps 12-13 times annual rent or 120 times monthly rent. These homes were in a highly-sought after small city with excellent schools, and they shot up to $600,000 by 2006 and $3 million in 2018.



houses were always 2X median income in ALL METRO CITIES

a friend had a house located in a bedroom community suburb in the San Francisco Bay Area metro area. The home was built in 1916 and has 914 square feet, no garage and a small lot.

It sold in 1996 for $135,000. This was a bit under neighborhood prices due to the lack of garage and small size, but nearby larger homes sold in the $145,000 to $160,000 range.

The house was sold in 2004 for $542,000, and again in 2008 for $575,000. It is currently valued at $720,000. The neighborhood average is $900,000.



If someone had predicted that a $200,000 house in 1995 (the median home price in the S.F. Bay Area at that time) would rise in value to $300,000 in 2005, the buyer would have been ecstatic with this 50% gain. Yet now that the house has tripled to $600,000


In other words, you can't afford a $625,000 Bay Area house you bought in 2008 because the guy before you paid $550,000 for a house which sold for $140,000 in 1997.
These numbers are drawn from reality: our friends bought a small home in a desirable suburb in the San Francisco Bay Area for $140,000 in 1997.
They sold the house in 2005 for $550,000, and that buyer unloaded the house in 2008 for $625,000.

this. im not even american or live their. and i see whats happening. not jsut in america. but all over the west. im pissed as fuck. not at who is doing the damage. but at the mass of ignorant imbeciles who allow it. there is not hope

the west imported the poverty of the 3rd world, while exporting the wealth of the 1st world

When our entire industries went off to China (((they))) told us we'd be a 'smart goy' economy. We're just a bitch whore economy.

locusts swarming our real estate is how we get back some of the money we gave them to buy the things they make that we once made. It is called trade.

and once they've bought our estate we can buy it back for 1000 times as much.

real smart.

Except they get our land and permanent residency in our countries and we get heroin, meth, and disposable plastic chink crap that breaks in a few years and ends up in a landfill.
also they buy up our farms and export the meat to china so they get the profits and meat and we get the pollution.

>we give them our houses, businesses, jobs, country, and land
>they give us heroin, fent, meth, phones and dragon dildos

What a trade!

US also had a much lower cost of living and much higher quality of life before free trade/NAFTA/China/open borders.

Bay Area, Seattle, LA, San Diego, NYC, Boston used to all be working class blue collar white cities. The houses in these cities were priced at 2X the average annual salary.

It took a blue collar worker only 2 years income to afford a house in cities that are now out of reach for even white collar earning 6 figures.

Also, products were much cheaper and of higher quality before free trade.

china/open borders/Free trade raped the west

the decoupling of housing and wages (always @ 2X median income) started in 2000

People have to remember this housing crunch started when china entered trade in 2000 and Bush flooded us with open border foreigners and made it easier for foreigners to buy property and at the same time they started letting boat people loose in the community

free trade is the most sacred cow, so libertarians intentionally ignore this fact and instead overhype fraction reserve banking as the cause of housing hyperinflation, which only started in 2000 and not before the entrance of China into WTO

>before 2000, no housing problem
>globalists push for "housing for everyone", ez loans and low interest rates
>import millions of locusts from asia/mexico
>hyperinflated housing bubble happens
>housing now a problem
>homeless epidemic
>millions of native homeless die from opioid epidemic

it seems like the globalists preemptively planned and pushed for "housing for everyone" in advance of open borders.
it was a stealth plan to house every locust invader while millions of natives go homeless
there was never a housing problem in the US before their NWO globalism

I would just like to mention how an identical thing happened in UK, which I'm sure is a pure coincidence, except instead of Asians/Mexicans we got sandpeople and niggers.

We're already in the next housing crash, FYI. I am in one of the bubble markets and I already see it happening. Some homes selling at like -$25k list. Buckle up.

it wont be a crash until you deport locusts of asia and turd world

Its a problem in all 'International Cities'. London, New York, Bay Area, Vancouver, Sydney, Melbourne, LA, Seattle etc. We're in the middle of a phase where the people who hold all the capital are reclaiming back the gains the middle class made in the last century. Workers rights are being wound back, police forces and state surveillance are being beefed up, and wealth/ownership is being concentrated back into the hands of the 1%.

In Australia, rich Chinese people who are sponsored by their government come here to buy property. Both houses in the cities, and land in the outback. They're a massive reason as to why the average house in Sydney is now more expensive than London.

This graduate engineer at my work is Chinese. His parents bought him a house and another house for a rental property which will be used one day for the parents to retire when they migrate from China.

This guy is in his early 20s and had 2 houses and a good career. Most Aussies will spend a life time buying a house if they are "lucky".

