REMINDER: Jow Forums IS NOT WELCOME at Jow Forumsbiz/

So let us take a moment to discuss cryptocurrencies, as we do here. Is the market having a much desired correction? Yes, in fact, it truly is.

When BTC gets to $450, remember who you are. What you are. WHY you are.

We will see past these dark days together.

But what we need to do is understand, in these trying times, that present themselves as a gift to us, the stalwart men of resolve and peace, that we cannot give in to hatred: We are NOT Jow Forums.

We are Jow Forumsbiz, and we are legion.

Literally this.

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grug is confused

kys. sage.

>Jow Forumsbiz
WTF are you on about? This is Jow Forums.

This is now a thread discussing our God, Adolf Hitler.

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how about you go report yourself instead and get banned from existence, nerd

reminder traps are gay and scum

look at that arm , can rip your dick off

Did you just threaten me?

Enjoy your ban.

kys retard

based and adolf pilled

>skeletor tranny

yup that's a sage

He was stupid to attack Russia and to kill Poles. Now we have somalians and pajeets everywhere. Id much prefer poles and slavs over them.

Imagine being this low IQ.

Wanting poles over somalis? You're a retard.

the poles were killing germans

he killed communists and got rid of the banking system both of which you are going to be up to your neck in Jews. as for your nigger problem you can thank Jews. Hitler made an attempt and proved that NatSoc could work, also if you forget Christianity was pretty much destroyed after Christs death only to live in a few who conducted mass and teachings in secret and to emerge as a worldwide religion.

>Wanting poles over somalis? You're a retard.

At least Poles work, and they work hard.

Somali's are literally 99% free gibs and 60 IQ

Jow Forumsbiz is an ancap sub, friendo.

thats why they were used as farm equipment for hundreds of years. I always wondered how strange it would be to own slaves
"son did you lock up the niggers?
"yes pa I did all my chores"
"good last time they snuck into the house and tried to rape and murder us"

NatSoc is about race my friend. anarcho capitalism does not matter in the slightest, as long as its not made to harm your people, I.E. bringing tons of poo people to keep your economy growing.

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dont even bother, they'll pay attention once the economy crashes and niggers & mutts are burning down their cities


This is 4channel.

We do not do that here.

I know friend. But I must try and help my fellow man. I will see you in the streets when we will have to bring order and counter the communists. Enjoy your Christmas Mein Kameradan

That's a credulous and ridiculous basis for a primary objective. "if it's good for the nation it's good". Well what's the cucking nation? And where you draw your barriers in that equation is what you actually end up making decisions based upon, and who benefits or suffers in turn is predicated on that. The eventual Nash equilibrium is smaller and smaller in groups that become aggressively more hostile to out groups until the out groups realise that the I group is an existential threat to them, turn around and stomp them into the ground.
Which is exactly what actually fucking happened historically.
So why the fuck do you want to repeat history?
Ancaps don't have this problem. If you can pull the oar, you're in the ingroup. It' all down to you, if you succeed you're rewarded in concert with your success, and if you fail you weren't pushed out because if ingroup nepotism, because that shit is unacceptably expensive in a competitive market.
Get with the program. Don't repeat a mistake that led to millions dead and if made again would probably result in an extinction level event. Ancap is literally the only legitimate path forward where humanity does not die.

nice schizo post

$450? lol try $100.

lol imagine being this clueless. In the context of NS race is above everything, even the nation itself. Its the religion. So whatever ensures the continuation of the race in the longterm is good.
With ancap nothing ensures your wont go extinct. Because no one imposes strict rules like dont racemix. If its cheaper for business to import mutt slave labor, they will do so. If people are brainwashed into racemix, they are free to do so. Thats freedom right? Well, 100% freedom has its drawbacks. Ancaps cant see beyond their own nose and pocket, and you cant plan even 10 years ahead

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Race exists, but it is arbitrary.

