They want your linkies. You are seeing another shit coordinated fud to buy them much cheaper than a few weeks ago. Link was 2.4k sats 3 months ago (!!!!!), now we are at 6.4k. This is unprecedented in the crypto space in the last year. Most coins and tokens have depreciated a lot, while link kept gaining value. With the recent awareness the project got in the last few months, the order book had A LOT of big orders wanting to be filled around 6.5k (and a shit load more probably at 5.6k), thats why its bleeding so much. A lot of buyers are still very green at this prices and want to switch some of the stack to btc, and a lot of people wanted to buy link at 6.5k. The token would have probably broke 10k without all the craziness that happened lately, but a correction is perfectly normal. This shit doesnt keep going up exponentially forever.
Look at ethereum and its mania. During ethereum big moon after "peaking" at around 0.057 sats, it went all the way down to 0.036 sats. This happened between march 25 and april 11 (2017). Two fucking weeks. It would then keep going up to 0.15 with small corrections in-between. Right now link is much more exposed to btc movements than eth was. There's a shit load more liquidity and ability to sell much more. Don't panic. Top wallets didnt even flinched.
not a discord shill in any way bought link after it crashed after sibos and never touched it again. I just hate link fudders cause they own 5x times more link than I do.
Isaac Nelson
>comparing a correction when ethereum went from dogshit tier to multi billion dollar marketcap to a pump and dump of a couple million on a random shit token linkies are truly the most deluded of them all
Sebastian Cruz
false eth first peak was at around 0.036btc (march 16), it corrected at 0.057btc (march 17). link was doing the same exact pattern and going to fly past its ath pratically one year after its peak with sibos. But neither link now, nor eth back then, were independent of the crypto context. this isnt fucking delusion, its a fucking fact. Just look at eth past prices. Link has been paralleling it continuously.
Hudson Brown
based. The first half of that eth graph is basically sibos, january and now. Link didnt went past its ath but the similarities are uncanny
Hudson Gray
It gained out of proportion to the rest of the market by a factor of 3. That was unprecedented in this market over such a protracted period of time. It wasn't the normal musical chairs, discord bear/bull raid pattern.
That's what it means, retard.
Robert Kelly
Just hold while i dump on your thread.
Colton Thomas
Seriously? No one wants your Link faggot. That's why it's crashing.
Keep buying it up if you're still falling for this kind of low level shilling.
Lucas Walker
You still buying more linkies now?
Owen Turner
I can't afford more right now. would definitely layer buys until 5.6k
Cameron Howard
What does this pic even imply? God why am I browsing this retarded board. You can't compare the 2 because bitcoin was bullish the whole time and Ethereum has a 10 times smaller supply you shit eater
James Nelson
the image pretends to show eth, while on an upwards trend, suffered a major correction in a short-time frame but if you zoom out, you can see it was just a minor set back. you are right that bitcoin was bullish, which makes the link upwards movement much more impressive.
Jaxon Lewis
Nice fud. The musical chairs metaphor works the opposite way too.
>move my trading stack of link back into mew, finally feeling satisfied with how much I accumulated >link keeps dumping while my other shitcoins stay even >sold all my other shitcoins back into link
just when I thought I was out.... they pull me back in