AWS supporting Ethereum means 0xBTC will be _______

If you haven’t gotten or started mining 0xBTC you still have time. Through the bear market 0xBTC is up 35% compared to ETH. Strong hands are holding this as we all see the future potential. A store of value on the biggest decentralized network ever is worth more than $0.40. You must be retarded to not see how this AWS news will affect 0xBTC in time. I know lots of scammy shit coins and tokens are shilled and spammed here; however, 0xBTC has stood the tale of time. It’s still just Bitcoin on Ethereum. Gold 2.0. Literally programmable gold. It’s something to get excited about. You’d have to be a fool to not see its potential. Seldom do you find a gem on Jow Forums, but I’m giving you one. Do some research on it, you’ll love what you see. Let’s get rich Jow Forumsbros.

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What is your target price? I have 2.5k, will I make it?

delete this, not done accumulating

What does 0x do that ETH + ERC20 doesn't already accomplish

hmm you know what else is PoW and runs on eth? eth.

Fuck ETH
Fuck Vitalik

Any other ERC20 isn’t fairly distributed through PoW, it was either sold in a ICO, airdropped, or some other means of human distribution which is inherently flawed.
ETH doesn’t have a hard capped supply, ETH doesn’t work on Ethereum unless it’s wrapped into wETH. ETH had an ICO, ETH is doom to go PoS. You’re retarded user.

Even distribution.
ETH had 70m ETH premine + the supply is infinite.
Also no other ERC20 has mining, it's just monarchs that coded all the tokens for themselves and then sell them in scammy ICOs.
Basically, you don't know how much the devs hold.

I do like how this shit coin is holding value vs eth. You fuck heads may be on to something.

Besides even distribution (it has possibly the fairest distribution of any coin ever) it also solves one problem now, and it trying to solve another problem later.

The first problem it solves is that, ETH cant work within an Ethereum smart contract without being "wrapped" and because all of the wrapped tokens were not mine and generated out of thin air, they are a poor solution.

The second solution depends on some updates to Ethereum next year, but basically 0xBTC is trying to create a system called "lava wallet" where you can pay for your ETH gas fees using 0xBTC, by which someone who has ETH pays the fee for you and you pay them in 0xBTC.

This is huge because it will allow people to pay for gas without having to hold ETH. ETH is not well designed as a currency or store of value, it really functions more like literal gasoline. It is a fuel to power the network but you dont pay for most things with gasoline do you? 0xBTC will solve this.

And ignore the small market cap, from a network security standpoint, 0xBTC is more secure than any coin smaller than ETH because 0xBTC mining does not secure the network, it only generates tokens. So the entire process of distribution is handled by Ethereum and therefore will scale as it does. If Ethereum scales and takes off again, 0xBTC will be literally like a second bitcoin and will be a better, more secure store of value than every single other coin smaller than ETH.

Basically if you think Ethereum is here to stay, you might be retarded if you arent holding 0xBTC.

This shit coin will never be nothing more than a pump and dump, and you missed the top.

Oh and furthermore it does something else even BETTER (in my opinion) than these things.

It solves the ICO security issue. Right now ICOs are incredibly unattractive because they face regulatory issues.

0xBTC has invented a new type of coin offering essentially. An "Initial Mining Offering" or "IMO". You could fork 0xBTC and set the entire mining period to be as little as 1 day or 1 week so instead of an ICO, people will have 1 day or 1 week or whatever to mine as much of your token as possible.

This gets around all sorts of regulatory issues with ICOs and also allows for (somewhat) fairer distribution and participation in ICOs. As well it provides MUCH better token accountability from a coding standpoint than ICOs due to the as mentioned Monarch issue.

Technically if other coins start using IMOs, it doesnt mean that 0xBTC will succeed per se, but I believe if others start using this, people will ask themselves "hey where did this IMO thing come from" and 0xBTC will become the "granddaddy" like BTC is.

