The reason chinas economy will overtake everyone

Economically, the west with its current state of democracy just can't compete cause you get retards who throw off every vote.

For example brexit is probably the best example. With this vote there was a very large correlation between how smart/successful people were and how they voted. Fast forward 3 years and it's became increasingly obvious it was a shit idea at least economically. At the time in the uk the vast majority of experts said it was a shit idea. Now in china the following would simply happen

>xi jinping: Is this a good economic decision?
>Chinese experts in the area: No
>Xi Jinping: Ok, lets not do it.
>economy unchanged

Now compared to the uk

>David Cameron: Is this a good economic decision?
>British experts in the area: No
>David Cameron: Ok, let the people decide
>*People vote for the bad economic decision*
>economy goes downhill

If this happens over and over again, the difference will just keep getting larger cause of how many more mistakes the western countries are making by letting every retard vote instead of only the best and brightest. A similar thing can be seen in the us, where without wanting to start the screeching one of the political parties has a much, much better track record than the other and you can see it comparing the states.

To dominate economically, the west should only allow the best and brightest to have a say on economic issues, and make decisions based of the evidence instead of muh feefees. Prove me wrong

Finally just going to add I'm not putting myself in the category of people who should be able to vote

Attached: poll4.jpg (615x347, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Most people didn't vote with economy in mind, they voted because they don't want immigrants in their country.

can you leftypol faggots fuck off already
nobody cares

This was how the brexiters voted, not that it's really a bad reason.

The thing is that all you had to do was check for yourself and the eu had nothing to do with the violent refugee/muslim style ones everyone has a problem with, cause they come from countries outside the eu. I don't think anyone really cares about german/france/"good country" immigrants.

The polish ones are more debatable, but it's not like they're taking the good jobs just the min wage shit.

>hurr durr muh politics

It was not a good decision economically. If it was, I'd be making a different thread wondering why everyone, particularly the experts in the area, got it so wrong.

Kek you know that won't happend?
Brexit is literally servdom now from the UK to the EU.

you should only be able to vote if you have $300k+ in assets. Anyone that has this much is statistically more likely to have a higher than average IQ. Poorfags cant think more than one step ahead (this is why they vote for free gibs and communism)

I'd agree with something similar but it should have different standards for age to prevent retarded boomers voting over the best millenials whjo just haven't had enough time. Would also be much better if it considered inheritance and what class you were born in to filter out retards who only got there cause of luck.

Well that's pretty stupid. The correlation between wealth and IQ is pretty low. Besides, then you'd have mostly old people voting since young people almost never have that much wealth. How about an actual IQ test instead of something that might correlate a little bit with IQ?

You're an idiot

Instead of Brexit, they should've proposed:
Do you want to deport every single shitskin muslim out of UK?

>Brexit is bad
Smoothbrain detected
>The EU was going down anyway which means the Brits had to figure out their way in the world anyway. Brexit means they get a head start on the rest of Europe

Nice argument nigger

>Imblyign that people with college degrees are automatically smart on any level when horseshit like "Women's Studies" or frankly just about anything non-scientific is taken seriously.


Either way, it doesn't matter now. Are you ready for Exit Day?

No. Because nobody is ready for Exit Day. Nobody can be ready for Exit Day; you've just gotta strap yourself in and take whatever comes 0_0

(Toplel though, I'm not sure if they're just pretending there's no deal for theatrical reasons or if everything is actually so fucked that there is seriously approximately zero known about what will happen when Brexit takes effect a mere 4 months beforehand)

UK has been at the top of the list of the European Union’s ‘Big Four’ economies in terms of economic growth ever since it has voted for BREXIT. Nice thread.

Having the vote based on assets is stupid, however a vote based on income would be actually good.

Zeihan has been proven wrong before his book was even printed, citing him as a source is beyond retarded and is a show of lack of critical thinking.

>correlation between wealth and IQ is pretty low
says who? have you ever talked to a wealthy person? have you ever talked to the poorfags that live in ghettos? Wealth is near 100% correlated to IQ.

the removal of shitskins is how you compete with china

Fuck chinks

This is one of the reasons that the decadence and disappearance of democracies has been foreseen by some. Like the chad who wrote starship troopers.

I see it very likely that the world leading countries 100 years from now are some form of reformed dictatorship.

>implying anybody anywhere has been proven wrong about claiming the EU is collapsing
lol no it's over sweetie

Can we stop shilling china. The dream is dead

Yeah, totally over.

Absolutely dead, never coming back in fact.

Two words:


wouuu id never tought democracy was shit, thx mr brainsteing.

Fuck the (((EU))) you cunt. Sovereignty above all.

And that's a good thing. Brits are too perfidious to be let free.