You are a genetic template consisting of a huge amount of data. Where you subjectively decide to draw lines to delineate a race, or even what those lines mean in terms of your position in the ingroup outgroup hierarchy is just as subject to political wrangling as any other state distributed gimmedat which has ever existed, and was treated exactly as such in your ns paradise, with "honorary aryans" frequently being overlooked regarding the Nuremberg laws on intermarriage, Deutschblütigkeitserklärung and all associated artefacts that prove this.
It may be quite possible hitler himself was a jew Rothschild bastard courtesy of his mother's stint serving said family and the peculiar circumstances around that service.
Meanwhile by contrast in an anarchocapitalist paradigm none of that shit matters because there no gibs to distribute and who or what you discriminate upon and the positive or negative outcomes of that discrimination are down to you.

>110iq, the post
no serious governance system can ignore human biology
before you get your panties in a bunch about Jow Forums, we don't even need to touch racism here. let's just consider attribution of value is more closely tied to social factors than objective worth. as in, in both multicultural and ethnocentric societies, the hustler who convinces others will go further than the shut-in who builds world-changing technology

Markets *are* a governance system. And they don't ignore human biology, they basically balance for preferences within it. And that's all anarchocapitalism really is, where more primitive governance systems would resort to fiat declarations, the ancaps resort to market mechanisms and you must pay for what you want or decide you didn't want it enough to pay for it after all.
> the hustler who convinces others will go further than the shut-in who builds world-changing technology
The irony of this from someone advocating for a system which elevated someone whose only gift was hustling others via oratory and persuasion coupled with ignorantly lowballing the IQ of your interlocutor really makes me doubt your intelligence, awareness, and indeed even self awareness in turn. Meanwhile, the more capitalist the system in history and the less political authority had influence, the more extreme the technological advances have been. It's not hard to extrapolate from this what the outcome for an anarchocapitalist society should be.

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lmao, you're either white or you're not. And its easy to see who isnt. The whole point was to reproduce whites as much as possible so as to ensure they wouldnt go extinct. Which is what ((they)) always wanted. If that meant gibs or less profit for some then so be it. They were ok with it.
Ancaps put profit above all else, and in such state of affairs there is no room for morals or concepts or race or nation, and that 'd make society degrade in ways you cant even fathom.
If your social status is completely defined by your net worth, then the most ruthless, unmoral people would end up in control through finance, ie plutocracy. Its inevitable

> lmao, you're either white or you're not. And its easy to see who isnt
pic related, and that's just the most obvious example. How about Italians? Russians? Cossacks? Albanians? Berbers? Spanish? It's nowhere near as simple as you make it out to be, and at the end of the day as he pointed out there's already historical precedent for tampering with definitions or just ignoring them entirely when it fits the agenda of the state, meaning it's just garden variety political authoritarianism the same as any other kind of political authoritarianism.
> Ancaps put profit above all else, and in such state of affairs there is no room for morals or concepts or race or nation
In a market system absent political authority, trade only happens in the presence of willing trade partners, which by extension means all profit gained is a societal wide dividend. Pretty much equal to "moral" by definition of that system. And as already discussed, race is just a red herring. leftists are tards for pretending it doesn't exist or it's a social construct, but to say it is razor sharp and easily observed and used as a sorting mechanism even in theory, much less in practice, is simply to deny historical fact.
> that 'd make society degrade in ways you cant even fathom.
Would it make the society get invaded by everyone else on the planet, suffer starvation and occupation for decades, mass rapes, indoctrination to despise their own heritage and create a class of slaves who only exist for the people who their forefathers once supposedly stood against? Because if it wouldn't, it's already got a better track record than national socialism.

