Clean your room

Clean your room.

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wash your penis, goy

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He has a maid

Literally listening to him on Rogan right now. I've been into his stuff since November of 2016, before he became popular. Most of his new fans as well as his detractors don't really understand his message or views.



>imagine actually being an antisemite
The jews did nothing wrong.

Who said anything anti semetic you paranoid deranged mental

Literally nothing he's ever said would indicate otherwise.

You're implying that he is secretly a communist and you're also calling him a jew. Implying a connection between being Jewish, lying to people and being a communist.


He is a communist. I did not imply or infer he is a Jew you paranoid spastic. You drew your own conclusions due to your insane illogical subhuman thought patterns.

>He is a communist
What an outrageous and baseless claim.

Given you're insane I won't have to debate you on your point. I hope you get help, and get off this board.

If you lurk this board you are a speculator hoping to get rich with pump and dump schemes. You are in no position to bitch about the jews, because we all want to be the jews.

>for equal opportunity
>militantly against equality of outcome
>despises marx
>when talking about evil mentions the soviet union and communism more often then nazi germany
>a proud capitalist
>making a shitload of money
>mildly conservative
>anti hedonism

How does that spell communist to you?

>calls other people insane
>can't tell two IDs with different colors apart from one another.

Just listen and agree goy

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Well they are.

Get help.

Do you seriously want people to believe cultural marxism wouldn't have marxists who profess to hate marx, so long as they can encourage people to do and behave in a way that leads to marxism?

You're utterly retarded. Pay me to tell you that. And clean your dick. I'll be your father simulator now and fuck your mother until you love me.


What does Peterson encourage people to do that would lead to Marxism?

Peterson hates cultural marxism. He just called is neo-marxism and blames Foucault instead of the Frankfurt school. You are not familiar with his views at all.

Individualise. Weaken.

>The wolf in sheeps clothing said he hates wolves!!!

You're literally a tier 1 thinker. I bet you can make a really good mcchicken if someone supervises you for a week.

educate yourselves.

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You are not as smart as you think you are.

Individualism is the opposite of Marxism, which is intrinsically collectivist. Go read Ayn Rand.

clean it, indeed

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> whites should not participate in identity politics
> current whites didn't build white civilization, so they shouldn't be proud of it.

Listen you fucking idiot I won't reply to you anymore because you're a commie too but for anyone else reading this:

Individualism weakens the collective and that weakness allows the march to marxism to become a run to ruin.

Prioritizing your moral character and own life before criticizing others is not individualism.
And regardless of that, individualism is the polar opposite of marxism. Read a book you fucking nigger.

It's more like you should be proud of your own accomplishments ABOVE your ancestors. History and race are important ,but latching onto it in order to feel like you've accomplished something when you haven't is pathetic.

hes talking live now

>current whites didn't build white civilization, so they shouldn't be proud of it.
He never said that you shouldn't be proud of your heritage.

> whites should not participate in identity politics
No one should participate in identity politics. Not white, not blacks, not jews. No one. That's his view. Get lost, alt-kike. You are an embarrassment for your race.

Your only goal is to build a system that collapses as soon as the man at the center inevitably fucks up. Go back to stormchan, or ideally just kill yourself.

>Your only goal is to build a system that collapses as soon as the man at the center inevitably fucks up.

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Foucault was a genius whose ideas were directly implemented by Steve Bannon to make Trump win.
Foucault's core argument is that history is constructed. Thus contradicts Marx who believed history was material. Marx was wrong which is why communism failed. The communists thought that constructing a material system would force society to conform to their utopia. The opposite happened.

Throughout the Trump campaign, Trump and friends rejected the "official" and "authoritative" histories (which were materialist aka Marxist) for populist views that put the American people's thoughts and interpretations in front. Trump is Foucault applied. Peterson is a faggot.

Don't believe me? Read madness and civilization for yourself, its on libgen. You will immediately see the connection between Trumps presidency and the theory of Foucault.

I’m just here for the memes Schlomo

Cleaned it a month ago for the first time all year and it is now the same pigsty ughh