Just came back from smashing a hooker with my crypto profits...

Just came back from smashing a hooker with my crypto profits. I love escorts and all the easy money i make being a whale dumping my bags on your pajeets.

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Just came back from smashing a whale with my crypto profits. I love pajeets and all the easy money i make being a hooker dumping my bags on your escorts.

whats wrong with her feet?

You had to take drugs to make that sentence up
Dumb niggerboon

Amen brother, i have a massive escort addiction and i love every second of it, pic related - the last escort i banged.

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Aren't you also dirt poor, making you basically a nigger?

gross...stop being a degenerate, desu.

I make just enough money to support my addiction, i have 0 savings because i blow all my cash on escorts. Still worth though, i fucked a lot of chicks all over my continent(Europe) that the average Chad can only dream of.

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how much for a night with her?

>paying in order to have sex
>not dating tinder roasties who will directly come to your house and will swallow your cum for free

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