Didn't shitskins unanimously vote remain?

Attached: by income.png (1136x1302, 89K)

Thats because eu membership, and globalism in general has the most adverse effect on the poorest members of rich societies since their labor is easily replaceable and disproportionately expensive on the world market. Its easy to 'blame poor people for being dumb' but how else do you expect them to react when their livelihoods are taken from them for the sake of the beneficiaries of globalism. Politicians have ignored this demographic to their own peril because whether you like it or not, they can vote, and can go full retard if they remain disenfranchised for too long.

Nope, they all voted leave to stop having poles competing with them. Some pakis even voted leave so that the UK would have to accept more of them.

north korea doesn't have to do dumb vote
Kim Jung Un can just decide what's best for economy.

So superior to dumb democracy

China is a communist hell hole, academics suck trucker dicks behind gas stations for living and OP is a dumbfuck leftist.

Attached: 1535876092918.jpg (1935x1548, 457K)

The problem with rigid systems isn't when they have decent leadership. You should read a fuck ton more history.

It's the fact when they get bad leadership they completely get fucked and mismanaged to death. China is just becoming to come out of the honeymoon stage that most authoritarian states go into for a slight amount of time if they have decent leadership. Say you get a shitty president he has checked powers. Say you get another Mao, 100 million chinese starve to death.

That's the problem with it.

china simple doesn't have the political system with an emphasis on individualism to drive truly spectacular organic growth... the gooks have gone and truly GOOK'D themselves and will probably create yet another chink civil war... GG gooks, GG chinks, now can you please GTFO of my cuntry cunt

Poles are literally the most hardworking people in Europe and most brits want them out.

>Mao: Is this a good economic decision?
>Chinese experts in the area: No
>Mao: Ok, let's do it anyway.
>economy destroyed

Democracy always gives you just above average results. Auotcracy depends on the leader. Xi may yet go insane, and his successor(s) may be terrible.

Truck driver is a dangerous and demanding job with high demand. Supply and demand, funny we hate the system when it doesn’t favour us

this.. cognitive decline in old age

(kinda ironic to say this as an american right now though)

Brexit will work out great for the UK as it always does. You can’t defeat the rothschilds. The EU however, is screwed

>a whole 60% on a (((poll))) run by the (((parliament))) itself with 27,000 respondents representing 500 million people
wow its fucking nothing
>not realizing that Italy has something like 80x the relative bad loans as the US did at the height of the subprime crisis
>not realizing that Germany will either have to subsidize Italy worse than they did Greece (never happening), or the EU will collapse when Italy refuses austerity because they have far more leverage than Greece did
>not realizing Germany won't be able to buy its way out of this because the US is ending Bretton Woods entirely and this is going to wreck the global economy within 10 years
wewlad just wew

China is no.1 now. Australia and Canada will have its political system bought off by them and effectively become states of China. All the cheap shit that used to be made in China will be in USA with all profits to China. China will improve its environment and living conditions making it the greatest country in the world

Also social credits system will make the place a crimeless utopia

Chinese labor costs have already skyrocketed, smart money has been exiting for awhile. Their labor isnt even remotely competitive with neighbors or Mexico even, but they have not been able to transition to a domestic consumption based economy. China spends more than we spent on our entire 2008 bailouts on a regular basis.

>Dunning-Kruger, the thread
Western "experts" are 60+ years old individualists hoping to extend an unsustainable system for long enough before they die. The EU is a sinking ship, and staying in means tying yourself to the coming catastrophe. Sustainability can only be found in credible policymaking at every level, which cannot happen where Luxembourg goes over your national interests every time. There's great irony in failing to see that while naming China as a model. You won't see Xi Jinping (in your naive worldview where he talks alone to a group of experts then makes a decision) cancel China's strict muslim repression or aggressive African colonization. A people divided through diversity is necessarily weak. You can see it even in diversity-heavy areas: the anglo-saxon model of melting pot has crushed the brits, whereas France's concept of assimilation left them comparatively better, until they pivoted and imported anglo values.

china is dead dude, face it

if you were rich you voted remain, because you needed more slaves so your goods and services were cheaper.
If you were poor you already were the slave and you didn't want to compete with other slaves flooding your country, so you voted leave.

Don't really have any opinions in this, but does anyone else think it is absolutely fucking ridiculous how a Harvard graduate multi-millionaire who grew up homeless has the same voting power as a crackhead who had every opportunity handed to him and still managed to fuck up?

