
Why dont you buy IOTA? its litterally the only good coin on the market

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Other urls found in this thread:

>muh Q
>muh coordinator
>muh skynet coin
>muh tangle
>muh cfb

stay poor then

don't even shill it here. nobody cares.
let them buy link.
You know. I know. A lot of people know.
its fine. its not worth it to try and educate these muppets

Lies, broken promises, overhyped (Q) , drama at the top. Lots of drama, and word is that the drama isn’t getting any better. Why would you want to invest in something where the people leading it could fuck each other over at any time? There is no trust there whatsoever.

IOTA is literally on my retirement plan. Withdrawals begin in 5 years and last 30.
Feels good to identify the endgame.

Because I'm not a fucking idiot that worries about that shit.
Want to know what I'm worried about?
Global adoption.
IOTA fits that ticket quite well. More so than anything else in the market.
With adoption comes exponential increases in value.
Quit reading into shit so much.
DYOR on why I think these things and maybe you'll change your mind.
Don't really care if you do.

that drama and in-fighting will probably kill IOTA before it even gets one iota of adoption globally. you should probably care more about the incompetency of the dev/founders on the team you invested in

useless alt like 99.5% of the market. no users, only "partnerships" like every other hot up and coming alt has to show for itself. trending to zero on volume and transactions, will be forgotten in a few years like most alts now lingering on page 2+ on coin marketcap.

IoT (the main value prop) isn't launched yet. It's like saying in 2005 screen manufacturer working on touch screens is going to die because flip phones are the only thing people are using.

Because companies are going to want to adopt a [thing] that is about to suffer the same fate as PRL. That's not even considering the fact that faggot nigger dominic is at the helm who pretends like he discovered directed acyclic graphs and is so pretentious and douchey that he simultaneously fights and cries with his retarded fanboys on reddit, telegram, discord and twitter all the time. All of which is well documented too.

Also here's a quick hint from someone who has actually worked at a Fortune 50 company and isn't a neet, just because iota is partnered with an intern in the Bosch bizbev department doesn't mean its a groundbreaking partnership, same for all the other "partnerships". I personally think there's a tossup between the chainlink and iota bagholders as to who's more delusional. At the very least I can respect other projects "evangelists" because they're just trying to hustle and make a buck, they don't actually believe that their whitepaper tech will actually exist or make any significant impact. The same can't be said for stinkers and dominic's fluffers. I can wait until both are exit scammed and both are forced to reconcile with their sins against biz.

> pee pee poo poo allah ackbar

Attached: man_holding_iota_sign.jpg (614x461, 52K)

That's a garbage fucking analogy. Go clean your shitting spot at the beach.

>'stay poor'
>Outing yourself as a filthy shill just looking to get his bags back up on the second reply

Consensus protocol is garbage. The coordinator will never be removed.

Also the dev team is a group of arrogant dumbasses whose antics make it impossible to get a real grasp of wtf is going on. The email exchange was one of the most post-truth things I've ever seen.

What exchange was that if you don't mind sharing? I need a refresh on it.

When IOTA's Curl hash function was broken, IOTA released a bunch of emails exchanged between them and the researchers who broke it. IOTA devs then beat the drums as hard as they could that the email exchanged showed the researchers as being incompetent. Of course if you read the emails and are familiar with academic/professional email practices you'll see the researchers were forthcoming and acting in good faith, while IOTA devs basically threw a temper tantrum. The contrast between what the IOTA devs claim and what the emails actually show stands out to me as one of the most dramatic examples of post-truth practices of the past year, and forever destroyed any respect I could have for the IOTA devs.

I shouldn't even respond to this nonsense, but you're honestly so fucking retarded I feel the need to; solely for other people reading this thread.

I've worked for Fortune companies as well, that doesn't mean anything bud.

IOTA hasn't partnered with some bullshit bizdev department.
Look into ID2020.
Who started that? John Edge.
Who invested in that and is going to make that a global standard? well lets see, Rockefeller foundation, Microsoft, accenture, etc.
Some big boys huh?
Now lets see where John goes next?
The IOTA foundation?
You don't say?!?

Do you even understand what Bosch does kiddo?
They're in literally every major car manufacturer.
Sensors, infotainment, etc.
They have not only invested in the platform, but are building a new sensor factory that will integrate with IoT.

How about VW saying that they're going to utilize IOTA to distribute OTA car updates and the like?

How about Fujitsu stating they plan to use IOTA for supply chain tracking, i.e. industry 4.0

Or the UN testing IOTA.

Or Taipei utilizing it for their smart city designs, including ID(hint hint you dense motherfuckers - ID2020)

What I'm getting at here you little muppets is that everything is lining up for IOTA to be a global standard.

They have the people in place, are hiring more, and are at the major conferences in front of governmental bodies and large corporations.

