Have you invested in Bitcoin?

Have you invested in Bitcoin?

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I can't. All my money's from the state.

I think that comic is outdated

i prefer real money

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I only like riding real rollercoasters, thanks.

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It's not a bubble though, it's just dropped for a while. It'll definitely go back up and even higher in a few years all the way to the moon, just like I was promised

I mined/bought bitcoin since 2010 and sold around 21k per btc

Made about 22m and am looking to invest that further

But at least I never have to work again

In order to invest in an industry one has to understand the factors which cause an industry to rise and fall. And since the cryptocurrency industry is based on the forces of "how to convince a bunch of social media gaggles to invest in a form of transaction that is extremely inefficient" and I am not B. F. Skinner, I chose to invest mostly in Biotech and a bunch of non-tech Bluechips.

I sold my btc at 20k and used that money to then short btc, I made 200 millions.

What's your public key?

Yes, I've put in maybe $400 in total and cashed out $3k last December. Could have done a lot better but I was a dumbass.

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>Made 22M with BTC
>Wants to invest it further in crypto
There's no way this post is real

what does that mean

buy sober sell high

I feel sorry for people who bought a day ago.


good tech related thread faggot

He sold?

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>mostly in Biotech
based and non-brainlet


it was ok, until it became another stock-exchange.

Bought at 2 for sold at 250

Yup I mined in 2010, sold at 22. Now I have 30 trillion dollars. Shit is so cash.

Ugh, there are now three tokens based on the USD.

I bought $40 of BCH at a crypto ATM to pay for a Jow Forums Pass. After the cash-to-crypto conversion fee ($7 loss), the Jow Forums Pass ($20 loss), and the recent precipitous decline in value ($9 loss), my current stake is worth about $4.

well ... that didnt age well
t. cryptofag

When that article came out Bitcoin was worth $8,500.
In the month after that article it crossed $10,000 twice, and since then until now it only reached $8,500 once.
Now it is worth less than half.
This is why you don't take investment advice from a 19-year-old. If he still has his coins he would still be a "cryptomillionaire" but worth less than half was it was at the time. If he bought more coins then he has almost certainly lost money on them since then.
Crypto has been such a shitshow.

I feel bad for Jow Forums but also enjoy watching their suffering. Its entertaining even though I really have no idea what is going on besides them losing money.
What is this feeling called?

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I firmly believe this, but I also don't think I'll cash out in time to benefit.

i invested computer power but never money
i've made thousands of dollars, cashed out, over the years by lending out what i stopped mining half a decade ago

i've never cashed out what i've mined because it didn't cost me much
my crypto trading shall now slumber once again, and maybe someone will want to borrow from me again in the future

I'm still up 400%. The crashening literally only affected retards who bought in January+

I made around $21,400 from Buttcoin. I bought a new car and paid off some debt, and then spent the rest on chicken tenders and mountain dew. I'm done playing with crypto currency toys now.

You're up nothing until you have real fiat money sitting safely in your account

as someone who hasn't bought crypto ever, it's safe to say that bitcoin will rise probably 2-3x in the next year as usual. paypal can't be the only functioning universal payment method on the internet

Sorry, that's 400% up after profit taking my initial investment, which I did after eth went from a few dollars to hundreds.
And shitcoins are the new paradigm faggot. At this point I'm all in on LINK and librebooted thinkpads. One of them will feed me for the rest of my life guaranteed.

There are other things like Skrill, Neteller, PaySafe... also credit cards.
Not many people really use cryptos to buy anything, it's mostly speculation.

i bought $100 worth when it was at $300. it's been funny watching it go down then up then down. i took out about $500 when it was at $5000.


lol no

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imagine being a nocoiner

holy shit dude

>Skrill, Neteller, PaySafe
literally whos. half my purchases are online and i have never heard of those

Only managed to mine a little bit from.a share pool. Not even enough to get myself a meal

now imagine being a retarded nocoiner that just can't refrain from posting his retarded opinion on why "crypto bad!"

They are still ok services, they are often used on poker sites for example. But I could also ask you how often you have paid with btc.

orange coin bad

>often used on poker sites for example
so pretty much the use case for bitcoin then. i can almost assure you bitcoin has been used to purchase more drugs on the internet than those services combined

How come BTC is still rarely (by comparison) used as actual money? Has the meaning of "cryptocurrency" lost the currency part?

>What is this feeling called?
Not being retarded

Sold all mine last week before the crash because every retard could see it coming since last month. It made one of the most perfect triangle patterns I've ever seen, then fell though the bottom last week.

Greed and volatility, people don't want to use it even though a lot of places accept it, and then merchants didn't want to use it because it's too unstable. A lot of online shops used to accept it here, but last year stopped because it changed 30% in one day multiple days in a row. Im hoping this crash will get rid of people using it as an investment so it can stabilise and be used as a currency again.

>How come BTC is still rarely (by comparison) used as actual money?

Because it's useless (enjoy waiting 20 minutes for your transaction to go through) and accepted almost nowhere.

This is art.

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the last 4 crashes had bitcoin dropping 87% on average before 5x over the last all time high.
so $2,500 bitcoin, then rise to 100K.
it always goes back uyp


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I don't think you're counting the last four crashes.

I've used it to buy lysergamides

Honestly surprised that it has taken this long. Bitcoin's main value is the fact that people invest in it, it has literally just become this magic value thing that doesn't do anything since fewer and fewer want to accept something so unstable.
It genuinely baffles me that it's going to climb again, whenever that happens.

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>Because it's useless (enjoy waiting 20 minutes for your transaction to go through) and accepted almost nowhere.
You can spend them on Overstock!
oh wait

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>it always goes back uyp
Not this time
It's going back down to triple digits and staying there.

What the fuck was this thread from Jow Forums to Jow Forums? I didnt even know this was possible

>I didnt even know this was possible
Hello, I see you are new to this site.


wasu wasu wasu wasu wasu wasu wasu wasu wasup!

Or he's older than the feature and hasn't seen it being used yet.

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Being this gay

Larps don't provide evidence, ever, or else it's not a larp

I wanted to wait for it to fall before I bought in, and now that it fell I'm broke. Great.