Our government sold us out

So the boomers thought they were scamming the chinese when they got cheap goods. Yet the chinese were playing a smart long game? Why am I not surprised.

China wouldnt be colonizing the planet without the help of US and Kissinger/R'feller since the 70s
Rockefeller/Nixon literally created superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
would china be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology?

US is China's greatest ally. if it was not for the US, China would still be a country based on subsistence farming.
US literally created superpower China...
Nixon/Rockefeller birthed superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
china would not be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology

China's rise was due to a transfer of wealth from the west.

>murica transfer of wealth/technology/industry to poor rural china
>murica create power strong china
>murica claim a strong china a problem
>murica plans on fighting strong china with totalitarian TTP eroding more citizen rights
>not creating a scapegoat to implement totalitarianism

the power brokers transferred:
-literally all the financial funds of US workers to China,
-transferred technology and jobs to China
-hyperinflated the housing so that only the Chinese (recipients of western funds) could afford the housing

the transfer of funds was done involuntarily without the consent of the owners of the funds
the power brokers took western funds sitting in banks and invested all of that in China.

all that wealth transfer was from your pockets. the private funds in bank accounts, the housing assets, the jobs, all transferred by corporate USA without your knowledge or consent...

By about the year 2000 Communist China will be a “superpower” built by American technology and skill
-Sutton 1980

"America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones"

there is no turning back, what set the West apart was White living conditions and empathy. We imported billions of sociopathic locusts of asia and the turd world that spread their misery onto others.

the miserable conditions of living in their homelands have been imported to Western nations en masse.

its OGRE unless we implement a complete cull of locusts and their globalist enablers

Foreign invasion is a huge problem. Foreign buyers are buying up property in the Seattle area like crazy, mostly chinks. They put down cash offers on houses with no contingencies, often offering over asking price. This drives prices higher and makes it impossible for a non-cash buyer to secure a contract. I made offers on 9 different houses and was outbid with cash on all 9 of them until one of the cash offers fell through and I was able to squeeze my offer in. This is happening all over the west coast, and it's mostly chinks who are doing it.
You fags who insist foreign investment is just a meme have never tried to purchase real estate in today's market.


Based housing bubble poster dropping redpill nuclear bombs

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>it wont be a crash until you deport locusts of asia and turd world

Where do you think the Chinks get the money from to buy all this shit?
What do you think Trump is doing with trade tariffs? He realized a long time ago that chinks were amassing money while we were paying out of our pockets just to trade with them.

Globalists sent our industries and wealth to Asia...
So who's buying all the shit Asia makes? Broke Amerigoys, of course

OK, so how can China encourage the Amerigoy to buy its junk and keep its insects employed? Well, it can keep the yuan cheap versus the dollar, so Chinese goods remain cheap, and it can keep US interest rates low so Americans can borrow money to keep buying more useless shit that Americans once made

How does China do this? By buying US Treasury bonds-- with the same money it receives from US and the Fed

Like everything else, currencies and bonds are ruled by supply and demand: lots of supply and no demand, the price drops. So if China started selling dollars, the dollar would drop, and if they didn't keep buying bonds, the interest rate would rise until enough buyers were tempted to invest in US Treasury debt

To keep propping up US consumer spending, China and other exporters have been pouring the money-- they recieved from the US-- back into US bonds. Reserve accumulation by the exporting nations went from $116 billion in 2001 to $517 billion in 2004 and $600 billion in 2005, while the US 2005 trade deficit went from $390 billion to $1 trillion

In other words, as the US trade deficit grows to unprecedented levels, the exporting nations are "in for a nickel, in for a dime"--they keep funneling hundreds of billions of dollars into US bonds to keep US interest rates cheap, enabling US consumers to buy more of the goods we once made, that they now make

But the entire edifice is a house of cards

where has all this unprecedented flow of US-derived foreign money into the US ended up? In real estate, which has experienced an unprecedented bubble valuation. All the US-derived savings of Asia and oil-exporting nations have flowed into what is the ultimate non-productive asset: US housing

How do you hyperinflate housing? By smuggling millions of shitskin leeches

Now the US goy must spend money he does not have or all else is DEATH

Trump won’t do shit, Chinese money is keeping the world afloat. Without Chinese money the banks would all go under and we would get another 1929. Trump would be voted out and we would get 2 terms of Hillary

The (((Fed))) gives shitskins in foreign countries billions in free money so they buy up our houses all in cash they received from the Fed

The end of the Fed's monetary easing/money-printing devastated the periphery emerging-market economies, forcing capital to flee to safe havens such as US real estate. As China and the emerging economies that had boomed as Fed money poured into their economies rolled over, those who had accumulated the Fed's free money fortunes rushed to transfer their ill-gotten wealth into safe havens such as the US

