I have thousands of ideas and inventions

I have thousands of ideas and inventions.

Can anybody invest?

Attached: gary.jpg (225x225, 8K)


Hi, I'm a crypto currency investor. I have over 6 months of experience. How can I be of service?

Business plan + angel investors.

Angel investors can be found by going to a site that provides such services.

ive never heard of this before

whats a non BS website for this?

I dont want this because its a corporation. I want a personal partnership

Don't know where you live, but Google and you'll find plenty of results.

Angel investors can mean many things, the format for investment isn't set in stone.

Local investors seem a good issue. I've mastered several trades and frankly have no idea which to go for. But I'm definitely leaning toward one.

Make a proof of concept or fuck off

If you have a really good idea, people would be fighting each other to give you their money.

Good luck user.

a proof of concept of thousands of ideas? a little too broad, even though you suck it

how do i reach multiple people?

Depends. What’s your best idea?

I think you need to do some reading on business related topics first user. Not trying to be a dick, but you seem to not know some of the very basics, which won't help your case if you're trying to attract investment.

If you look up sites for angel investors, you'll be able to reach multiple very wealthy investors. How it works is you pitch your idea to the site, the site pitches it to investors and if they like it, you get paid. That's simplifying things, but essentially that's how it works.

Ill be vague. Lets take it step by step.
1. ***TOP SECRET*** no not scraping my first best to you
2 Jewelry line (and then storefronts)
3 Restaurateur (easy 5 star chef, this is my best talent other than architecture, which applies to jewelry making.
4 Home developer --- profit, profit, profit. easy money bb

Oh i understand whats happening and who they are. And i suppose Ill give it a shot. How long b4 people typically get back to you? Before I make my decision.

Depends on how good your idea is. Supply/demand basically. If your idea seems well thought out and having potential to be very profitable, you'll have responses pretty quick I'd imagine.

Im also really giddy and excited about all my ideas, user. What excites you on my list?

Most likely the top secret idea. The other three are pretty basic except for number 3 if you're capable of coming up with a unique idea for a restaurant (creating an experience basically, not just serving food because you know how to cook).

Ideas are a dime a dozen. Pick the best and roll with it.

People will not just give you money for a good idea. Even if it’s bare bones, you need to have SOMETHING to show that you might even possibly be able to make it a reality. Only then will people “invest” in you. Good luck user we believe in you

Oh i can. I wouldnt call the 2nd bad its a pretty unused look i have in mind. My restaurant? We can plan the schema according to the type of food (i know many). Just off the top of my head, a dark amazonian rainforest cafe.

If you're a good chef like you say, the restaurateur route is a really good option if you can pull off the atmosphere.

Jewellery would work I guess if you know your market. Very profitable industry too.

lol, literally every rando thinks about opening a restaurant, or a jewelery store, or going into real estate. u sound like a massive retard overestimating their own intelligence

i said a jewelry line. were you even listening?

also real estate is inaccurate. more like developer

also its funny you have mentioned intelligence. I do have original inventions