Im done with crypto

i sold at 3560... I sold at 3560.

Are you


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>Selling the bottom

Sorry bro but time to sell was at 10k+.

Never change biz.

Thanks for giving it to me at 3560 KEK


don't worry, you still have a chance before MARS.

Quick, buy from this level. We are going to the moon baby.

i'm done, i know I'll buy but if I do it'll drop, if I don't buy it'll just pump.. fucking done with this shit.. Lost 2000$ because of fucking crypto I'm done.

But why??
>Buy high sell low

youll be back

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wow u lost 2000 dollars, stfu kiddo, i lose 2k everytime i fucking refresh my blockfolio, jeez.

relax, you'll get more neetbux next month and your mom just bought tendies.

you deserve to be punished for your weakness

Sell the bottom buy the top

You did just fine, buy high and sell low. Now you need to get into other coins as bitcoin disappears from the market with its overpriced transaction fees.

Buy back quick you can still catch the bullrun!!!!

buy high sell low

sell low
buy when even lower

these other guys don't understand but
i like your strategy op

I know this feel.

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literally. we are headed back to 8k within a week.

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Is this a larp?
Or bait?
Did you actually sell the absolute bottom?
Can you post a screenshot of your transaction history showing you selling the bottom?

>hurr durrr 3200 sideway
fucking biz

Huge sell signal

you should have bought at 3650 and you could already now sell with a profit- you not the brightest light on the cake my fren

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IKR. I wish I only lost 2k.


You fucking weak handed faggot. The impatience of this board is comical.