This dynamic has fueled a vast all-cash housing trade in areas favored by foreign capital: NY, Miami, California, Seattle, Australia, Vancouver, etc.

globalization of regional housing markets is pricing the middle class out of housing in areas that also happen to be strong job markets.

a nation of homeowners is being transformed into a nation of homeless and renter serfs, as housing is snapped up by hedge funds, immigrants and corrupt elites laundering money from China and the emerging markets

Chinese mafia buy homes for cash in the US, Australia, UK, Europe and Canada. There is a flood of money laundered by Chinese mafia

This flood tide can be seen in real estate transactions, not just in the U.S. but in Australia, Canada and the U.K.:

These cash purchases by wealthy foreign nationals are creating a bifurcated housing market. In areas deemed desirable, Chinese and other foreign nationals are dominating the market (see: 80% Of All New Home Buyers in Irvine, CA Are Chinese).

>population increasing exponentially
no one is talking about buying land in fucking namibia you massive faggot

Always inverse biz

Massive housing ralley confirmed

And the elite are buying houses in safe havens like new zealand in case shit hits the fan. It seems we are reverting right back to feudalism.

we think we know that the fed sent 23 TRILLION dollars overseas during the GFC crisis. But we don't have the numbesr etc.

also foreign central banks officially print trillions US dollars that the Fed does not account for

FOREIGN banks create off-shore dollars. These are the "dollars" and dollar-denominated debt that have been flooding the world, creating asset bubbles and enabling countries to maintain trade surpluses with the US But they are not dollars backed up by any "real" dollars.

The Fed doesn't even measure off-shore dollars, despite the fact that trillions and trillions have been created over the last decade.

its literally FAKE MONEY given to shitskins to buy us out and replace White people

The fundamental source of crisis is the diminishing vitality of White economies spanning the last 40 year business cycle, a result of sending White industries to Yellows/Browns

As a result of offshoring White industries, the West experienced Rust Belt, stagnation, and was thrust into a depressionary period known as the "Long downturn". The long-term weakness of capital accumulation and of aggregate demand was rooted in the declining profitability of capital, stemming from an oversupply in global manufacturing-- a direct result of transferring White industries to Asia and Latinos. White industries that were once solely based in the West, were transferred to agrarian, primitive races, who never reached industrialization on their own. White industries were copied throughout the 3rd world which resulted in severe excess in production, due to uncontrolled, exponential population growth of the primitive 3rd world

The offshoring of White industry to Asia coordinated with the severing of the post-war Bretton Woods monetary system in 1971 signalled the profitability crisis of industrial capitalism’s Fordist ruling contract was coming under acute stress. Neoliberal geopolitical shifts to Asia, unfettered by race realism and buoyed by military-industrial expansion, White capital, from your private bank accounts, began to colonise Asia

The 1980s ushered in more globalism by White nations to combat the ongoing turmoil of stagflation, resulting from offshoring White industries. Governments pushed deindustrialisation, higher unemployment, White population reduction, suicides, homosexuality, mass migration, demographic replacement, and austerity measures, as they sought to alleviate the globalist crisis by resorting to greater borrowing and subsidising demand of offshored products. However, stagnation intensified and debt escalated, and a wave of devastating socio-economic crises rocked White nations throughout the following 3 decades

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Biz case in point:

before Yids opened borders to locusts of the 3rd world, US companies could open offices in other cities and allow their employees to purchase affordable properties close to work at 2X median income

thanks to globalism, chinks stampede towards any opportunity to exploit and extract the wealth of Whites

>After news of the Amazon move made its way through WeChat, a chat platform popular among Chinese speakers, several hundred vans of Chinese speaking buyers were purchasing the entire neighborhood to rent back Amazon workers at $10k/month as the chinks did in the Bay Area


Attached: chinks.jpg (2000x1500, 1.48M)

Globalists sent our jobs, industry, technologies, and wealth to locusts overseas.
And replaced the productive, manufacturing economy with a fake, ponzi economy based on asset (stocks/houses) speculation.
To increase price of house they import millions of shitskins.
Housing is one of the reasons (((they))) keep pushing immigration. So the ponzi economy keeps growing. So bankssters keep getting paid. Its sick and fucked up.

The most outrageous thing is that the politicians ooh and aah about how out of control housing prices are when they are the ones inflating their value at the behest of the banks by bringing in countless immigrants.

Thats by design buddy.

The majority of the banks assets are in mortgages and properties, if the value dips just a bit you get a recession which happened last time.

Next time they wont be able to bale them out so they have to bring in countless immigrants to artificially inflate the value of housing.

Western economies are literally a ponzi scheme which rely on exponential growth with no end

The globalists claim that immigration and high housing prices is a sign of prosperity, whilst keeping interest rates at an all time low to stimulate and anemic economy.

