Attached: USDC.png (659x940, 140K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Whales buying link

Attached: chainlinkprivate.jpg (809x1765, 533K)

pumping of sv to prep it for tomorrows announcement

Theter may implode thefore, they need a safe coin if they dont want to halt trading.

thanks for reminding me to put up my short

The wallets are linked to an old REQ contract, it's probably nothing though...

W-what the fuck??

What did he mean by this
I still don't understand if kaleido will make us rich or not

I checked a few and don't see any connections

Transfered TO Binance. These are tokens that will be used to dump. Linkies are so stupid

B-but how can you dump with fiat??

One of the most recent transactions in each account goes to a Binance wallet that has interacted with the REQ contract. Pretty suspicious.

Not for anything more than name recognition as the Oracle standard

that address has nothing to do with REQ faggot

Attached: Selection_032.png (1442x720, 125K)

You tried to fud but this is actually bullish kek

How??? Brainlet post

this. There are only usdc txs

It does though. Each wallet sent half a million dollars to another wallet that has interacted with REQ today. It's definitely a connection.

How can you dump usd? If they are transfering usd to binance it's to buy. .

Wtf is usdc? I am guessing its a stablecoin but since when have stable coins been transferrable out of exchanges? What wallet holds usdc?

Attached: brainlet3.png (578x566, 12K)

Press sell

>it's always about us

This shadow fork fud is getting to me.

Whales are going in now. They actually buy low and sell high. Not like Jow Forums buy high and sell low.

Attached: 1518039555901.jpg (720x720, 58K)

Binance stocking up on fiat in anticipation of huge dumps soon. Both addresses sending PAX and USDC are full of minting transactions (txs originating from 0x0000...)

So usdc is the new tether?


yep. Same old shit.

>shadow fork is real

Attached: 1517513131738.jpg (477x480, 84K)

This is because you're retarded and you never really understood the technicals behind chainlink. Nothing has actually changed except for tech-illiterate fudders baiting tech-illiterate buyers again.

tether 2.0. Pump it

Is TrueUSD safe?

They can just run chainlink nodes in their own private network that don't use mainnets token. Links token price is derived from network use, job quality, and mainnet demand. A private network circumvents that entirely. Though you can make the same argument for ethereum. That's not to say that ethereums price won't dump as well. Sergey answered the monetization question with "we make code so well it's likely to become a standard". How does a standard translate to token value if everyone just implements their own private network? Licensing fees, subscriptions, and support costs don't effect token price. Someone please tell me why I'm wrong, because if I'm right then Sergey fucked us.


Oh fuck, pls no
This can't be happening

I swear you guys don’t deserve to make it

Tell me what part I'm missing or am incorrect on.

Are you not slightly worried?

Private networks and decentralization are incompatible. Low tier fud since chianlinks claim to fame is decentralized oracles


There is a ton of stable coins now available to dexes. You literally never need exchanges ever again.

>dumping fiat

Why are you still posting, dipshit?

>Private networks and decentralization are incompatible. Low tier fud since chianlinks claim to fame is decentralized oracles

Crypto is still useful even if its centralized.

thanks just sold 100k

Hmm yeah, I forgot about links main method of security. So the network value would also be tied to the amount of different node operators on it. At first mainnet would likely have the biggest network, but theres probably going to competing public networks in the future. The team has a stake in mainnets success as well, with their 30%. Thanks user.

it always goes full circle

protip: final step is going back all in on btc

Attached: altcorns.png (768x768, 311K)

Cool, it's almost like decentralization doesn't even matter.

Attached: 1543326491533.jpg (284x283, 23K)

What is hyperledger? a pseudo decentralized fabric run by big trustworthy companies. What's stopping them from running link in a pseudo decentralized fashion where big businesses operate the nodes.

They won't be able to collateralize them with worthless tokens

a few more millions deposited

Attached: PAX.png (679x873, 119K)

Ok anons lets look at the whole crypto market:

Big players:

Miners: they produce and sell, dont use to hold.

Exchanges: they make money on fees

both of them need the same thing, fiat.

they cant let the market colapse, but they cant stop getting money either.

This is a easy one, the exchanges will keep btc profitable holding the price printing, this way it can go sideways and miners can sell, now the problem reside on the exchange to keep manipulating the price and keep getting money into it. (the stable coins are iou's and eventualy will need real money to hold them)

both of them win this way, this was happening since the inception of btc.

So, in the end you have a inflationary system (see tether price) backing up btc and a lot of big hands needing this system to keep the machine rolling.

A black swarm could broke all of this, if stable coins dissapear (lets face it, theyre skechy af) there is no way the markets can be manipulate other than real fiat, and for now the ratio its fiat35%/stable65% (not even talking about mex and derivates)

So, btc must get to a point where its to big to fail, it must be regulated somehow, or at least bring big players to the table to back on real money this market...