We are back! all hail bitmex

I made already $13k this night

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smart trade
consensus invest was the biggest bullflag of the year

>consensus invest

I've played yolo x70 at 3800 with Sl at 3780. Im gonna keep that motherfucker and put Higher SL

nice gamble

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big conference in new york today
BAKKT confirmed they have regulatory approval
several institutions said they have platforms and investment instruments coming in 2019 1st quarter
Van Eck ETF is most likely denied, but the entire day was bullish especially for bitcoin

Attached: consensusinvest.png (1104x728, 717K)

yeah It was a bit gamble but once It bounce +$50 I add more funds

congratz anyways, i wish i had the balls to pull this off

if next 4h candle will be above 4k Im putting even more. Trend is your friend and TA is not a meme


I have feeling that there will be huge gree dildo in no time

I hope you make a boatload of cash
but don't get too greedy my friend

good luck fren, I want to go do this on the mex via VPN but I'm scared that they can just take all my money if they find out I'm a burger

go hard or go home

Attached: yolo.png (1900x206, 453K)

noone give a fuck if you are burger until you pay fees. Just find good vpn and you will be good

fuck ya you got in at the right time I hope we pump to 7k like my ID says

wrong pic

Attached: yoloo.png (266x90, 33K)

Dude take your gains before it fking crashes

Im on SL. everything under control. Im waiting for next 4h bar and if it will be above 4k Im gonna keep it till end of the year

kek, good luck with that

SL worked. Im looking for next entry

Entry for a long position?

propably. Waiting for next 4h bar to confirm

How long have you been in crypto. After that 6% gain you should have shorted.

take your 600% profit and run! I wish I did!

since '12

>its a "biz gets greedy as shit and loses it all" episode
>it's a rerun

I have retard friends that keep thinking it will keep rising without correction
>dUh bUlL rUn StaRted

Jow Forums never learns

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