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> If your social status is completely defined by your net worth, then the most ruthless, unmoral people would end up in control through finance, ie plutocracy. Its inevitable
On the contrary, if your social status is defined by what the most ruthless, immoral people declare it to be, which is literally --what political authority actually is--, that end state is inevitable, and what's more that's exactly what you always actually end up in every fucking system where political authority holds sway.
But thousands upon thousands of years later you retarded natsocs still don't get it and you're like "this time it'll be different". You're just like the commies you despise, and that's not being snarky, that is dead accurate. You both use the exact same mechanism to actually decide upon the way society will evolve.
Unsurprisingly it always ends up the same fucking way.

moar pics of him pleaase

>pic related
its even in the title, thats an albino negro, not white.
>Italians, Cossacks, Albanians, Berbers, Spanish
all white with varying degrees of racemix with desert people
>It's nowhere near as simple as you make it out to be
it is quite simple actually, their societies are a reflection of their genes
> tampering with definitions or just ignoring them entirely when it fits the agenda of the state
as if there cant be a good agenda, as if everything the state does has ulterior motives. You cant imagine a ruler with good intentions thats your problem. Ancap is rooted in distrust, you refuse to believe people would cooperate without somehow screwing each other, because its a reflection of your own internal state of being (you would scam at first opportunity most likely)
>In a market system absent political authority, trade only happens in the presence of willing trade partners
nobody prevents you from trading in NS, nobody wants to stop business in NS. But business which are clearly working against the interests of the people are dealt with (ie illegal practices to increase profit, overexploiting workers, shameful work conditions, etc)
>pretty much equal to moral
you got a glimpse of your ancap paradise on this manipulated cryptomarket. You can fool thousands to buy your bags at the top using whatever tactic. That is immoral, you are ruinning people lives. You can argue that they are stupid and deserve it, doesnt change the fact that wealth eventually ends uo in fewer hands -> plutocracy -> can manipulate the market at their will for even more profit
>Would it make the society get invaded by everyone else on the planet..
you have bias and havent really studied what happened in ww2

>if your social status is defined by what the most ruthless, immoral people declare it to be, which is literally --what political authority actually is--, that end state is inevitable
the state doesnt 'force' what social status is, it is a agreed upon by good common sense, ie if you made riches being a scammy bastard, you dont deserve the status. In ancap you can be a slimey piece of shit, get rich af and still be worshipped because money becomes number 1 status symbol, nevermind how you made it.
NS doesnt work without the approval of people, it is born from them. It cannot be imposed.
>But thousands upon thousands of years later you retarded natsocs still don't get it and you're like "this time it'll be different".
A functioning society needs a ruler, thats been the case for all history. The irony is nobody takes ancap seriously, nobody would ever accept it willingly therefore you must impose it which goes against your own ideology. So it will never happen.
Authority IS the natural state of man. Anarchy is unnatural

> its even in the title, thats an albino negro, not white.
I gave it that title to make a point. White is a colour, not a race. Any statement to the contrary is subjective.
> all white with varying degrees of racemix with desert people
> it is quite simple actually, their societies are a reflection of their genes
That doesn't reflect well on what you would call modern "white" society, then.
> You cant imagine a ruler with good intentions thats your problem.
Can you imagine a rapist who just wants to have great sex with their partner? Then why the fuck do you think it's different when you have someone who wants to dominate an entire society based on a monopoly on violence? It simply makes no sense. And utterly unsurprisingly, if you look through history, that's the invariable outcome of all political authority; he who holds it parasites and sacks from he who does not, end of story.
> Ancap is rooted in distrust, you refuse to believe people would cooperate without somehow screwing each other,
Directly contrary to reality, trade without coercion only works in high trust societies, otherwise how can you ever know that anything you build will be worth anything, or that it will get build at all in the cooperation with other people? You can mitigate this to some degree in the future with smart contracts perhaps, but trust has always been necessary to run a successful economy. That's a large part of why Africa is so fucked up.
> business which are clearly working against the interests of the people are dealt with
Which is to say "businesses that do what the state doesn't like are sanctioned and attacked" and what the state likes or doesn't is based on a completely arbitrary subjective definition in your authoritarian political system just as surely as any other authoritarian political system.