But but bu.... lots of people google searched about brexit the week after the vote. Must have been all those stupid and uniformed people that voted yes

>vote to leave eu because immigrants
>realize that the majority of your immigrants are pajeets and not from eu
>lose trade deal and still have pajeet immigrants

And yet the actual polls (you know, the vote) show ever-increasing support for Euro-skeptic parties. It’s like there is a huge media apparatus supporting the status quo, hmmmmm

>If this happens over and over again, the difference will just keep getting larger cause of how many more mistakes the western countries are making by letting every retard vote instead of only the best and brightest. A similar thing can be seen in the us, where without wanting to start the screeching one of the political parties has a much, much better track record than the other and you can see it comparing the states.

But the "best and brightest" are advocating the most harmful policies. If you gave said people power in the US we'd be flooded with African and Latino immigrants even more than we are now because obviously GDP would go up. This would make our institutions all the more dysfunctional. The problem with democracy isn't the voters, it's the entire state structure.

Anglo values are the greatest threat to any given population in the world, most of all themselves.

Why go for something correlated with intelligence instead of using intelligence directly? You might as well use height, since it is also correlated with intelligence.

Imagine a world where manlets can't vote. Wouldn't that be glorious?

But that means basically nothing, one can be euro-skeptic and not want the dissolution of the EU but simply a reform. That's the case of the greatest majority of euro-skeptics, the only exception being a few extremists here and there.

You can't measure how many people want the EU to dissolve by how many people vote for euro-skeptic parties. It is better to measure it by asking people whether they want the European Union to dissolve or whether they want their country to leave.

nice trips. Yeah China's governance has pretty much been a high-risk high-reward system. Democracy isn't any better when the citizens aren't well informed though

Economy is not the only consideration. Maintaining national sovereignty and identity is what brexit was also about.

In Britain's case it is far too little too late, but that was the sentiment. British peasants only want to be dicked in the ass by British elite, not mainland jews.

British elite are just going to import more Pakis instead of Polacks. The reality is, increased levels of immigration are NOT up for debate. They are going to increase unless you're Italy, and Italy might crash with no survivors. If there's one thing the elite of Western countries agree on its that immigration levels must go up to add new consumers, decrease wages, and prop up land prices.

Who the fuck cares about the jobs? Your argument about the good / bad reasoning behind the brexit is idoitic. You are missing the whole point, that immigrants are a liability for decades and will find no jobs except drug dealing and thief activities. They will cost the average tax payer a fortune.

On top of that why would you support the culture with never ending peace truck events? Wait for the christmas season and everyone will be butthurt again.

Furthermore the comparison between china and uk is ridicolous...for so many reasons

I think the EU needs to be hardline about countries fiscal behaviour, you got Spain, portugal and Greece being a bunch of retard and Italians seem to be following them.
Kick them out and only allow Germanic nations to remain with slavs being allowed in for toilet cleaning and prostitution

>xi jinping: Is this a good economic decision?
>Chinese experts in the area: No
>Xi Jinping: Ok, lets not do it.
>economy unchanged

??? literally can't even. does OP even follow economical news?
China has made terrible economic choices under Xi. He is pretty much riding on the wave that Hu Jintao created. Once a full blown recession breaks out, it will destroy China. Xi is already starting to clamp down hard on dissidents before the downturn starts. He knows that the current political system will be under question by the public soon.

Attached: recent_communist_billboards.jpg (685x514, 218K)

Only Germany is profiting from the EU thanks to the Export economy and the Euro. Germany would be fucked without exploiting the southern countries and obtaining a clear adventage thanks to the currency

idk what you're arguing, but idk why you're arguing if you're this misinformed and or stupid

in the uk immigrants present a net benefit to the economy and pay more tax than everyone else. furthermore, there are more terrorist attacks per capita in the us than the uk with the supposed 'immigrant problem'

you are the type of uneducated that fell for the brexit leave propaganda and are part of the problem with retards and democratic votes

Exploiting? It's a voluntary union retard.
These countries made money manipulating their currencies much like the chinks are doing.
Northern euro countries actually had legit economies and southern European bussiness couldn't compete.
Let's not forget Germany is sending billions to these states that can't even tax there population correctly

Whoever submits to a rigid and broken education system thinks like a hivemind, funny that.

Have you ever stopped and thought maybe you are the fucking retard?

yeah, until you learn about economics beyond an eco 101 level and realize GDP is not the only indicator of a successful economy, much less a good one. it's only an indicator of success if you can't see the forest for the trees and think that keynesian, demand side based economics have any base in reality. ditch digging was not just a metaphor, but a real thing in all keynesian trash economies. that's why you hear wage slaves talking all the time about how they show up to work, only to play on their phones and do nothing all day. it's the reason why china is fucked no matter how much their gdp gets inflated, insect eye chinks will never live a fulfilling live with how shit their working conditions and their environment is, and are the epitome of wage slavery.