LINK tokens are literally fucking useless. How does it feel now that the dream is over, stinkies?
LINK tokens are literally fucking useless. How does it feel now that the dream is over, stinkies?
Imagine using a chat room with avatar pictures where everyone is a namefag lmao
discord fags find it so hard to cope on Jow Forums because they can't handle being anonymous. they need to constantly signal to their discord "friends" what they doing and they even tag their memes like the worst of insta/twitter faggots. THEY CAN'T EVEN MAKE A MEME WITHOUT EDITING IT FOR RECOGNITION. holy fuck the absolute state, lol, imagine a whole chat room of these cunts hahahahhah
your fud is boring and brainlet tier and you all use a chat room with avatar pictures fucking kek
you fucking absolute piece of shit of a retard, you think ethereum is also worthless cause you can, today, set up a private blockchain and run solidity smart contracts on it?
fucking based, discord fags piss me off really bad
Thank you op. Just sold 100k stinkers
>you think ethereum is also worthless
Yes. Ethereum is a piece of shit.
this is the first FUD thats actually getting to me
Then you dont understand shit and should sell your 1k stack
what really makes me laugh is they probably think they are making a substantial difference to this market lmao
then you're retarded. send your link to the contract address and be done with it.
But not cause of the possibility to deploy private blockchains
its not fud it's fact, you should listen to your fellow (more deluded) bagholder
and dump unless you wanna see your shittoken bleed for perpetuity
its not even fud. People tried to use walled gardens too. Public chains are the future.
Can anyone smart debunk this? This seems like legit fud
any blockchain can do that retard is that supposed to be impressive?
It's literally been proven 100% without doubt that they have zero effect on the market. Their "magnum opus" of FUD, a fake website, got categorically BTFO when Chainlink mooned through the entire period they were fudding.
But when you're an egotist you never let anything like concrete, incontrovertible evidence get in the way, so you just keep up with the same "market manipulation" pretending you're some gran puppetmaster when in reality you're a bunch of teenage poorfag retards in a chatroom who get categorically BTFO every time they try another "campaign" on Jow Forums.
bagholders coping lol
your LINK token is worth shit now
Why is link crashing
It can’t be because of this 0.5/10 fud
I've been trying to tell this board this for weeks. I really thought you all were playing dumb, but it's stunning this comes as news to a lot of people.
there are no autists or technical people left on Jow Forums. it's just a bunch of normalfags circlejerking now.
You mongoloid you just said eth is a piece of shit. Im just saying its not because you can deploy a private one, because that is irrelevant.
>why use the internet when we can all set up our own intranets?
This applies to Ethereum as well.
It's already been debunked, chainlink nodes on a permissioned blockchain can't stake any link to use as collateral, meaning any contracts worth a damn won't be collateralized. This is fine if everyone knows each other, however most people going into contractual agreements don't know each other and would have to use a public network to A) contract with each other and B) be secured against bad actors.
>ETH isnt a piece of shit because of one of its features, its a piece of shit because of every other feature
OK dickweed great point
What if contracts are being used on Microsoft Corda or Hyperledger? Surely most people will trust MS and IBM
Close your eyes, try to clear any thoughts you are having
Take long, slow, deep breathes and put all your focus and attention onto your breathing
iiiiiiiinnnn.................... ooooooooooooouuuut
good. Do this for a few minutes, then -
VISUALIZE yourself becoming rich through your LINK investment
ANTICIPATE the things you will buy with your new found abundance of wealth
IMAGINE as though it is all happening now in the present moment, for the present moment is all that truly exists
FEEL the way you will FEEL when that moment comes and you make it!
Now open your eyes, look in a mirror, and recite these affirmations (use/add your own that is relevant to the reality you want to create once you make it)
It's important to do this when you wake up and before you go to bed, but do it as often as possible. Also hold the image and idea of us making it and LINK being worth $1,000 or more in your mind as you fall to sleep.
I love you all
You fucking mongoloid it was you that said it was shit.
It's because I bought in
And? What is your fucking point you grade A brainlet? It is fucking shit.
Listen u absolute brainlets, dont let this fud get to you, they need people running nodes, else this shit wont work, we will get paid... calm ur fucking tits.
Why give up the option to have your contract collateralized though? You could lose fucking everything.
what was the fake website?
Oh and you guys know what to do, upvote this fud to plebbit.
LMFAO i cant believe anyone fell for this blatant shill campaign p&d that is chainlink. Its like none of you fags even remember when DGB was being shilled to absolute hell on here. Fucking newfags. Rule #1 on Jow Forums never throw in even a cent into whats being shilled the hardest on /on here
this is a legit concern... you nerds on here too dumb to understand
Fuck fuck fuck
I see your point, but I have a feeling that most enterprise grade smart contracts will run on MS and Hyperledger...limiting the use case of link tokens.
>people use Discord to sow discord
Who woulda thunk it.