Equating skyrocketing immigration and housing prices with prosperity, of course, is just as nonsensical as declaring "food prices at all time highs! America is great again!" Or "gasoline prices climb into the stratosphere! Happy days are here again!" Or "Healthcare prices are up ten percent over last year! Hurray!" Or "Rejoice! The Million Mongol horde is coming to town!"

Eery fucking time the neoliberal goyim moans about housing shortage they always fail to mention that we are inviting about 30 million people per decade to come and live here - of course there's a fucking housing shortage.

the left continues to complain about falling wages but demands the importation of unregulated masses of illegal unskilled workers whose only economic effect is to depress wages.

Open borders or affordable housing - your choice

the globalists send our indistries and jobs to shitskins in asia and the tropics

The fed controls inflation by importing millions of shitskins to lower wages and increase unemployment

The fed props up the gutted economy by creating and inflating asset bubbles

Just point out the numbers. It doesn't even have to be due to immigration.
More people = lower wages
More people = higher housing prices

And who do you think is lobbying for politicians to bring those cheap brown migrants? The globalists who hire them

don't forget our unprecedented wave of immigration-- alteast 130 million since 1998. That accounted for more than a 90% of our household formation in the past 2 decades and explains the fact that 60 percent of new homeowners during the same period were minorities.

Can someone explain to me why the Fed only conveniently hikes rates when real incomes start to rise?

Its almost as if every time the labor market is doing well, theyre ready to tighten and crash the economy.

Im guessing its better for long term corporate profits and in the interest of the member banks.

And the "wealth effects" of bidding up house prices on credit is a horrific trick.

1. Bid up house prices with credit.
2. People's houses go up in value - so they "feel rich" and spend money they don't have.
3. People chase and speculate.
4. They sell their homes - but unless they plan on sleeping in a tent for the rest of their lives it's useless because all the other houses have gone up in price too.

People end up more in debt, less propertied and with banks taking a longer and deeper siphon of your life's whole income - they're the only ones who win.

Meanwhile high house prices chill household formation and debt services chills birth rates - so they import refugees.

globalists exported our industries, technologies, and jobs to Asia and third world countries
then (((they))) imported turd worlders to White land to take our jobs and houses.

Now we go in debt to afford products and houses we once made.

The globalists gutted White industries and turned us into serfs in order to industrialize Mongoloids and Poos.

Now we don't have industry our own country to afford living in our country. Good job, play stupid games win stupid prizes.

We seem to believe that expensive housing is a social good. We don’t think the same about cars, groceries, medical care or any of the other necessities of modern life. Dirty money hiding in your housing sector perhaps even letting units stand empty, well I could see that as a bad thing.

The globalists sent our industries and jobs overseas. As a result, wages declined and unemployment surged, so the Fed substituted income with debt, which has only doomed the formerly wealthy White nation.

To replace this diminished income, as a result of offshoring our White industries, the Status Quo has substituted debt as the source of additional spending: household debt, corporate debt and government debt.

But debt is not income. Rather, debt requires income to be diverted to pay interest and principal. So substituting debt for income ends up further depleting declining income.

This scheme of keeping a bloated, inefficient Status Quo afloat with debt is not a success--it's a failure on an epic scale.

I feel the only solution is some sort of amendment that states any and all persons who's family immigrated to the United States post 1965 immigration act are not citizenry. Sadly this will take another Christ or Hitler

within 2 years (USA). subprime lending is in full swing. short term ARMs are back. non-banks are originating 40% of loans vs. 5% around 2008. non-banks are also doing super jumbo mortgages that real banks don't even have the appetite for. we're sprinting face first into another crash with no signs of slowing down.

what is: the corrupt and wealth rich cunts from the rest of the world who have ruined their third world garbage countries and will inevitably do the same to ours. so exactly, the comfy west countries will keep stupidly high property values regardless.

>Retarded: the post

Adults are talking honey. Go play in the yard.

About 15% of the US is urban. It’s the laws that are making your house expensive

Will cash be king during the next crash, or will fiat crash as well?
Trying to decide if I should buy a business and land now, or wait.

(Buy business and land with cash)

Wait, so all we have to do is make sure China's economy never ever crashes. Thanks, just bought 100 houses.

China is buying USA houses with the fake money that USA gave them, lmao. Checkmate USA.
Actually that's what they are buying everything with.

fuck guys im a big noob and dont understand whats going on but im scared what do i do

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Who made white people stop having kids in the first place?


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>what do i do

>>trade is HALTED with mexico until the caravan situation can be contained
Unlike retarded amerisharts beamers are nationalistic as fuck and they will riot if their government does not handle the caravan/s soon

Bush did l this crap to facilitate a victory for his retarded brother Jeb!