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Although I don't hold REQ, I still added the req pair to my favourite. Looking at REQ always make me feel better about my investments

Everything is going up except REQ.

This is clear evidence that the price is being supressed by the whales so they can continue to accumulate cheap.

Attached: reqmoon.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

Anyone that did 5 minutes of research knows this is a giant nothing burger

Ycombinator even stopped backing them

poor REQ really didn't deserve so much shit. I hope next year will be better.

>Ycombinator even stopped backing them
lol, the shit people say on here
inb4 stfu Abstract

>nothing burger
waht is dis? like the thing in my pic related?

ITT: a bunch of fags that didn't +20% their folio on yesterday's 2x candle

stay poor faggits

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please provide proof

God damn it mang, just read the fucking updates. They specifically say that "once in YC family, you're in it forever"...

YC has 10% of REQ and 10% of AirBnB (and 10% of coinbase btw). They will make AirBnB accept crypto for payments and make the payments go through REQ. We are fucking made, just trade carefully, don't be greedy and wait until the pieces fall together

I dont trade I just buy dips. After December 2017 I stopped buying. Until today

>10% of AirBnB
>They will make AirBnB accept crypto for payments and make the payments go through REQ
>They will make

Oh god, fucking reqlets

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Stay poor, Irene

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req will worth +$50 in years
not worry about price now

I don't give a fuck about current price anyway, after having traded the bottom twice (both times close to 500 sats) it's my comfiest hold. That and RDN

We're going to make it fren

Sold at 920 set my buy orders at 570. Almost there :)

I hope you don't really believe this. Once you leave Y-combinator you're on your own. They help you with advisors and shit but thats it. They certainly would never and could never force a company that went through the Y-combinator incubator to do anything like this. They don't retain any sort of control over their companies. They are an incubator, nothing more. If anyone buys req because it went through Y-combinator they are an idiot.

t. Early employee of a Y-combinator company

>t. wagecuck who never got to own 10% of the company they worked for, while YC owns 10% of multiple billion dollar valuated companies for giving them $50k at the start

Like I said, stay poor

Yes we are :)


My dad works at Y-Combinator too

I own 1% but don't worry that's projected to be worth of 150 million in about 4 years. Already worth over 4 million.

Keep buying shitcoins though, and no our company will never be using req

I own 75% of your mom, REQT

>nigger doesn't know about BookFace
must suck being a wage cuck who doesn't know about Ycombinator's platform for founders

REQ team could easily get in contact with those companies, whether they can actually close a deal is another matter

Aw shit, now I own 80% of his mom

>I own 1%
>our company
You're probably some low tier worker. You don't get to take any decision, fucktard.

1st employee bitch. I've seen the company grow from 4 people in the founders apartment to 100+ employees that just moved into our 4th office. I designed our whole platform, and now lead a team of 10 that's growing every day. I'm essentially director level and the head of my department.
Hardest and most rewarding job I've ever had. Worked 12 hour days 6 days a week for the first year and a half.

Worked like a dog and set the whole thing up and yet you own a measly 1%... And you didn't even know about the YC founders' social media network

Just fuck off and remember to say hello to your mom from me

Glad to see you have no idea how business works. Have fun with your shitcoins though

LOL you only got a 1% of the company stock despite being part of the original five....yikes dude

>poor reqlets who think theyll make it off a literal shitcoin


Take it easy Walter, just don't blow up your methlab when you realize your company's paying your wages through REQ

that nigga is a founder owning 1%

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Same here.