Wow. I guess lawyers are useless to since people can just make contracts between their friends.
Absolutely rekt
Stinks who actually look into the problems with Link on suicide watch.
You know every coin sounds God tier and perfect when you are deluded and only read what they 'want' to happen in the meme paper.
But when you are open to reality it's a diff story
>they think everything in stinks white paper is gonna be pulled off by a 2 man team whose ceo is a philosophy major at corporate mc Donald's
*breathes in*
Please tell me how many current businesses are you aware of where the customer and the business "trust" each other or business to business "trust" each other that they will act objectively and fairly, unquestionably, at all times. It's zero. Money is spent everyday to fill the trust gap between parties. Chainlink replaces that "trust filler" at a lower price.
Please sell, so i can buy lower. Thanks.
Sounds great genius
How far are they in actually accomplishing their protocol where every type of information can be fit in and used on their smart contract.
O yea, it's not happening
Not now , not ever.
This FUD is even more concerning when you realize the real time transactions that would use lots of gas and link tokens would simply be done through private blockchains to avoid long term costs and public blockchains would be done for one-click deals which will be uncommon as fuck
I used to think that, but now I realize they're just shitposting for (You)s.
Also this proves that their whole "collab" with SWIFT is what I've been saying all along. SWIFT just used the chainlink "tech" to build their own oracle. They will be running on a private chain and will NOT be using the LINK erc20 shittoken for anything.
What is the incentive for someone to mine a permission ed block chain? What's the point if there is no decentralization?
Why is no one talking about this?
>Chainlink doesn't have any tech, it's a 0 progress project
>Chainlink tech have been stolen before mass usage
Wow, there is a suprisingly amount of either FUD or FOMO lately in LINK, we are reaching fucking critical mass now
Oh no a big company is going to use Chainlink for their in house oracles.....
Oh nooooo business connections and relationships are being made and when the company decides it needs off-chain data it can then use the Link Token.
Oh nooooo this is awful news.
Woah hold up, guys guys Nick Szabo just retweeted a tweet about himself omg and guess what it was from a chainlink fan account! Haha, take that fudders! Prepare for the moon to $0.36! That's right fellow stinkies, $1000 eoy!
>"its over"
>implying it ever started
this was the most obvious scam since the beginning. people that fall for it are deluded
Um why would a company need to use the link token to fetch off chain data?
LINK fud reeks of desperate cries for attention. Let me be pasta! Please let me be pasta! Discord users minds are completely warped by their constant namefagging and little avatar pictures. It makes them desperate for recognition and accolades in a way that means they really struggle to function in an anonymous environment where nobody gives a fuck about them day to day.
8 posts and all complete shit way to go.
Should i be concerned if i didn't understood a single sentence of the message OP posted? I'm a brainlet normie who bought some links just because it was shilled here. Can i have a brainlet quick rundown of what it was about?
So... LINK is not used in blockchain environments where all parties are trusted? Good to know, since these don't exist fucking anywhere that blockchain will be meaningfully implemented. Celebrating this FUD is like saying blockchain as a tech is worthless because... there are a few enclaved networks where all actors know and trust each other?
The whole POINT of blockchain is to create trustless interactions because every realistic environment has bad actors, and any meaningful implementation of Chainlink will operate on these public blockchains that require staked LINK tokens to incentivize accurate reporting of information. Don't worry we will get paid
Oh,by the way,if you think that the next bull run will pump your alt coins like LINK,TRON,XRP that are sitting in the hundreds of millions market cap,prepare to be FUBAR'd
There are tons of blockchains with high potential that sitting under 10M in market cap.Those will be the ones who replace most of the SHIT you see in the top 200
Reasons why Tzero/Overstock use FLO
1.floData is accessible and easy to read. You don't need to decompile a smart contract or have a special software to read it. It's in plaintext on the chain.This helps with auditing and explaining how it works to regulators. Any extra steps are a barrier to adoption.
2.floData is easy to write. It is appended to the blockchain using a simple RPC command. This makes maintaining the software around the solution less costly.
3.FLO is a fairly launched blockchain with no premine or ICO. Again, this helps for practical regulatory reasons, but also is a philosophical choice made by those who maintain the software. It guides the decision making for our software and also allows those implementing it to check off a box they couldn't check using another chain without those features.
4. FLO has open source software built on top of it (OIP) that can be used for building more advanced applications (this is how became a thing).
5. FLO's main use-case is floData, unlike other chains who support complex smart contract languages and operations unrelated to storing data. Sometimes it's best to use a tool that's meant to perform best at a single job rather than bringing around a Swiss army knife and using it for only 1 of its functions.
Look for free and fairly launched coins.They go to BINANCE.
Follow @cz_binance. Retweet.
Back to listing. Ravencoin, no ICO, community project, humble people, no listing fee.
