Where are people coming up with this number? Is this a meme?
$1,000 per linky? How in the fuck?
lurk moar newfag
no it's real
100% possible, just not for a few years.
>wearing pants
It’s mathematically impossible for chainlink to by under $1000 EOY, as it says in the whitepaper that you’re clearly too stupid to read.
>1,000 per btc? How in the fuck? Where are people coming up with this number?
It's a meme. Everyone who knows even the most basics of basics when it comes to cryptocurrency knows a massively circulated premined currency with a sustainable burn rate will never hit $100, let alone $1000
We have created this meme because we understand the progression of meme is 4channel>reddit>twitter>Instagram>Facebook, each new step takes approximately 6 months to mature. With each new step, a large base of new bag holders. It is essential to understand the long term implications when creating a new meme. By turning 1k eoy into a meme right now, we're actually making sure it will reach normie consciousness in around 3 years, which is an appropriate time for a crypto to boom. It will never reach 1k but this is irrelevant, what matters is that each next step holders believe in it. The logic here is that we have a headstart and will be able to unload our bags at 100 before the 3 years time window closes. This is all very precisely theorized, orchestrated and executed.
Why a few years
This is actually the best explanation I have heard regarding this self-fulfilling prophecy.
As much as I would like to believe in the $1000 eoy meme the required volume to push it it to that price would require 80-90% of all crypto volume.
This is certainly possible, so is Trump building a fucking wall by the end of December if we all grabbed our tools and headed for Mexico right now.
Of course Link has a higher probability of doing so, but who knows Trump's tweets could be pretty powerful. I digress.
The memes will flow from Jow Forums to the other normie parts of the web and eventually the fomo will spread.
Token network requires more infrastructure (node operators) and momentum to incentivize node operators. Mainnet isn't even out yet. Still some hurdles to cross.
We need smart contract adoption and we need Chainlink to take roots in legacy and blockchain systems. Doesn't have to be complete adoption, Ethereum mooned to high heaven on the back of shitcoin ICOs. We just need the hype. I think most of this hype will be around 2020-2021
$10-$50 is possible. I highly doubt much ppl will keep holding if it hits $100. 1k won’t ever happen.
underrated post
It won't. Go back to sleep.
Sweety where are your decimals?
Its a meme, expect 10$ a linky in about 3-5 years.
It’s been foretold faggot
>80-90% of all crypto volume.
Yeah crypto volume TODAY, which is a tiny tiny percentage of the actual economy.
link will hit $1000 end of year.
>Buddha effigy
>take photos of your ass
It makes zero sense for a token to be worth more then a cup of coffee. It says it in the whitepaper.
Exactly this. Based and reepilled. I will be dumping most of my bags at $100 or 500k SAT, when normies buy them
they are just fudding to prolobbg the accumulation phase. get with the program marine. this shit aint a joke
You're right, it will blow far past $1k in one glorious green dildo
so basically $1000 eoy = $100 eoy 2019
The 7 get prophecy foretold it. An ancient egyptian chaos god reincarnated in the image of Pepe the frog and communicates with us all through repeating digits posts in an anonymous racist taiwanese basket weaving board
Newfag is correct to question $1000 target. We're on the $10,000 timeline now boys
This is, amazingly, exactly right
And also some guy called assblaster said so. Probably the most compelling piece of evidence
lol you cant honestly be this delusional...
if chainlink ever goes higher than 10$ i will eat my own penis
think of this user , Jow Forums memed a fucking president into office because we fucking could. meme magic is real, and so is link .
Chainlink is a temporary bandaid and will be replaced by a permanent solution long before it reaches 1000 usd.
It may not even reach 10 usd.
OP this pic related only talks about one space out of many link can be used for. in short, for the network to be minimally workable the token has to be worth in relation to how luch usage its seeing. For example if i have a $1000 contract on the network, there has to be an equal amount of link in the network for that contract to even be executed. All these nodes gunna have a lot of linkies staled away
no they didn't
imagine being THIS delusional
grow up kid and face the news, it happend . if it wasnt for the backing of altright/polacks the landslide of a victory would not have been as large. meme magic is real.
russians paid ads on facebook for dumb boomers
you dumb neckbeards posting shitty memes in your echo chamber had zero influence
you thinking a facebook ad made any real difference is laughable
If link is at 1000$ then HYDRO is worth at least 10 USD per coin, DYOR
Calm down John.
its based on solid TA