It kills me I only have 2.2k. The time for accumulation is up I'm afraid it will soon moon very hard

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Interesting, thank you

Rsk is a real threat but at the same time, it sounds like all of their "scalability" at least from a payments standpoint is coming from their own version of the Lightning Network, aka centralized trash.

up 70% against ETH on the monthly chart, hombre. if you're not holding a bag you will want to kill yourself during the next bull.

you missed bitcoin, you missed ethereum. if you miss bitcoin on ethereum you will never forgive yourself.

Eth is down against btc hard, you lost a shit ton of value holding this piece of shit, not to mention liquidity is thin as fuck.: gtfo with your up against eth bs

10k per 0xBTC
EOY 2021

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Based and orangepilled.

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0xBTC competes with Ether, not Bitcoin. Your post is kind of irrelevant. Besides I'm holding Bitcoin too, like everyone should.

>AWS supporting Ethereum means 0xBTC will be _______
Irrelevant, as always.

Anyone even giving this token the time of day is doomed to be poor forever

thus spoke zaraJUSTra

You have no idea how angry at your current self your future self will be.

Can I get it on etherdelta?

yep. or forkdelta, whatever

Can someone send me some 0xBTC?

Too much ketchup on the fries, lil nigga.

Why not just buy ETH though?

most volume is on mercatox


ETH had pre-public holders, and doesn't act as a store of value with a strictly finite amount

Isn't there a rumour going around that ETH will be capped at 120mil with PoS?

It will have a capped amount an no one will ever use 0xBTC for dick. Be realistic. Wtf do you think ETH is for? Also there’s ChainLink which enables the use of legacy financials. No one will ever use 0xBTC. Period.

Get ready for a "Mineable Tokens" and "EIP918" to be included in the second edition of "Mastering Ethereum" by Andreas M. Antonopoulos and Gavin Wood. It's being added to the book's repo.

Buy now you fucking idiots.

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read the thread and you'll see why

ETH is not, and was not designed to be, a store of value.

could be, we'll see. still have to deal with the hugely uneven distribution and all the ICO holders. plus no one knows how PoS will affect price.

Fucking kill yourself you fucking piece of shit

>...and because all of the wrapped tokens were not mine and generated out of thin air, they are a poor solution.
WETH is backed with ETH by a smart contract and guarantees you to redeem your WETH for ETH. Why is it "bad" that these tokens, which are perfectly backed bad, because they are created by a smart contract? Your precious 0xBTC is also created by a smart contract. Sure, it's mined, but the function that gets called to create the tokens is ultimately that of a smart contract.

>...where you can pay for your ETH gas fees using 0xBTC
Or you could just buy gastoken, which is an infinitely better solution for this than trying to use a mined token because you can buy gas when it's cheap and use the cheapest gas possible. Paying your gas in 0xBTC is not any better than paying it in ETH.

>This is huge because it will allow people to pay for gas without having to hold ETH.
With ETH you can pay gas without needing to hold 0xBTC. You call ETH literal gasoline but say it's bad to pay gas with it, lmao.

>from a network security standpoint, 0xBTC is more secure than any coin smaller than ETH because 0xBTC mining does not secure the network, it only generates tokens.
That doesn't make it any more secure than any other erc20. More distributed or as distributed as airdropped tokens, ok, but it has absolutely nothing to do with security.

>If Ethereum scales and takes off again, 0xBTC will be literally like a second bitcoin
No, it's just another BTC brand ripoff and at this point you're just blatantly shilling.

>and will be a better, more secure store of value than every single other coin smaller than ETH.
Again, not more secure than any other erc20 token. Also being mined does not automatically make it a store of value.

>Basically if you think Ethereum is here to stay, you might be retarded if you arent holding 0xBTC.
Nope, you're an actual retard if you even remotely think that 0xBTC has ANY value other than being a fun experiment.

what's going on big guy?

No need for that

I’m gonna be so motherfuckin’ rich.

>The real ETH is working with Amazon and will make any scammy ripoff coins worthless
>This means you should buy a scammy ripoff coin that's not recognized by the creator of ETH himself or anyone working on the project, and was one of the most blatant and disrespectful coordinated shill pump and dumps in the history of capitalism.
Welcome to the Business & Finance board ladies and gentlemen, enjoy your stay.

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Stay poor faggots