Please come back

Attached: a.jpg (396x756, 50K)


Literally who?

He killed himself
You have to go back

I know who astro is you fucking cunt faggot

I bet that faggot pussy od on shitty ass heroin

Why did you ask who he was then?

Attached: download.jpg (229x220, 6K)

What makes you think that?

Autism is strong with you. Faggot

You post like gastro, I bet you're him

i-is it really you?

simulposts confirm Astro back from the dead

hey fag, hows ur bitch pedo doing? she get fired or arrested yet?

Attached: ruta3.jpg (1080x1606, 329K)

What the fuck . I'm not that cunt

Biz is a better place without him

agreed, the world would be a better place without him

He's dead anyway retatd


Attached: real faggot 096.jpg (540x540, 126K)

That vein tho

Why do you want him back!!!?

his presence is a bullish indicator for link