Any other anons manage to make a living playing poker?
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Any other anons manage to make a living playing poker?
How are you doing?
What do non-players think?
only possible if you have a bankroll big enough to play 20-100 dollar games
youre 15 years late
the best players of all time barely make it pay
Most sites cheat with bots
A friend of mine spent 3 weeks in Georgia playing poker and made 8.5k
i was a pro for 7 years(quit in jan 2017). game is too hard now. not enough fish
you are too late to the party
I had to close my Pokerstars account lately because of my gaming problem. I gamed my rent money(twice), luckily my parents helped to get me back on track and now I'm just putting my money to crypto.
My opinion is that it's just another job, only one you can actually lose money with. Sitting online and grinding away, I might as well continue coding, at least it arguably pays better and is more interesting.
Isn't crypto just gambling anyway?
>getting back on track
>putting money in crypto
pick one lul
Gave up on that when I realized it was non-stop hours of mindless grinding to win ridiculously low profits.
Do you think you'll enjoy it? After 3 or 4 years getting up to do your 8-12 hours of grinding in your room?
I've done my research, no possibility to lose.
The gamblers fallacy
True, but aren't most normal jobs like this anyway?
I personally can't think of anything that doesn't get boring after you make it your full time job
wrote bots in the 4 years following the Chris moneymaker wsop win, made a killing up to $5/$10 cash games and most turbo sngs. US poker ban went through and so did most of the fish, only nits and ABCs remained, margin became too thin, back to being a wagecuck.
make a shitload more now than I did playing poker, but still have friends that grind for a living. they've definitely downsized over the years despite being top of their game.
You won't make a cent in Texas Holdem anymore.
Plays 1.5$ SNGs
>>making a living
That was possible 10 years ago for a handfull of people who managed to play 40 tables +
also rakeback sucks more and more.
You wont make a living below nl200, 30$+ sngs, grind daily and work on theorie constantly. U missed the train.
Crypto is much much easier, takes less time and effort.
You only need a strong mindset and infrastructure of information.
I just got the image off google
Are we not too late for crypto either?
Just bumhunt NL100+ cashgames if you are motivated or find good sites for HU bumhunting. Poker is dead, unless you are bumhunter or work your ass off for maximum stress in life while getting 0 days of legit work on your resume.
Did you notice the testes folder?
No, when the real pokerboom was 2005, we are in the equivalent of 2008. Sure there are people who were in way more early, but the majority of people isnt. You can still profit in a big way, if you play your cards right. Also having a poker background will help you alot. Applying some BRM and using somewhat of a HUD on crypto.
Lmao he bought link
No, thank you. I will better delude myself into thinking stocks isn't that.
Are you going to film your suicide when link hits $50 within the next couple of years?
I just learned slayers_`boxer` went pro poker and I'm motivated again to go play live whenever I get out of debt
I never understood how you guys can play 4 games at the same time.
Wouldn't it be more profitable to really focus on winning one?
people who play multiple games are just experienced enough to keep track of them all at once. it's like the same in many games like sc2/wc3 where you pretty much fight/tech/scout all at the same time, or like playing the piano with finger independence, having each finger play notes to a different tone/beat at the same time
>Any other anons manage to make a living playing poker?
You need to read read read.
You need to buy tracking software like pokertracker.
You need to learn how to use said software.
You need to understand just because you beat your friends or your local pub that means absolutely nothing.
You need to climb from the bottom stakes up which means make realistically making $2 an hour 4-8 tabling micro stakes.
These days the rake is so high and the average player is so tight that it's barely feasible even if you're in the top 2-3%. You're competing against the greatest autists in the world. You need to be top 0.1% to even consider making living money.
These days I could realistically play 4-6 table 25nl ring games on soft sites like 888 or party poker. I can't do it at Pstars.
These days you have these stupid fucking formats shoved in your face and the only way to profit is to relearn the new gambling format, spin and gos. And just hammer them. They are high variance so you need a bankroll. You calculate your bankroll based on your skill. Whatever you read in a 2005-2013 article about bankroll double or triple it.
Bots just play eachother and generate rake for the sites so they don't stop them. You have to learn how to spot and exploit them and be aware someone will be monitoring it and will might/will pick up if you start trying to exploit it and empty your pockets catching you out.
By all means go for it, but don't think you're gonna read 50 books and hit 100nl ring games or cash out top3 in MMTs.
I just lost my job yesterday, I'm not short on money, (ill have another one in a week, I wanted out anyway) But jumping back into 10 tabling 5nl as a warmup to 10nl then hoping to get back to 25nl to make $10 an hour is not really on the cards for me.