Check out the binance description page for FLO.Look how similar it is to RVN
>OP regurgitated latest FUD
>proceeded to stroke his little penis with each (You) he received
>any meaningful implementation of Chainlink will operate on these public blockchains that require staked LINK tokens
Lets pray to kek this newest fud takes link back to $0.10 so I can accumulate more.
>taking this seriously
the question comes from someone who literally has the name 'brainlet'
>implying these laughing roasties know anything but Tyrone's cock
Because that's what it costs, dummy
ok but that it was about?
I guess it must be legit since no one here tried to disprove the content.
It's about a limitation in the way of how CL can be used?
Will it provoke more dump or it wont have any consequences?
>le I can't refute anons post so I'll just repeat what he said in greentext and post 4 laughing roasties
>*breathes in*
*breathes out*
No, not on a private chain, dummy. They don’t need to use a public chain to retrieve off chain data, dummy.. which means they don’t use the LINK token, dummy.
"[Not getting paid for operating a node or having to stake link] is useful in an environment where all parties are known and there no transaction fees, which is exactly what a permissioned blockchain is."
The whole point of chainlink and blockchain is that these enclosed, trusted systems are rare and we will want trustless smart contracts in settings where we don't necessarily trust the other parties involved. I believe the overwhelming majority of Oracles will be entities not owned by or trusted by a requester of information such that they won't be paid... or have to stake LINK.
Kek. This new FUD.
>what is decentralization
You're retarded mate you don't understand how private chains work and why the oracle problem exists.
The company can't reach public blockchain data without using the token.
Good job though you probably made some mouth breather sell his 1 k stack.
>what is decentralization
i don't have any idea. All i want to know is when i'll get rich thanks to my links as i was promised here. I don't give a shart to know if it's the future of humanity or a ponzi scam, as long as it get pumped.
All i know about this shitcoin is sergey love bigmacs and wear a blue-check shirt. And that i bought it for 0.50$.
>Goy ID
NPC kike golem plebbit namefag confirmed
>4 posts by this ID
L*nkies truly are (mentally) underage cultmembers who can’t handle genuine criticism without shitting their pants
>private or permissioned blockchains do not use public tokens to function
Steve’s words. A company using a private chain doesn’t need to use public blockchain data retard. There is no incentive for them to use the LINK token. They can get off chain data on their private chains with their own oracle.
>genuine criticism
The only genuine thing about you is that you are a genuine retard
Reminder that blockchain tech is not just a meme, but that companies also aren’t fucking stupid.
apparently you didnt read my previous message where i say i don"t have any idea about what link does nor know shit about cryptoshits, all i want is to become rich, and i wanted to know if this fud will compromise my lambo acquisition.
Please explain me what is happening with this shitcoin fren, should i be worried for my stacks?
Well that's not happening you broke faggot. YOU'VE HAD AN ENTIRE FUCKING YEAR.
You're brain-dead obviously they don't need to use public data if they don't like BUT if they do need public data they HAVE to use the Link Token you gimp.
and here we have genuine butthurt
shut the fuck up loser nobody cares
thanks just sold 100k
>if they need to
Yeah, like literally never.
i do care you stupid goy
Your lunchmoney is safe.
It will be necessary to achieve proper decentralization and offer collateral. LINK $820 EOY
I regret egging anons on to ask Thomas that question today. Jesus I didn't realize this would come as devastating news. People have been trying to tell you this Kaleido announced chainlink was on their marketplace.
Fucking christ stick to your lane mouth-breather.
Some of us have experience with big data and there will be tonnes of need for offchain data its literally a trillion dollar market you goon.
I'm not replying to single celled ameoba's like you anymore and for anyone reading this ready to sell.
Don't you will regret it.
checked. sold another 777 LINK. biz BTFO again.
People taking this FUD seriously are not thinking big picture. Who will use the permissioned networks? Big companies? Centralized services? The very entities that blockchain seeks to make obsolete? Imagine the fucking overhead required to basically owning and managing your own stable of oracles such that all actors in your network are "trusted." Owning and maintaining equipment, buildings, salaries, benefits. Will it really be cheaper and more nimble than paying into a public marketplace for oracles, as needed?
The entire point of blockchain is to create a peer to peer economy of services with low cost for trust. Imagine the possibilities of being able to manage a small or personal company or service that can selectively pay for trusted oracle information... again, as needed. Use your imagination and think beyond where you currently picture big money is found/concentrated. This tech is going to allow individuals and communities to organize services and movement of money without--- dare i say--- the sorts of mega-powerful, trusted, centralized entities that traditionally fill that role.
Guess what, they don’t give a flying fuck about “decentralization”. I’m sorry you fell for the socialist meme.
nice, thanks fren
You have experience with big dicks you flaming faggot. Enjoy your painful ass bleed to $0.00.
Look out giga iq's about.
Nice strawman lad just remember me when Link hits 100 $ and im on my Yacht.