How does one become a "morning person"

how does one become a "morning person"

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Other urls found in this thread:

move out from your mommy's appartment

>go to bed without eating carbs
>drink water before bed
>don't drink coffee within 2 hours of waking up, or don't drink it at all
>commit yourself to sleeping early, at least 8 hours of if I have to get up at 6am, set an alarm for 8pm so I know I have 2 hours until bed time
>dont smoke weed./drink or masturbate before bed

set an alarm clock and wake up early every morning

Build a bed that throws you into a wall of spikes if you don't get up quick enough

Fuck all this shit user, im up every morning at 5:50am for work and I dont drink alot of water before bed, I do however masturbate and smoke weed so I feel sleepy and I would regard myself as a morning person 100%. The trick is to build the habit and stick to it. Once your mind is conditioned to waking up early, youve already made it.

Melatonin OP. Get the strong ones. Also, avoid a lot of light and stress 1/2hours before bed. And go to bed on time. Ezpz

Impossible, it's a genetic thing. Some are just better suited for the evening. Being a morning person is the most normie thing around

If you don't like coffee, maybe you could try Guarana? I put it into home made yoghurt with some sugar. Also, vitamin b12 sublingual tabs are a powerful stimulant.
Partially true. If you are not a morning person, your brain will never function well early in the day, but you can get used to getting up early.

Go to bed early, don't use your phone in bed and don't think about anything when your laying in bed.

A meme degenerates tell themselves to justify being lazy. It's like those fat fucks that say they are fat because of genetics, even though they eat mcdonald-tier food 4 times a day.

Ever tried not gayming/browsing/watching tv 2 hours before bed?

If you have to do those things it just proves you’re not a morning person. Normans stare at their phone until they fall asleep and then wake up energized and refreshed in the morning.

>Step 1: Go to bed early.
There is no step 2. Not being depressed and having something you look forward to also helps.

Get kids

just violently power through the pain of tiredness, go to bed early then wake up early

go to sleep early

Don’t daytrade

>Don't think about anything
What if I'm not an NPC?

singles of truth

This is what unresponsible blue pilled normies tell themselves

/thread, kek

Literally skip sleep until 9pm the next day.

Attached: 23.gif (300x273, 126K)

You have about 16-18 hours per day to think about anything and do anything you want.

You're fucking up in a major way if you're not dedicating time to sleep. Recent scientific research has shown that sleep is crucial for the brain's cellular clean-up process (see first article below).

The rest of your body takes care of cell waste in several ways (see second article below) while you're awake but the brain does most of its waste disposal when you're sleeping. We're talking about 6-8 hours of solid sleep here.

Just giving you a warning here. The rest is DYOR.