If you honestly read this and just ignore it, you're dumber than I thought.

doesnt work faggot

XLM is the only prospective project of doing anything useful

have fun losing your money in the tangle

whats the point in owning miota when you can send 0 worth transaction?

Ah, that's right. Thanks man. Weren't those guy's from MIT too? Literally one of the last colleges that isn't a meme. I also remember that they rolled their own crypto and then tried to downplay it. I've been out of the loop for a while on iota but I'm not surprised the coordinator is still on, that piece of shit isn't going anywhere. But I'm sure if you ask about it they actually try to send hitmen to your house.
Did you run to the iota subreddit real quick to copy and paste that? Tell me, when's the coordinator being turned off?

> dominics head fluffer detected

Considering adding IOTA to my portfolio.
What's yours look like user?

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Look bud, a bunch of us have worked for large companies. There are a lot of dumbasses in large companies, and they get caught up in the hype and start projects that go nowhere and deliver no value. From what I've seen in my own large company in relation to cryptocurrency, these projects continue until it becomes clear (usually after a year, depending on company size & culture) that distributed ledgers provide zero value to a huge corporation with an army of lawyers that can effectively wield the legal system as a mechanism of enforcing counterparty behavior. They are wholly replaceable by a simple database. Dollars to donuts that's what will become of every project you list here.

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tell me, when do you stop with stale fud?
Half that shit isn't even on their subreddit, I do my own fucking research.

lol fucking brainlet

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>muh tangle
>internet of things
>my toaster will communicate with smart dildo to sell your ass fucking data and be paid in miota

delusional faggots

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Please enlighten me wise one, what should I have then?

Considering adding IOTA to my portfolio.
These are all strong selling points. What's some other info that most people wouldn't be able to connect atm?
What's your portfolio look like user?

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its too late, you should have gotten into crypto in 2016

I would say XLM since you get passive weekly payments. I make a few hundred a week from the inflation payments that I just use to live on for whatever.

99% of crypto is vaporwave, IOTA included

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Exactly, look at what Kodak is trying to do with blockchain. Shits gonna fizzle in a year if it hasn't already. And you haven't heard about it recently have you...

When is the coordinator being turned off? Its a simple question. If you can't answer it from a high level perspective within two sentences then its a bullshit answer. And I don't see an answer...

> continues to throat dominic

Also, if you really believe in the project what do have invested in it dollar wise, what was your ATH in dollars, and what do you have left now in dollars?

but guuyyyssss my microsoft partnerships

its just hype, like 99% of all other coins in the market

hardly any have a use case or it is so hypothetical it won't be used in your life time

Attached: iotaforretards.png (850x566, 274K)

>I can finally pay for my toothbrush to sell my data to my toaster oven using trinary encryption
What a relief, I have always needed this.

>posting a nigger

the state of iota moon boy faggots

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How do you know that I didn't?
2016? How do you know that I haven't been in much, much longer than that?
I still hold a small amount of xlm, but sold it off for BTC at its last pump.
Unfortunately you have believed that FUD around IOTA. I was merely trying to explain why maybe you shouldn't.
Don't buy it if you don't want to.

seriously just suck a bag of dicks; I'm done with you kid

Do you not understand the implications of this?

....have a look at this shitty question

lol I sold at $5.40, rolled it into ETH, bought ICX, tethered before the crash

I know you havn't because you're posting about IOTA

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we'll see how that works out for you hahahaa

Trinary computing isn't really feasible btw. The russians tried it and couldn't really get it to work. Plus there's a lot of issue's with using a three state system and noise. And even if they implement it in software it still compiles down to binary anyway, so these people truly are fucking retarded. They've already wasted thousands of programming hours just to get optimized by some algorithm written in the mid-90's during compilation.

> literally btfo by one's and zero's and physics
> absolute state of fluffers

>he KYC himself at a chink exchange OMEGAROLL

See my latest response for you next dose of verbal paddling. So are you 14 or a computer illiterate person just like 99.9% of the people out there. Or am I actually talking to a programming genius? Let me guess, you wrote "hello world" in python once.

> print('hello world')

> bruh...

How heavy are those bags bro?

dicks. a whole bag of them.
place them inside yourself you mouth breathing child

Smart Refugee Cities

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Please tell me you geniuses, what should I have in my portfolio then?
What do you have that is so valuable?
Please, I'd love to know.

I don't give advice to reeing middle schoolers.

keep buying link bucko
i heard 0xbtc is having a sale too

I will after you tell me when the coordinator is being turned off.

> *fluffing intensifies*


When they're ready to.
Don't really care.
I care about adoption and making money.
Both of which will happen with IOTA

Lol nobody knows, bud. But you sure as hell shouldn't have this dumpster fire of a coin.

I'll take my chances thanks.
I'm quite astute at research and making my own informed opinions.
You should try it.