Am I gonna play some tourneys while applying for better positions... Yeah sure.
You can't cut losses in gambling games. If you lose $100 on poker it's gone forever but you can cut losses on crypto investments. If the price drops and you lose $50 then you can still get out in time to save the other $50. It looks like gambling because it requires some luck in picking the right profitable coin but usually if you do research, it's hard to not pick the right coin.
What site was he playing on? Why did he have to be in Georgia?
This. Well maybe 12 years too late
This guy knows what he talking about. I used to multi table .50NL Full ring on Stars before black Friday. Made like 20$/HR. Those days are past. The supply of fish dried up when all the Americans got kicked off. You need to be REALLY fucking good to make a profit after rake at any level anymore.
i only enjoy tournaments. my late game is better irl than online because i'm better at reading spergs like u rather than betting patterns because it gets boring but goddamm i can lock in on an inferior's carotid for days on end to feed my bloodlust. anyway, OP is a faggot, go outside.
Former online poker pro 2009-2011. SNG/MTT. Online poker is done now, the winrates way too low, too many regs and the game itself has changed to the point that you need a coach and hours of study time per week to keep winning. But even if it was a viable money making path its a horrible lifestyle.
I'm speaking from a cash game perspective. I was online multitable pro during 2009-2017, made some decent living for me and my family, but 2017 i decided to quit. Poker got too technical, there are AI "solvers" that can solve the game for you. Poker sites pretty much cheat with rigged software(random generator is not open source and provable fair). Players against you collude on regular basis. Rake is higher and rakeback is lower. No new players in the player pool. No Limit Holdem is pretty much solved game and most of the regular players know the optimal strategy. Money maybe can be made in tournaments because there are the most of the newcomers(fish) play, but you have to play many hours like 10-15+ per day to make something in the end.
Get on the apps and play asian shitters, they are much worse than americans ever were. Also just play live.
current online poker pro. Played a bunch of 200 and 500 zoom over the years, winning at a small winrate. I've lost over a decent sample playing on some of the asian app sites. I wouldn't be surprised if someone had proof of them being rigged and/or rife with collusion.
wow i am getting 2006 flashbacks.
please tell me you are being fucking ironic.
you either made it playing poker 10-13 fucking years ago and are now still a high stakes regular or you're better not playing
Poker is an ultra dead meme, it used to be trendy among normies in the mid 00s, especially with the boom of online poker.
These days the thing has been completely min-maxed by autists who are playing since 10 years+ and the crowd you could make easy money out of is long gone.
Time learning to be good at it would just be much better invested in learning a skill.
Doable if you live in an eastern EU country and can multi-table a significant amount of tables at once. Of course, you will only be playing micro stakes, as I doubt there are many drunk Russians donating money in the higher stakes (your main source of income). Don't quit your job just yet though. You might get carpal tunnel or headaches after a month or two. That's what happened to me when I tried it for the lulz.
Online plo, or live anything is where the money is at. Read 2plus2 if you wanna get better
It's not dead, you just have to stay ahead of the curve
But it obviously is much, much more difficult than it used to be, especially pre black friday
No, just the asian ones
I have a pretty decent winrate on 600-5k on all major site but got crushed on every one of those asian sites. There is a small likelyhood I ran bad and it's obviously impossible to prove, but I am pretty sure I got cheated.
can any gamblers in here tell me something about playing IRL looking for marks? shit like weekends, cruise ships, places where people expect, more or less, to lose.
if you can't spot the sucker in your first 30 minutes at the table, you are the sucker
thats not nice friend. No need to shame people like this, esp in the current poker climate. Games are super tough, even at micros, and especially on non-US networks.
OP, its possible to make it on poker nowadays. However, as others have stated in this thread, it takes so much work to get caught up with us seasoned veterans, its not really worth it for a person with a high enough IQ to actually win. You are better off dedicating your efforts to other endeavors. If you are truly dedicated and REALLY love poker, then its possible, but you would have to care about the game a lot more than maximizing your lifetime $ev. I wish you the best of luck whether you choose to pursue poker or not
Fees are way too high to make any real money. Lots of top poker players are actually trading stocks/options now, which is fairly lucrative because fees are the lowest they have ever been.
As far as poker goes, the most profitable games are illegal since the government props up casinos & high rake online sites.
When I was poor I used to make money with MMOs. I had methods that I could clear $500/wk, with minimal effort (about 20-30 mins a day), but the markets on MMOs are much more efficient nowadays and flipping items is shit money.
which apps
Played a good bit on pokermaster and a little bit on pokermonster
Funny you ask, cause I deposit BTC onto Americas Cardroom and play pot limit omaha cash games, there is a lot action!