Even Harvard roasties who brag about being into smart contracts are too retarded to invest in chainlink. Look at all that try hard techno babble nonsense.
Shove that teledildo up your ass idiot.
Even Harvard roasties who brag about being into smart contracts are too retarded to invest in chainlink. Look at all that try hard techno babble nonsense.
Shove that teledildo up your ass idiot.
such a tryhard, fucking chink
But why did she do it?
Does she want to attract people by sounding smart, or filter them?
Given the effect she had on biz, I'd go with the former.
>Harvard 17'
Can a american explain this?
I assume it means she graduated at 27? Which of these is it most likely to imply?
>she spent years getting her degree
>it's a mba or something
>she's a legit fembot who NEETed/mcucked it for 5 years before college
not everyone goes to college at 18
Be based cancer boy
Shes an asian woman, what did you expect
Look at her snood ass face i want to punch her in the forehead, moldy locks style
Eric also looks retarded as a muthafucka
Yeah I get that, but what did she do inbetween?
In the uk at that age it's a dead giveaway of either a manchild or someone who was born into shitty circumstances, messed up and then got their life together. wonder what it implies in land of fat
>Posts 6/10 Korean girl.
Never gonna make it, user.
that's sad, damn. in america college is expensive as hell and not everyone can afford it at 18 so they work and save up. some people travel before going to college. some people go to college and then take a break before coming back to it.
my guess is that this woman did grad school or something at harvard and probably graduated undergrad when she was 22-23
OMFG what an ugly worm
>in america college is expensive as hell and not everyone can afford it at 18 so they work and save up.
Fucking hell never knew that. Here everyone just gets (very, very reasonable) loans to cover it. Thanks
or they realised too late that their first degree is a meme and decides to make a change despite the shame and guilt of wasting ~4 years of their life
why do you care what someone does?
>using tertiary education to measures a persons worth in society
>in the year 2018
user i....
>And that its Solidity compatible
This is the line that gave away the LARP.
Nice larp user and thanks for the kek
Is she some kind of a talking parrot? It just looks like she's joggling hyped-up terms without putting any essence into them
>(oracles) an important part of the operating system that enables smart contracts and oracles to talk to each other
Women never should have left the kitchen
At least she knows Chainlink will solve the oracle problem
I've shaved myself in solidarity bro.
Link $1000 eoy.
baldy is a qt imo
did you just unironically imply she was a 6?
you just exposed how kissless you truly are
looking good beastmode1994
Maybe she sees the niche market uf bizraelis that will become rich and which dont have many girls, so she wants to attract them before the roasties come.