> you got a glimpse of your ancap paradise on this manipulated cryptomarket.
And I have no problem with it. Buyer beware. Don't hold others responsible for your own malfeasance.
> wealth eventually ends uo in fewer hands
This is how wealth works, it is a fact that has not changed across all economic systems at all times. A small portion of the population generates, and thus holds the majority of wealth. All attempts to rectify this situation have been utter disasters directly in line with their ferocity to accomplish this undesirable and impossible goal.
> manipulate the market at their will for even more profit
It is the stated *purpose* of the regulations which flow from political authority to manipulate the market.
> you have bias and havent really studied what happened in ww2
Not an argument.
> the state doesnt 'force' what social status is, it is a agreed upon by good common sense,
You want to look at USSR and re-think that statement?
> In ancap you can be a slimey piece of shit, get rich af and still be worshipped because money becomes number 1 status symbol, nevermind how you made it.
On the contrary, why would you deal with a known slimy piece of shit if you had other options? Reputation matters when you can't just buy a politician to force government contracts to fill your coffers or enact favourable regulations with 77,000%+ returns as is typical these days.

> A functioning society needs a ruler, thats been the case for all history.
Not true, many societies have existed throughout history absent the institution of political authority, and even if it were otherwise, just because we've always had a disease doesn't mean we should not be attempting to cure it. Allocating a dictator is a clear disease. "Do as I said so" is no reasonable basis upon which to run a society, period.
> The irony is nobody takes ancap seriously, nobody would ever accept it willingly therefore you must impose it which goes against your own ideology. So it will never happen.
Unless we secede, say by creating a global sovereign currency outside of the ability of political authorities to tamper with or censor free trade. Then we simply already exist as an effective parallel sovereign economy. Mission accomplished.
> Authority IS the natural state of man. Anarchy is unnatural
Once again, "natural" does not mean optimal, good, or even acceptable.

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>I gave it that title to make a point. White is a colour, not a race.
fine, caucasian then. Are you gonna say niggers are not a race with many subraces now?
if everything is subjective debate is pointless
>That doesn't reflect well on what you would call modern "white" society, then.
not ruled 100% by whites
>monopoly on violence?
as opposed to your faceless market determining every aspect of your life, leaders are persons with faces you can rebel against (with weapons) if they get abusive. Its not a monopoly if the population is armed too (founding fathers knew their shit)
>that's the invariable outcome of all political authority; he who holds it parasites and sacks from he who does not, end of story.
yeah no leaders have helped their society progress at all.. talking about parasites, you ancaps are the types that most defend profiting without adding real value (labor) just from buying low selling high shit. Like jews, you are parasites.
>, trade without coercion only works in high trust societies
high trust enables having centralized decision making, which is more efficient when planning on a large scale. I'd rather have people who know their shit in power than complete anarchy where anything goes.
>what the state likes or doesn't is based on a completely arbitrary subjective definition
again with arbitrary, subjectiveness. The people put the leaders in charge, they have an objective view of what their society wants to look and be like. If leader fuck up, they are removed by force. Simple

>And I have no problem with it
because you lack morals
>This is how wealth works
if wealth accumulation in few hands is inevitable, what is evitable is making sure those hands are moral, not corrupted, ie they give a shit about their people.
>It is the stated *purpose* of the regulations which flow from political authority to manipulate the market.
so now whales cant manipulate the market? only the state does? give me a break
>You want to look at USSR
the population in USSR that didnt agree with the system were slaughtered. The people were forced into it, they didnt agree on it. In germany the people put Hitler in power, they were in agreement.
>why would you deal with a known slimy piece of shit
because money is all you care for, ancaps are as materialist as the commies

>Not true, many societies have existed throughout history absent the institution of political authority,
and they were naturally short-lived, exceptions to the rule
>Mission accomplished.
it wont be long until someone rules again, be it through wealth or by force. It amazes me how you say wealth distribution naturally ends in few hands (pareto distribution) but fail to realize that people crave power and therefore its inevitable for someone to end up in charge, because some people are just good at leading (charisma, intelligence, etc). Even in business there is a boss, try running a business without a boss lol.
>Once again, "natural" does not mean optimal, good, or even acceptable.
natural just means what humans are inclined to by forces stronger than rational thinking

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Fuck niggers and fuck jannies.

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that's a guy
and i like it

>Could work
If you mean by 'could work' that it ran for like 13 years and then got wrecked by every other country in the war