I live IOTA threads

It’s interesting to see how retarded people like you think



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imagine having this level of insecurity

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Lmao BTFO iota idiots


They'll never be "ready to" turn off the coordinator.

You're so confident in this coin but if I sat you down you'd be completely unable to explain how it works on a technical level and why the coordinator is necessary.

I work on consensus protocols for my day job. I have a feeling you couldn't explain Paxos if your life depended on it (and maybe have never even heard of it).

The fundamental issue with all DAG currencies (yes this includes nano) is they have no global consensus mechanism and so allow double spends when the network is partitioned. This is a basic trade-off between consistency and availability. IOTA "solves" this by saying the partition containing the coordinator is the only correct partition. The coordinator CAN NEVER BE REMOVED because this flaw is inherent in the DAG design.

But they'll keep dangling the "remove coordinator" carrot in front of morons like you so you don't have to seriously consider criticism.

Reasons why Tzero and Overstock use FLO

1. floData is accessible and easy to read. You don't need to decompile a smart contract or have a special software to read it. It's in plaintext on the chain. This helps with auditing and explaining how it works to regulators. Any extra steps are a barrier to adoption.
2. floData is easy to write. It is appended to the blockchain using a simple RPC command. This makes maintaining the software around the solution less costly.
3. FLO is a fairly launched blockchain with no premine or ICO. Again, this helps for practical regulatory reasons, but also is a philosophical choice made by those who maintain the software. It guides the decision making for our software and also allows those implementing it to check off a box they couldn't check using another chain without those features.
4. FLO is secured by proof of work. This is arguably the best security a network can get, requiring actual buy in of physical devices and constant operational cost in both manpower and electric power
5. FLO has open source software built on top of it (OIP) that can be used for building more advanced applications (this is how became a thing).
6. FLO transactions are cheap and fast. This will always be the case - we will likely increase block size as the network grows
7. FLO's main use-case is floData, unlike other chains who support complex smart contract languages and operations unrelated to storing data. Sometimes it's best to use a tool that's meant to perform best at a single job rather than bringing around a Swiss army knife and using it for only 1 of its functions.

Look for free and fairly launched coins.They go to BINANCE.

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Back to listing. Ravencoin, no ICO, community project, humble people, no listing fee.

Check out the binance description page for FLO.Look how similar it is to RVN

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Get out of crypto, your double digit IQ is showing your just gambling

Lol no one will adopt IOTA. Look at the coins being used in east Asia. XLM already has a remittance niche working between Saudi and east Asia.


you claim to have 24 btc worth of icx
its funny because if you're lying its sad and if you're telling the truth its even sadder.

Imagine loving a nigger

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Refresh my memory but this is why DAG filesystems have a master table that holds all the references right?

> tfw all humanity is descended from nig genetics

I dont know much about Asia, but it is actually discussed in various companies in Germany for applications in the industrial context. The chances for a broadrt adoption look quite good to me.

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and what happens in germany, the rest of the EU will follow.

>"litterally the only good coin on the market"

The absolute state of early 2018 bagholders.

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Found the nigger

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Easy to be strong behind a computer screen isn't it little guy?
How fucking insecure are you?


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Fuck off to reddit please

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i just realized i've been talking to some pajeet IP switching to make it look like there are more people in this thread

sage in all fields

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Feels so good to know idiots actually lost money just by being idiots and "investing" in IOTA

go back to pol or r9k you pimply faced little fuck
the adults are trying to have a discussion here.

They can't recognize the growth of a new M2M protocol that presents a squatting/scalping opportunity regarding the monetary unit that represents the productivity of said protocol.

No one here has read anything about IOTA since February at the latest.

all anybody here reads is what people here post.
maybe some shitty crypto twitter or something.
90% aren't doing any physical research themselves.
Which is why I tried to help out with some of my own.

>inb4 pee pee poo poo

Can anyone refute this?

It appears that if you have enough hash power to confirm double spend transactions on a parasite chain and ensure those transactions are at the tips of the tangle for about six confirmations (all that is required for validation), you can create infinite transaction/money.

They cannot remove the coordinator until the globsl hash power is high enough from sensor usage to prevent an attack by a supercomputer or maybe even a pool. I think the coordinator will be around forever because the sensors cannot out-hash a serious attack.

I am not even certain the coordinator would prevent the attack if the doublespends are on the longest tangle. If it did finally figure it out, it would be after the spend!

I think iota is only good for sending free transactions that include data, not money. That said, what if someone did a doublespend and edited their global id or for access to a higher level of security in a government building?

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Iota will use chainlink
So checkmate iotards

because it's unproven concept

>Why don't you buy IOTA
Because I did my own research

I dumped all my IOTA at 45 cents. Bought in at 1.80 (spent about 30k).

All good though because I can write it off against my gains this year.

I said hash power but iota relies on hash speed I hear so gpu's would need software to create multiple hash transaction threads. A pool with enough of these threads would overtake the network.