Time in the market beats timing the market

Time in the market beats timing the market

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reeeeeee why didnt he stop at 165?

because the architect had a grand vision

This sentence probably fueled the bubble and lost so many newfag investors a shitton of money. Me included.

Anybody have Sergey timeline with pounds?

Something like... 289...315...344...391...426...to be continued

Because he is a brap man.

playing the long game

Men at 75 look like Sean Connery
Women at 75 look like Sean Connery

253 pic is ideal
mommy thicc
261 is clearly blob mode though, too far

>whales accumulating
More like accumulating whales, amirite?

I don't think the numbers for 4th and 5th pics are right, they are probably more 215-220ish, but the final number is probably close. we must simply trust that the architect knows what he is doing

Well done

you're supposed to do both

Underrated post. Thanks for the laugh, user.

seriously why do females do this? I experienced the exact same thing... when me and my ex became a thing, she went from slim to fatass within 2 years - eventually i just couldnt even get a stiffy anymore and things... deteriorated. We're not together anymore.

>seriously why do females do this?
it's actually a good sign, it means they are happy in the relationship and not looking around for a chad. if they stay skinny it means you're getting cucked.


you're not sergey


cost averaging on a set schedule beats timing the market in the long run for the average person.

of course there are rare anomalies where people get rich off shorting at the right time. but most people get rich cost averaging. also saving and investing more in a bear market if possible increases the chances of becoming richer faster

If she doesn't care about her looks while in a relationship, you're betabux wuss she settled for.

>for the average person
How is this defined or measured? Was there a 30 year longitudinal study of at least 1,000 traders who only timed the market and another concurrent control sample who only cost averaged? How is the skill of the timers' timing taken into account? Were they all timing on the same strategy? I doubt your claim is backed up by any meaningful data.

Even if you had such a study, an individual trader trying to time the market has no reason to give a shit about the results unless his judgement on what time is the right time is substantially the same as the sample average from the study. Good luck with that.

Hello there, fat roastie.



Brosnan is a feeder you newfags, educate youselves

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>you will NEVER be this happy

Is this what it looks like to truly make it?

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>Dem teeth
He hasn't made it

Look at my work, ye mighty, and despair!!


you now what beat that? Doing both faggot

That sentence applies to US equities with high diversification, not cryptocurrency, all of which was high risk and experimental. You had to have a different approach with crypto.

yfw you will never know the feel of a real Irishman making it in America.

Are women with warm brown eyes simply superior?

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I bet he pierces her every night.

are Asian women allowed in the ethnostate?

His first wife died of some wasting disease that made her nothing but skin and bones when she died so with his new woman, due to the trauma, wants her to fatten up. Look it up

Their own ethnostate, sure

Look how happy he is.

last pic looks like he's laughing at how fat she's become, while giving zero fucks

good lord
you're not even allowed in the ethnostate

He is an actor you know

notice how he becomes linearly happier the more weight she gained

not a very good one mind


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i am sorry, but y user?

because it'll be too easy to come up with an arbitrary rule that will probably exclude you

This, she looked hot af at 165

Gross. Imagine being such a beta loser you have to convince yourself that a woman over 150lbs is attractive.

She looks more and more terrified as time progresses. He looks absent in most of those photos, thinking that he enjoys her discomfort at being fat in public.

Last night I James Bond burgered your sister? Am I too autistic to figure this out?

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She was a fat slob on the inside the whole time and only stayed skinny long enough to trap a beta provider.

It looks like he's getting happier as his asset appreciates

I've seen some attractive women over 150lb but they were both giants, one was 6'7 and the other was 6'9".

He's absolutely based for this. I have the same taste in women, i.e. pretty women + weight is unimportant.

absolutely BASED

Hope you noticed this shitlord did this on purpose and is having keks out of overfeeding that bitch like a cattle. See the last pic.

>lehman brothers stop ur path

No shit obviously but if a stock survives it will eventually pump ubless it doesn but diversifying will stop this but whk cares about getting rich after 60 years

Ur all quick to say this until ur holding for 50 uears before u experience a moon n them soon zoomer buys literally before a bull market n makes just as much as u in 1/100 of a time

This thread isnt actually about dollar cost averaging you fucking sperg it's about fat bitches


It's an old meme, but it checks out

bump for based brosnan

253 imagine all that woman flesh in your bed you could squeeze it forever.

Does she have a loicense to carry all that fat around?


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he's irish, honey. you have to factor that into the teeth

this is a good thread.
what is the next number in the sequence, Jow Forums?

40 pounds

oi my best friend was killed in a drive-by whisking

Deep down they were a fatty all along. They stayed skinny long enough to get a guy

his eyes are dead

>This sentence probably fueled the bubble and lost so many newfag investors a shitton of money. Me included.
Uhh who do you think were the ones panic selling that caused the bubble pop?

Jesus really shows you how little aging affects men compared to women.

my ex-wife at her heaviest was 260, it was pretty amazing in bed, always something to squeeze and it felt like riding a waterbed

>if only you knew
>save me

it's not wise to doubt the architect, he is a man of vision, wisdom, skill, and grace. believe me, he is immensely satisfied with the progress of his great and voluptuous work. a mere pleb would never understand the true bliss that brosnan has with every ounce of fat he can craft to her body

what in the FUCK

literally why bother

Attached: pierce-brosnan-cassandra-harris-4574b079-40e9-4477-af83-9d504aa617a3.jpg (2092x2096, 2.03M)

OI! U got ai loisence fou dar whiisk derr?!

It was mostly getting fat though. Or at least it's hard to judge independently of the weight gain.

Wtf why not divorce her?


>Attractive healthy woman signals her fertility to attract high-status mate
>pumps out kids and settles down to become home-keeping happy fat wife
>sacrifices her own attractiveness to demonstrate devotion to her spouse and children
Honestly the only problem here is she only had 2 kids. Otherwise absolutely perfect brood sow material
Then again i am mostly homo attracted so much more interested in potential wives as a means of reproduction

Was more talking about Pierce
and the first 4 photos he barely looks like he aged at all until the grey hair.

spoiler: he's a feeder

> implying this a regular market